المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : General topics in C++ - Cplusplus

الصفحات : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 [12] 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

  1. Static pointer
  2. rand() causing unresolved external symbol
  3. How to log visited URLs
  4. MSI installation: problem when Norton Antivirus is active
  5. Calling a COM interface from a worker thread
  6. Can I control MyApp browser extension button order in "Internet Explorer" default toolbar after installation?
  7. Intercept a WM message into a C++ class
  8. SMTP: all are not working?
  9. Grab Key board focus
  10. Non-blocking COM method calls
  11. Can I use select instead Sleep?
  12. Combobox..
  13. How to dynamically load values in String table
  14. Union, Help me this code!!
  15. NTLM authentication and Wininet.dll dependency
  16. DLL Hell ?
  17. Universal font
  18. Set TitleBAr
  19. How to get tool tip text of another application.
  20. Logger! "hijacking" interface!
  21. TVINSERTSTRUCT - how to get the "item" memeber in CTreeCtrl?
  22. VC7 to VC8 migration
  23. GCC & bitmap.c__
  24. GCC & vga,bitmap.c
  25. Ask for help ___the errors in my projects to show non-model dialog in dll
  26. Extending combo box.
  27. decompress gzip file using zlib lib
  28. Hello How Can I Use C++ read/write data with PLC
  29. Extending combo box. [modified]
  30. Writing a Screensaver
  31. I need a drag-drop contrl - vertically inside parent window
  32. How to open network addaptor Status dialog programatically.
  33. How to add a new column of the open file dialog which in the detail mode?
  34. What is the C++ syntax for c# "typeof(string)"?
  35. Visual C++ 2008 runtime!
  36. How to double click desktop icon programatically?
  37. How to print an a 4x4 array in clockwise direction
  38. Mouse as an erasing tool
  39. Print and Print Preview and relation with document view
  40. Error 1008 while using CoCreateInstance
  41. How to cause a CPropertySheet to show a particular page ..
  42. ? How get video card memory size ? ?
  43. Use a map as a source of data
  44. Lists
  45. How to cause a CPropertySheet to show a particular page .. [SOLVED]
  46. CDateTimeCtrl in MFC - How to Use?
  47. CDateTimeCtrl in MFC - How to Use?
  48. Change CFrameWnd background color
  49. draw Visualization in custom directshow mp3 player
  50. Are you looking for electronic OEM business in China?
  51. Hdc
  52. DialogBox
  53. probelm while enter the values it is not visible while entering but i got the output
  54. Getting hidden memory start address
  55. View a URL that has a proxy
  56. Excel Class
  57. One class properties in another DLL
  58. Why can't 2 or more boost::thread objects represent the same thread? [modified]
  59. CreateFile problem
  60. Best place to call GdiplusStartup in an MFC MDI Application
  61. Good UI to select one of 250+ item ? (proto-answered, but looking for other suggestions)
  62. Hooking a api function using jmp instruction implent
  63. Importing a class from a DLL with a different name
  64. Access to Locigal Drives under Vista
  65. Other option in place of Sleep.
  66. When press enter over ListCtrl OK button click event called.
  67. [D3DM] Memory & textures
  68. [D3DM] Memory & textures [modified]
  69. linkage error
  70. Exchange server news groups on Microsoft
  71. Can u help me to creat a tool that replace all file with an extension by another file
  72. How to show certificate (For HTTPS connections) in WebBrowser Control.
  73. Double click Functionality and registry problem
  74. ProgressBar on Modeless dialog box not working properly.
  75. I want Source code this program
  76. LsaEnumerateLogonSessions error code
  77. StoredProcedure SqlServer
  78. GDI+ ImageAttributes::SetColorMatrix and ColorMatrix scope
  79. How to enumerate remote socket ports
  80. .Net and unmanaged C++ (executing thread & exception handling)
  81. boost bind expression not doing what I expect
  82. Preventing a child window to change its z-order?
  83. for loop pause resume
  84. CStdioFile file size limit
  85. Bulk insertion into SQL Server 2005 using variables.
  86. Detecting memory leak
  87. How to display the gridlines only for row in ClistCtrl?
  88. IPictureDisp to byte array
  89. VS2008 conversion problem with CFileDialog
  90. typedef is not working properly..
  91. VS2008 conversion problem with CFileDialog [modified]
  92. CMFCRibbonProgressBar
  93. Diffrence between LPRECT and RECT. When to use LPRECT and RECT.
  94. paper orientation
  95. who has the C++ code which has realize SNMP++.
  96. a Design and technical issue
  97. unicode problem
  98. unicode
  99. How to store rich edit box contents to a text file
  100. how to use c++ to find prime palindrome
  101. How can i download a full internet page from browser
  102. Update window problem in unicode
  103. MFC - Problem with serialization, previous contents of list is shown when selecting 'new' or 'openfile'
  104. What is the best method for capturing video using Visual C++?
  105. help
  106. Faq in C :
  107. What is the best method for capturing video using Visual C++? [solved]
  108. text pattern matching(wildcard)
  109. >
  110. Configuration Dependent String Table? [modified]
  111. How to display images of my custom filetype in IE
  112. how to build a dialog like vista or windows 7
  113. class instantiation
  114. Timer without CWnd
  115. MFC Dialog-based Document with multiple forms using VC++6
  116. After TerminateThread function is called no lines after that is being called.
  117. communicate between 2 different applications using CORBA
  118. Switching ********s Dynamically?
  119. Opening new document type in existing frame window
  120. Debugging Multiple Threaded App - Throwing Unhandled Exeception
  121. Doxygen help
  122. Default type
  123. SandCastle Help Builder with C++ Dynamic DLL (MFC)
  124. How can i do a unique reference to a function name that appear in two classes ?
  125. ADO Connection String.
  126. Converting CString to int
  127. Retreive Hard Disk Interface Type
  128. Messge "the device is not ready" occur.
  129. URL encoding/decoding function for C++
  130. Multiple Child Dialogs
  131. Getting file pointer (*FILE)
  132. RasSetEntryProperties() function not working properly in vista.
  133. c++ Inheritance Question
  134. VC++ Capture image using PMD Camera
  135. in CListCtrl load images only for subitems
  136. Is it possible to load and use ocx in Vista Session 0?
  137. Can a client socket be bound to an IP address?
  138. in CListCtrl how to load images only for subitems?
  139. Problem with atlcomcli.h assertion failure
  140. Calling C Functions in Inline Assembly MSDN example doesn't work here
  141. Intercepting PlaySound
  142. How to get a Windows Service custom Status? [C++/C#]
  143. How to join two data tables in different database
  144. Creating an object using a reference
  145. HRESULT:0x8007007E
  146. pointer
  147. Function overloading..
  148. insert bitmap on SDI
  149. How to detect illegal memory consuming?
  150. HWND of a control.
  151. HWND of a control. [modified]
  152. Connecting (DirectShow) filter pins causes application to quit.
  153. Posting messages while using multiple threads
  154. Re : Displaying the icons only for subitems in the CListCtrl.
  155. Getting process ID
  156. Tree Control without check box in the root
  157. Keeping a thread idle for a while
  158. Dll
  159. Simple Menus That Display Icons in Win32 API (No MFC)
  160. How to convert a BSTR into a character array
  161. Dialog with custom control won't work with satellite DLL
  162. Advance tolpic in vc6
  163. debugger position does not correspond source code
  164. How can add menu on right click of Tree?
  165. black full-screen snapshot in win vista/7
  166. How to select files in windows shell view
  167. Is there a way to force VisualStudio to launch app to debug in non-admin mode on Vista?
  168. How to get the cursor position?
  169. Directx small question
  170. reading unicode files
  171. How to link to dll using function names rather than ordinals
  172. Outlook Automation
  173. Using dynamic_cast for Clist
  174. CWebBrowser Control - Proxy setting
  175. CDatabase Create Table
  176. Resource leak
  177. Displaying WMF File in GDI+
  178. How to Write some data at a particular Sector
  179. CEdit problem in displaying CR and LF [modified]
  180. Dont update part of dialog window
  181. how to use "LDRLoadDll" to load a dll in DDK?
  182. Reports in VC++
  183. VS2008 C++ Multi-Lingual Support
  184. Connect SQl server database using MFC
  185. I'm trying to understand but it returns a linker error LNK2019 four times
  186. Contribution to Code project
  187. Need a guideline of way to start my new challenge
  188. visual c++ MFC reading access data file
  189. Adding Checkboxes to a list control in every column
  190. OnSize
  191. Lnk1107
  192. dwDesiredAccess in CreateFile API
  193. OnSize [modified]
  194. Date and Time
  195. OnSize [modified]
  196. Load Bitmap from file to doc
  197. byte to int -> bit shifting confusion [modified]
  198. Minimize Mainframe in SDI
  199. Directx
  200. decorated names (VS2008)
  201. How to terminate the secondary thread when the application closed?
  202. After SuspendThread Messagebox not working.
  203. TCP/IP Message Framing and Parsing [modified]
  204. No Word Wrap at CR or LF or CRLF
  205. Function for converting HEX to DEC?
  206. how to solve "returned by wsarecv or wsarecvfrom to indicate the remote party has initiated a graceful shutdown sequence."
  207. Change Wake on lan setting from windows.
  208. how to print the value
  209. use of header file
  210. Limiting Connections from a given IP in MFC
  211. convert an diagonal fraction in an horizontal fraction in rich edit
  212. Setting the item count for a CListBox 'No Data' control
  213. Limit Number of connections from a given IP
  214. How do some viruses act without appearing in task manager?
  215. Function return?
  216. /embedding setting does not work on Vista
  217. Password Program Help Please!!!
  218. How to change background color of button on dialog box in mfc
  219. Reading metadata of files
  220. serious problem with wininet.dll of IE8 ...
  221. _except
  222. Disable title bar click to restore window
  223. Waterfall display
  224. How to do CoCreateInstance without CLSID
  225. How to prevent runtime errors (Rxxxx) from appearing?
  226. Two port communication
  227. Submit a web form: What I'm doing wrong?
  228. How to get the list of programs displayed in Windows firewall "Add program" dialog [modified]
  229. how to get proxy setting of default webbrowser?
  230. OpenFileName Multiselect problem
  231. CoCreateInstance without CLSID
  232. Icon
  233. How to solve Fatel Errors....
  234. How do some viruses run their threads without appareaning in the task manager?
  235. connect to a DB2 database from the VC++
  236. CRegKey and Vista permissions
  237. fix data in virtual listctrl
  238. I have many errors but I don't know why?
  239. Maximize window
  240. Illegal Indirection Error - CertFindChainInStore
  241. raw input only to an application
  242. Using GetThreadContext to get the Program Counter of a thread
  243. Submit a web form: What I'm doing wrong? [modified]
  244. Tracking tooltip double-click problem when using XP manifest (ComCtl32.dl)
  245. Tracking tooltip double-click problem when using XP manifest (ComCtl32.dl) [modified]
  246. SetDIBits and GetDIBits in MFC?
  247. Determine Boot Disk
  248. _controlfp() - function
  249. How to retrieve the all drives in a computer and their size using VC++ Code
  250. DC to Bitmap