المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : General topics in C++ - Cplusplus

الصفحات : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [11] 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

  1. Pasting into Excel rich content
  2. SSL Delay
  3. [mfc] making a game trainer
  4. a question about namespace
  5. Resource Leak [modified]
  6. How to rotate and scale a bitmap using GDI+ ?
  7. How to rotate and scale a bitmap using GDI+ ?
  8. What happened to search issue of the forum?
  9. Array bound checking in C++
  10. not MS-DOS & FAT 32
  11. OS Dev for Vietnam
  12. Where do I declare variables without them being Global Variable.
  13. Editbox to Listbox
  14. [mfc] making a game trainer [modified]
  15. How can made safer application that is not detect by antivirus?
  16. C++ vs. C#
  17. icstring and VS2008 - warning
  18. Unhandled exception occur ant points at afxcoll.inl line 306.
  19. Exact type of HGDIOBJ (pen, brush, font, etc.)
  20. how use CDialog in Win32 API?
  21. cannot get program to work can someone tell me what I am doing wrong
  22. Write to and read from file C
  23. CDialog OnCreate vs OnInitDialog
  24. i have an idea of doing c++ editor for my final year project ?? is it worth can i proceed??
  25. OnDraw vs OnPaint
  26. how to give "transaction effect" in case of jpg,gif and so on.
  27. MFC Application class
  28. DDX_CONTROL Stack Overflow
  29. 0xC015000F: The activation context being deactivated is not the most recently activated one.
  30. how to fetch excel data
  31. Tab order does not work properly in MFC Screen.
  32. Writing data to Database from Pure C++
  33. Tab order does not work properly in MFC Screen.
  34. Which way should I save image from browser
  35. UDP connection -> outgoing port trouble (still)
  36. Sobel - edge detection
  37. Which way should I select when save image from browser
  38. Non Ovelapped Serial I/O
  39. UINT ThreadProc ( LPVOID param )
  40. I need help with my code
  41. SetProxy function throwing exception
  42. Failing Debug vs Working Release ?
  43. Tabbing stop when focus go to Cancel button in MFC Screen
  44. performance counter issue
  45. Problem in Displaying Simplified Chinese.
  46. how can change MDSN font size?
  47. Read function is not working properly..
  48. Any algorithm for Text Edit for Limited Text Display
  49. First Time Visual C++ User - Compiler Problems
  50. Facing problem while file reading
  51. Is it a GDI+ flaw? or I am missing something?
  52. Byte Swapping Big End to Little End
  53. CHtmlView and IE version
  54. HELP: I don't know why my pointer changing shapes not consistant?
  55. How to display a memory HTML file on dialog?
  56. How to create a payload
  57. editbox to listbox problem...
  58. C++ dll VS 2008
  59. How to develop a game like Zuma?I really need some source files to learn!
  60. Unicode restriction
  61. Default constructors...
  62. Time Priority In LCC win32
  63. Come in please, which VC do you like?
  64. Is self-defined OS version safe?
  65. Unicode - Excel document
  66. Sending keystrokes to other *non-focus* application
  67. IWMPPlayer in WMP plugin
  68. What is command routing in VC++ ?
  69. how to images from a group in MFC
  70. Size of Dialog at run time
  71. How to write a client on XMLRPC in C++ for Windows platform ?
  72. memory could not be written
  73. outlook in plain C++
  74. Automating application for multiple version of word
  75. assignment operator
  76. COM port CreateFile -> Close Handle Works great, unless the USB device is unplugged, then it can not be reopened without restarted computer
  77. convert wchar* to byte*
  78. Heavy Duty Client/Server Application
  79. A little further
  80. How to compare a string output to a map where keys are also the same strings?
  81. Copying only a sinlge dialog box from one application to other application
  82. Problem with CComboBox::GetItemDataPtr
  83. Simplification of code
  84. how to convert comma delimited string to unsigned char[]
  85. Codepage 936
  86. Detecting the state of the Caps Lock key
  87. Auto build increment with C++?
  88. ping ..
  89. Dll
  90. Outlook
  91. WriteAllBytes.....
  92. avi cap wrapper frame grabber
  93. Hello question about hooking function by using irregualar jumps like ret/push
  94. CObject..
  95. _MailItemPtr
  96. memcpy and buffer concatenation
  97. Converting ANSI to UNICODE
  98. Can we change the path of dlls in target directory?
  99. wcstombs is not working
  100. disabling finish button on property sheet wizard
  101. Compiler error when defining enum for registry
  102. The new Office2007 Ribbonbar - Are there pushlike checkboxes for it?
  103. View with Larger Dimension
  104. New Project
  105. Writing on Document form Dialog in SDI
  106. 0xC0000417 exception params
  107. error connecrting sybase using ex_connect from a vc++ dll
  108. Troubles with OpenMp basics
  109. Cause of "Failed to create empty document"
  110. using the mouse programmatically
  111. (NULL == p) vs (p == NULL)
  112. C++
  113. SendInput() and MOUSEINPUT Problems
  114. Ticks per millisecond
  115. query foxprodata base
  116. patching operation code known as opcodes
  117. CTreeCtrl
  118. No effect after sending EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR to windowless RichEdit Control.
  119. Unicode support in CEdit
  120. How to check internet Connectivity.
  121. GetDesktopWindow() and Window Hooks
  122. Read MySQL Table
  123. Repeated Question- How to upload a Large Bitmap (1600*1600 Pixel)
  124. Crypto API Chain of Trust
  125. how to disconnect from internet?
  126. Print Preview on Main frame in MDI Application
  127. pointer
  128. CAsynSocket CWinthread Question
  129. time and space complexity?
  130. Using a map with an class inherited from pair.
  131. after calling GetCurrentBuffer(&lBufferSize,NULL), lBufferSize is minus value.
  132. Can CSocket be used in this way?
  133. writing Bitmap data as Binary Into XML file
  134. Reading Simplified Chinese String.
  135. CMFCRibbonEdit - how to capture event when user edits it and presses enter?
  136. Reading Simplified Chinese String. [modified]
  137. Help with custom message broadcasting(Inter process communication)
  138. how to create a file shared among all users
  139. CMapStringToOb works slow
  140. How to Place a Different Caption in the AfxMessageBox(,) MFC messagebox
  141. SendInput API is a mess indeed
  142. pointer
  143. TVN_SELCHANGED double access
  144. stack,graphics
  145. C++ question
  146. Changing DefaultSecurity Settings on a New Folder.
  147. some confuse about compatible DC and compatible Bitmap
  148. Problem with use of Mutex and System Tray Icon Together.
  149. Virtual Driver Development
  150. disply
  151. Right Data in traditional Chinese but not in Simplified chines.
  152. help with code from C# to C++/CLI
  153. Read Text File line be line....
  154. Status bar, owner-draw theme background?
  155. Disable esc key exit for MFC Application
  156. Execution Speed of C++ in different circumstances!!!! [modified]
  157. Z-trening online judge
  158. Multiple ******** installation (setup)
  159. Problem with use of Mutex and System Tray Icon Together.
  160. where to get information about shell in registry and files.
  161. VC++ 6.0 adding a function with struct variable gives an error in .CPP file.
  162. Need help writing a few basic c programs to get through a college course...PAYING OUT THE NOSE!!!
  163. How to change BSTR in Visual Basic as VC++?
  164. I want to display a Bitmap on the splitter
  165. text and line and bitmap using in SDI document
  166. Windows ThumbNail
  167. Code Integration Problem (Need your help experts).
  168. Code Integration Problem (Need your help experts).
  169. How to build .mc file
  170. Message Hook in OCX causes IME issue
  171. CEditBox Validation
  172. Timestamp of RTP header?
  173. E_NOINTERFACE returned while using SHEmptyRecycleBin
  174. error C2520: conversion from unsigned __int64 to double not implemented, use signed __int64
  175. Can I destory other thread's child window?
  176. Internal buffer of file
  177. Wait Until Event Occurs
  178. SHGetFolderPath returns E_FAIL for CSIDL_BITBUCKET
  179. Iostream processing\flags question
  180. Translate Logical Drive to Physical Drive
  181. LNK errors while using an "extern "C"" function
  182. Return value from a funtion
  183. #define problem
  184. How can I manage the disk space like manage the memory with C++
  185. Debug a Com DLL
  186. ini file
  187. How can use Find Operation in CListCtrl?
  188. Help about MSCOMM in VC++.NET 2003
  189. want ur help
  190. Help about MSCOMM in VC++.NET 2003
  191. TiltleBar
  192. combobox
  193. convert TCHAR[] to BYTE*
  194. SystemWideSetting
  195. OnClose function problem
  196. Fortran 77 compiler on windows
  197. Hide the appliation on startup without flickering
  198. Resize MainFrame to fit Child Frame
  199. Audio Visualization
  200. Using a 3rd Party Library
  202. Return value of a MFC Dialog Box Applicatin..
  203. delete [] problem, and extra char(s) showing up in substring?
  204. How to set a PDF fields?
  205. Read 1000 Lines from text file in a single shot ........
  206. compile error on this open printer statement
  207. iContextMenu on x64, inside CFileDialog
  208. Determining if CListCtrl is in EditMode
  209. c implementation vs java implementation of bzip2
  210. converting WCHAR[] to BYTE[]
  211. Static Compilation in .net project/ Dependancy of EXE file over Visual Studio Installation
  212. Titlebar
  213. the way to use a DLL in Visual C++.
  214. load mp3 and seek by samples
  215. Maximum option to find a string/substring ,or compare option.
  216. Virtual Serial Port Question
  217. how to display the IplImage into Picture control box.
  218. Examining a Message Queue
  219. Thread
  220. CWebBrowser - OnWindowClosingBrowser Method..
  221. Displaying of icons in list control at wrong coordinates
  222. Question on strict-aliasing
  223. Installing a driver and Registry settings!!
  224. How get the CPU information ?
  225. CSocket Problem on Windows Mobile with WLAN
  226. Doubleclick on MDI Frame
  227. CAsyncSocket::Close Crashes
  228. C++ library for Three Dimensional data visualisation
  229. FILETIME, is the unit correct?
  230. High performance timer for console applications
  231. Data transfer between serial port and USB port in single PC
  232. Fastest way to copy memory
  233. Is it possible to send user data in CSocket::Connect
  234. CSocket: using thread or not?
  235. serial port programming in windows using VC++ 2008
  236. Unix to WIndows Message
  237. How to list all installed programs of my windows?
  238. check whether new picture upload in the folder
  239. Cant stop Timer ( code attached )
  240. How i can insert image on Bitmap
  241. how to display many picture in 1 dialog
  242. ComboBox
  243. flowing strings on BMP image of SDI View window?
  244. Capture inactive desktop in windows
  245. Random Name Generator
  246. Strange runtime behavior without breakpoint
  247. CFileDialog::HideControl() broken
  248. Sequencing or queuing parallel process
  249. Sequencing or queuing parallel process [modified]
  250. Word automation question