المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : General topics in C++ - Cplusplus

الصفحات : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 [13] 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

  1. OleDb Application
  2. While Splitting the String* it throws Error....
  3. AfxDumpStack
  4. Anti virus live update corrupting file mapped shared memory
  5. C/C++ code of Vernam Cipher Algorithm
  6. C/C++ code of Vernam Cipher Algorithm
  7. C/C++ code of Vernam Cipher Algorithm
  8. c++ Factory pattern for large number of different classes.
  9. 2 questions of rich edit
  10. c++ Factory pattern for large number of different classes.
  11. Anti virus live update corrupting file mapped shared memory
  12. How to retrieve the all drives in a computer and their size using VC++ Code
  13. Tracking tooltip double-click problem when using XP manifest (ComCtl32.dl) [modified]
  14. Using GetThreadContext to get the Program Counter of a thread
  15. Make ActiveX have it's own thread
  16. IOCP memory question
  17. What the Message for Update UI on DialogBase App?
  18. Show local html file
  19. What is the maximum value of character of LPCWSTR lpCommandLine, for CeCreateProcess.
  20. Unicode to Hex conversion
  21. Vernam Cipher
  22. Hi Experts
  23. c++ Factory pattern for large number of different classes. (answered)
  24. help
  25. capDriverConnect in two MFC views – how to control the driver connection
  26. copy specified length of array char^ to char* [modified]
  27. Annoying splash screen
  28. FFT: Fast Fourier Transform
  29. Limit File Open in Microsoft Word
  30. Freelancing websites
  31. how can i exit the program entirely?
  32. TO place SetCaretPos at The end of the text
  33. DrawShadowText
  34. CDC::DrawState [modified]
  35. how to make a graphical text editor using c++???
  36. Overcoming problem with std::min, std::max, #define NOMINMAX
  37. Include headers
  38. Project
  39. problem with gsm modem sim300
  40. HELP! COM VB string conversion, Can't convert between BSTR and _bstr_t
  41. How to get the views show order in mfc
  42. Help needed with project in C---wordsquare
  43. Problem in getting child Window handle to another dlu
  44. MailItem.Attachments
  45. Api other then ShellExecute
  46. which module created a specific file?
  47. Using CreatefileMapping for creating a mappingobject for Disks
  48. Shadow
  49. SelectClipRgn
  50. Sibling window paint order
  51. Problem with Visual studio 2008 feature pack's CMFCToolBar - not being displayed
  52. SCardTransmit Returns 0x0000000e.
  53. Inheriting Struct
  54. how to use external function in a dll from c
  55. SDI Application
  56. Question about RichEdit: the style of underline
  57. from Font Name and Font Size ==> TextWidth and Textheight ??
  58. SetLayeredWindowAttributes , set a dialog .
  59. CFrameWnd and CToolBar and tooltips. Should be simple but.. [modified]
  60. Outlook Automation
  61. Can i send Array in command line parameter of CeCreateProcess?
  62. how can i jump from the loop before i exit this program automatically?
  63. Hash Look up Logic
  64. set dialog transparence but control not
  65. SCSI command release mode problem
  66. MSI Migration --- issues
  67. zero termination for BYTE?
  68. PNG's and GDI+
  69. Windows notification packages
  70. How to get the Phoneme/Viseme information in audio file for lipsync?
  71. run-time const
  72. Is the host name returned from gethostname() call same as what is returned by hostname command?
  73. How to accept Enter key in Button control.
  74. How to find that an application is executed from command prompt or by double clicking the application ?
  75. Text coming out in a wrong orientation
  76. Draw button
  77. Detecting complete loading of document in IE
  78. How to get the file size of a very big file which one's size is bigger than 0xFFFE
  79. OnWizardFinish
  80. How to add a button in ClistCtrl?
  81. WindProc function in DLL ?
  82. error to compile
  83. How to detect ERRORS in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
  84. I am a noob in .dll files help me!
  85. CeRemoveDirectory deletes only empty directroy,How can delete directory with existing files?
  86. Slicing std::valarray using references?
  87. Te difference between OnKeyDown and OnKeyUp
  88. MDI framework do not cross over through OnActivateFrame(int nCmdShow) ?
  89. Setting x-microsoftajax:Delta=true header Giving http error "400"
  90. Security Access Functions
  91. char char[] variables help
  92. How to dispatch WM_LBUTTONDOWN message after calling ReleaseCapture()?
  93. How to disable control animation, combobox
  94. Eof
  95. Capture non-client mouse click on sizable window
  96. Program that uses LPT port to communicate with a circuit that programs a cpu!
  97. Exclude From Theming
  98. Scramble game search help
  99. Deleting a File thru .EXE
  100. changing the colour n layout of dialogbox
  101. Wmi
  102. Setting header x-microsoftajax:Delta=true Giving http error "400"
  103. compile error_2
  104. modify a DLL(binary) to call another DLL function/exe or embed a code...I need some concepts clarification
  105. App runs on development machine, not on another machine
  106. use CODBCFieldInfo structure to make sql string of each field
  107. Hard Disk Internal Test
  108. IsAppThemed returns FALSE, should return TRUE
  109. How can i chk the file is readonly or not?
  110. Associating an extension to a MFC application - advanced
  111. Cursor freeze in rich edit control
  112. How to create detailed log.txt file in C programming.
  113. PlaySound(MAKEINTRESOURCE, IDR_WAVE_RANDOM... problem
  114. vector question
  115. Templates... they are nasty!!
  116. button(visible&Enable) but CANNOT be pressed
  117. Updating UI from thread
  118. Problem with reading a file
  119. Find UpDown Control in a dialog box
  120. Question for CCheckListBox.
  121. Crash in GetMessage method of windows.
  122. help needed for PTZ control
  123. Model less dialog
  124. String table
  125. Fetch String table from EXE
  126. any body have codejock skin?
  127. Saving icon to PNG file (GDI+)?
  128. memory leaks
  129. converting if else
  130. Using a static library (.a) build with gcc
  131. converting if else
  132. converting if else ladder
  133. To get the Cursor position
  134. In printer driver, how can I make sure DrvLoadFontFile is called?
  135. A problem, please help.
  136. Zooming image without loosing quality
  137. C++ Get File Size
  138. Getting source code information from exception
  139. How to get number of the "CMDIChildWnd" initialized?
  140. C++ Queue
  141. CListBox
  142. STL map in UNIX
  143. Calling Unmanaged Class From DLL
  144. How to handle breaks during debugging
  145. Label adresses in inline assembly
  146. ODS_HOTLIGHT not work
  147. QuickBooks simple questions
  148. « Precompiled header file error »
  149. is there a way to read message from the local port
  150. The dll of IDB_VIEW_SMALL_COLOR
  151. Activating the PC's speaker using C++ for until I will need to stop - how ? (Beep, thread, and more)...
  152. Modal Dialogs HELP!!!
  153. How Could we make a field or fields of database primary key for that database using Dao Database?
  154. Display Strings
  155. Non Blocking message Box
  156. const TCHAR* to TCHAR*
  157. Terminating Process
  158. How can set focus in Main window in SDI?
  159. Terminating Process [modified]
  160. visual C++ expert...need help!!
  161. How I will write a macro to check............................
  162. How I will write a macro
  163. Client hard disk details
  164. MySQL connection
  165. TrackPopupMenuEx not popup menu on rite cordinates in ListCtrl.
  166. Blinking cursor
  167. byte alignment issue? Writing struct to file in binary mode.
  168. Strings in EXE
  169. RegOpenKeyEx() api issue.
  170. pRecordset->Fields->GetItem();
  171. Window Message
  172. byte alignment issue? Writing struct to file in binary mode. [modified]
  173. Parameter or Argument
  174. byte alignment issue? Writing struct to file in binary mode. [modified]
  175. What is the difference between Parameter or Argument?
  176. What is the difference between Parameter and Argument?
  177. How to create a login form by using a database in MFC dialog based application
  178. How to display SSL Certificate ?
  179. how to generate a static library ".lib" from a DLL?
  180. Calling CFrameWnd::RecalcLayout causes slight flicker in left pane (CTreeView) of outlook style splitter app
  181. Why do functions in the C library have short names?
  182. ID_FILE_NEW causes application crashed
  183. Resize an image without a Window
  184. Overloading cast & assignment not enough for ==?
  185. ID_FILE_NEW causes application crashed [modified]
  186. GLEW and GL_ARB_point_parameters
  187. SetWindowPos API doubt
  188. Closing of dialog box crashes application
  189. Set the text of spincontrol( Updown control) using sendmessage
  190. what happend if i give codes in between #if 0 and #endif
  191. Strings in the code
  192. Double getlength
  193. How do test dll which is created in C
  194. How to compare two HKEY handles
  195. CString count
  196. MySQL Can't create an instance of Command
  197. Some C++ Concepts
  198. Function out of scope
  199. How to change the font of a button ?
  200. EM_SETTABSTOPS and tab width in pixels?
  201. Non technical C++ question
  202. which module creates a specific file?
  203. VC++ pointers with Readfile function
  204. Get current position of pointer using IStream interface
  205. VC++ MFC class data member initialisation [modified]
  206. VC++ MFC Strlen
  207. VC++ MFC Strlen [modified]
  208. VC++ pointers with Readfile function [modified]
  209. Implicit conversion from char * to string: g++ vs VS
  210. Unit testing framework cfix 1.5 released; adds support for EXE targets and kernel mode multithreading
  211. Publish an RTMP stream to FMS using Microrosft Visual C
  212. sql: insert into ... mixed with english and unicode fields
  213. trying to access functions in a dll created in VB
  214. Source code not working in outlook 2002
  215. How do i do Unit testing for C programming in visual studio
  216. Kill Process using DebugActiveProcess.
  217. libraries, headers (.h) in C ********
  218. requestion create an instance of Command
  219. libraries, headers (.h) in C ******** [modified]
  220. how to write a programme in V C++ the display on the screen like this???
  221. requestion create an instance of Command [modified]
  222. Allowing a control to receive mouse clicks while a modal dialog is up.
  223. How use DDX_Radio in a CDialogBar
  224. CVTRES : fatal error CVT1100: duplicate resource. type:DIALOG, name:PRINTSTATUS, ********:0x0409
  225. How do I rename Outlook Pst newly created folder 'Personal Folders' programmatically ?
  226. how to create conference with iaxclient.dll?
  227. VC++ Basic Threading - help
  228. Accessing files which are in JAR
  229. FeeEnterView.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall ATL::CTime::CTime(void)"
  230. FeeEnterView.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall ATL::CTime::CTime(void)" [modified]
  231. help me to cut a CString to many pieces
  232. Performing Active scan with flush of old scanned data from the Wireless NIC - how ?
  233. mms
  234. Hiding application menu at runtime??
  235. Call CSoket::Socket() Funtion fail
  236. How to create conference in iaxclient.dll???
  237. Open random file inside a folder using Visual C++ 6.0
  238. Create icon in Helloworld Application
  239. Call CSoket::Socket() Funtion fail
  240. How to Convert MDB to text file using vc++
  241. Setcheck for TreeItems not working fine on OnInitialUpdate.
  242. Sequence of calling of InitInstance and InitDialog in MFC
  243. Make new folder as zip?
  244. How to Convert MDB to text file using vc++ [modified]
  245. how to rerun a process when it was terminated?
  246. Remove Attributes...
  247. Open random file inside a folder using Visual C++ 6.0 [solved]
  248. BMP Image handling in c /c++
  249. Read Image's RGB co-ordinates
  250. Event handler for Check box in Tree Conrol VC++