المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : General topics in C++ - Cplusplus

الصفحات : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 [17] 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

  1. C++
  2. I/O files
  3. Maximum client count of TCP/IP
  4. IHTMLDocument2 for Table Par
  5. how to write a display program or a reader program??
  6. IHTMLDocument2 for Table Par [modified]
  7. SpinButtonCtrl not working
  8. Regarding Record to MoveFirst,MoveLast and Move Previous.
  9. What would you recommend for Unmanaged Desktop Apps?
  10. 8 puzzle problem
  11. Gettextextent and Screen resolution
  12. Please lent me some idea..
  13. How to make UTF-8 converted to Unicode?
  14. Please lent me some idea.. [modified]
  15. Minimum size alignment of exe or dll file.
  16. unicode exe with ansi dll
  17. UNICODE setting for win32
  18. Outlook contacts
  19. Calculate factorial of any number less than 10000,but I don't know how to start with?
  20. multithreaded TCP Server Application(MFC)
  21. MFC Resource File
  22. Handling keystrokes on TreeCntrl
  23. show/hide CWebBrowser2
  24. How do I make calling InitializeCriticalSection() thread safe?
  25. How do I make calling InitializeCriticalSection() thread safe? [modified]
  26. Child dialog problem
  27. how to work out "type redefinition" problem
  28. how to get dial-in tab properties of user object in active directory using c++
  29. DDX_CONTROL VS. Create for the RichEditClass
  30. I just don't understand HWND
  31. multithreading class
  32. Changing the look and feel of a MFC dialog box
  33. VC6 installation error, what is this?
  34. vs2005+WPCAP capture packets+callback function
  35. multithreading class [modified]
  36. multithreading class [modified]
  37. question about copy a picture with c
  38. how to undef a typedef?
  39. question about copy a picture with c
  40. question about copy a picture with c [modified]
  41. multithreading class [modified]
  42. C++ advanced literature pls?
  43. Is there any existing function to change ******** ID to ******** String?
  44. dialog based MFC multithreaded server
  45. alphanumaric and numeric checking
  46. how to draw in a dialog's client area, but from an event ocurred in another dialog?
  47. Accessing synch object in DirectDraw
  48. Help with a Function related with Circular Linked List
  49. how to release space of link nodes recursively?
  50. using cout i get symbols instead address
  51. Too-narrow popup menu using LoadMenuIndirect&TrackPopupMenu
  52. How to End a Cdialog
  53. using cout i get symbols instead address [Solved]
  54. how anti spy wares work?
  55. How to use ********** Functions in VC6 ??
  56. Memory Exception
  57. how to hide a process?
  58. TreeCntrl and ListCntrl
  59. Windows API flag to specifically remove taskbar button
  60. How to prevent other from accessing to the files when program running
  61. Mutexes and WaitForSingleObject -> doesn´t wait ??
  62. Help with global variable in MFC dialog application
  63. How to catch WM_CLOSE by using hook
  64. Analysing call stack.. [modified]
  65. Regarding the Record Position.
  66. How we show a message box & get user input in Win32 Dynamic-Link Library
  67. Events for Combobox in Visual C++ [modified]
  68. hWnd passed into another class
  69. SetWindowsHookEx under Windows Service
  70. error C2955: use of class template requires template argument list in C++/MFC
  71. SetWindowsHookEx to modify GetSaveFileName
  72. Defining a 1,024-bit (128 Byte) Bit Field
  73. error C2955: use of class template requires template argument list in C++/MFC [modified]
  74. Fade Windows Desktop and draw UnFaded moveable rectangle
  75. Need help for CStdioFile or CFile
  76. Darken Windows Desktop and draw normal brightness moveable rectangle [modified]
  77. check if type is defined using preprocessor?
  78. module machine type 'X86' conflicts with target machine type 'x64'
  79. Editing the labels
  80. UTF-8 need help
  81. coloring a button
  82. Problem with giving Parameters for a method in class Diagram using Visio2003
  83. Popup menu does not show items unless mouse-hover
  84. Need help for CStdioFile.Read
  85. static library resource dialogs not working in linking applications
  86. Eye detection using openCV in microsoft visual C++
  87. TerminateThread returns with ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS!!
  88. tstring?
  89. dde server
  90. How to convert Variant to AnsiString
  91. does parenthesis reduce efficiency if used only for readability?
  92. tstring?
  93. sal.h
  94. Threading
  95. NOTIFYICONDATA Datatype access violation when using memset or zeromemory
  96. can i store output from readdir() function in an array
  97. Using functions and variables from another Dialog
  98. Initialize into TCHAR**
  99. Debugging in CString
  100. How to save matched characters into variables in wildcard matching
  101. Problem using "&" Ampersand in MFC Buttons
  102. printf("%ws"), any TCHAR *****alent?
  103. how to find the source of a Windows message
  104. RecalcLayout() hides status bar
  105. Registry problem
  106. BOOT Failure error
  107. How to convert BSTR to AnsiString? thanks a lot
  108. re: reading linefeed terminated data from a growing file
  109. Windows service as ActiveX control/component
  110. Increment gone wrong, pls help
  111. Increment gone wrong, pls help [modified]
  112. Primer on speech recognition
  113. GetGlyphOutline usage [modified]
  114. My Payroll report
  115. gsoap success followed by a soap fault??
  116. Windows Vista + VC++ 6.0 + Gsoap 2.7 = ???
  117. When is a CWnd ready to receive messages
  118. Need help for CFile read mode
  119. Need help for CStdioFile/CFile
  120. Need help for CStdioFile/CFile
  121. Exception: This may be due to a corruption of the heap, which indicates a bug in WBEventsSheetCalculate.exe or any of the DLLs it has loaded.
  122. dll for project
  123. Need help for CStdioFile/CFile [modified]
  124. ********** call from C++
  125. how to stop a .exe?
  126. PDF file page count c++
  127. MFC silent executable running from system account not recieveing WM_QUERYENDSESSION message ??
  128. How to restore view settings in Dialog??
  129. code to convert regular expression into dfa
  130. MFC silent executable running from system account not recieveing WM_QUERYENDSESSION message ?? [modified]
  131. The output seem confusing please clear my doubt
  132. numbers with boxes
  133. Full Screen
  134. Full Screen
  135. Does CDialog Constructer with nidTemplate attach a Window
  136. FindWindowEx, 'handle' and notepad.exe
  137. Re: Static maps, visual studio and memory leaks
  138. Internet Explorer get PDF page count
  139. How to with Visual c++ and windows sdk, I'm getting nowhere
  140. how to send messages between diferents dialogs?
  141. #include problem
  142. How can set focus on Button in FormView?
  143. Need help for CStdioFile Read mode
  144. Read from text file
  145. Http Response Code is -1 ?
  146. How to catch exception before a crash happens?
  147. Type Promotion in C
  148. can i store output from readdir() function in an array
  149. In different LAN Client know each Extranet IP and Port can they success connect?
  150. How to implement WndProc callback method in a windows service ?
  151. Need urgent help for CFile read mode
  152. In different LAN Client know each Extranet IP and Port can they success connect? [modified]
  153. how to use lpfnhook to keep view of dialog?
  154. expression evaluation problem
  155. Wrong evaluation of pre- and post-increment on variables: What is wrong here?!?!
  156. Text from the Html Table tag.
  157. Visual C++ Express, No MFC? Does that matter?
  158. problem in splitter
  159. MFC using Visual Studio 2005
  160. Outlook Contacts
  161. SYBASE's Functions giving LOGIN CRASH problem in VC++ code
  162. Delaying Shutdown through windows service and executing scripts ?
  163. Renaming file in C++ failing
  164. DeviceIoControl to lock drive is not working
  165. How to read the characters in the EditTable of SysListView32 style control ?
  166. Solving a repaint problem in VS2005
  167. Convert BYTE* array (unmanaged) to SAFEARRAY
  168. How to display Text in Chinese?
  169. Displaying a chart in a CScrollView report.
  170. Solving a repaint problem in VS2005 [modified]
  171. Hiding the edit control box in MFC
  172. How do I write a program that "talks" to a webcam and tells it when to take a photo?
  173. How to i send files to a network printer without opening the files.
  174. fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
  175. Writing contacts into outlook
  176. find angle
  177. Matrix Addition
  178. what is tab area?
  179. WS_CHILD CWnd WS_HSCROLL WS_VSCROLL display Problem
  180. How to Add Notification icon?
  181. fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals [modified]
  182. create tentative of connection
  183. Can VC60 printf () format numbers with comma thouasand seperators, eg 23,123
  184. How to get WPARAM from SendMessage?
  185. Mirror Driver
  186. how to set position of media player on anywhere on dialog box
  187. can not populate multiple cell in excel by passing array from c++ XLL and usong xloper
  188. CHAR[260] to char*
  189. Create baloon for navigation icon which contain controls and handle these controls
  190. CHAR[260] to char*
  191. Unicode and Rich Edit Control
  192. C++ troubles with basic openMP code.
  193. Property Sheet OnOK only calls property page1 OnOK override? [modified]
  194. Who has the file opened?
  195. Looking for Mathematical Expressions Evaluator
  196. Scrollbars are shown incorrectly.
  197. Memory Leak
  198. int treated as binary no.
  199. scanner Driver
  200. can we make class cant be derived at all?
  201. no matching symbolic information found
  202. Convert 24 bit to 16 bit bmp
  203. how to read contacts properties in rtf file
  204. Pls help me...tten
  205. C++ templates
  206. Moving mouse over the buttons.
  207. Oops
  208. Stupid bug in main function
  209. IPC Programme Need Help !
  210. Using splitter in the CDockablePane
  211. Memory Leak Part II
  212. Want to ask about recv() and sent() function in sockets.
  213. Font metric questions
  214. write CString Datatype to a DaoDatabase in UTF8 Format?
  215. Create an empty struct?
  216. Asking about Source code for scan port
  217. Encrypt / decrypt a text file using vc++
  218. Draw Line Graph
  219. Car Motion Simulator
  220. Draw Line Graph
  221. [urgent]IRP_MJ_QUERY_INFORMATION,why it doesn't work??? [modified]
  222. Who calls InitInstance()
  223. IcmpSendEcho error: 1231
  224. How to plug/unplug USB serial port problematically?
  225. Can we append Recordsetptr with another Recordset
  226. Problem with icon style CListCtrl on Vista, but not on XP
  227. Calling WPF pages in VC++
  228. doe the cursor stay in the readonly cell
  229. How do I Support the Copying of Data from an Output Window to the Clip Board?
  230. Property page add variable wizard confused
  231. Windows Font questions
  232. Windows Font questions [modified]
  233. Strange comms port behavior
  234. impot "msado15.idl" problems
  235. SQLDriverConnect() crashes with vs 9 against ora DB
  236. Help Understanding Program Speed Variation from PC to PC
  237. import "msado15.idl" problems
  238. How do I find out if a new file exists in a directory
  239. CTreeCtrl in MFC
  240. window is disabled but can it receive focus
  241. Mixing C++ and .Net at runtime -- is it possible ?
  242. Drawing in DC(device context) c++,MFC
  243. Maximum number to split any file.
  244. Disabling Restore button of a window
  245. Name that pattern or patterns...
  246. how to get the file or folder name which is selected by mouse
  247. Guidelines say avoid standard integer types
  248. Printing the snapshot to the Default printer in VC++
  249. How to know if there is a valid session running on the machine or not ?
  250. GDI+ Bitmap::FromHICON problem