المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : General topics in C++ - Cplusplus

الصفحات : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 [18] 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

  1. CFileDialog in an own thread -> Access violation
  2. Using a C++ dll in C++ project and a C# project... C# requires __stdcall c++ does not... is there a way the dll can determine who is using him?
  3. Maximum length of MS Access Query
  4. Tab order while using property sheet
  5. WinUSB and SetupAPI from Visual Basic Studio 2008
  6. OpenCV application error
  7. Dialog box visibility
  8. convert CString to const char *
  9. why add member function in classview does not work for overloaded function operator
  10. why optimization since program is trade-off between time and memory
  11. write problem in ios::in|ios::out|ios::app mode
  12. Retreive Ip Address
  13. Printing a txt file
  14. Special Significance of CSingleLock and CMultiLock ?????
  15. Combo
  16. Win 2K IIS 5.0 hangs
  17. Problem in inserting new page during print - MFC
  18. How to check if any specific folder is empty
  19. Executing a process a startup of System?(Vista & Windows 2008)
  20. CComboBox in CHeaderCtrl of CListCtrl
  21. Making a DNS (domain name system) resolver with c++
  22. saving the external input number to a variable
  23. Static Control in Combo
  24. create window groups
  25. Problem in SetFont of GroupBox Caption in PropertyPages?
  26. Executing a process a startup of System?(Vista & Windows 2008) [modified]
  27. Making a DNS (domain name system) resolver with c++ [modified]
  28. Get window handle on which mouse button was clicked
  29. Handle general messages in dialog procedure
  30. TerminateProcess() and windows messages.
  31. Converting data from TextBox (String^) to string
  32. pointer and switch
  33. how to fit the result application from WinExec() in a splitter window?
  34. A General Problem
  35. create window groups [closed - solved: feature not in Windows]
  36. TimerAPCProc() Not Being Called With SetWaitableTimer()
  37. How to read and write to a BINARY file?
  38. _utime problem
  39. Why no default constructor for property sheets?
  40. How to create Toolbar banner
  41. Disable keyboard & mouse input
  42. I need help figuring out this C++
  43. Unhandled exception in CreateCompatibleBitmap()
  44. how to convert tiff to pdf it's urgent
  45. Why no default constructor for property sheets? [modified]
  46. Message Loop - CCmdTarget(urgent)
  47. Software is not getting fully installed inside a folder with name "," (comma). Some of the files are missing
  48. Best way to convert char to hex string representation?
  49. Differentiating SHUTDOWN & RESTART?
  50. Gdi+
  51. What is the difference between macro and simple code
  52. Read byte array from image
  53. variables
  54. excel data base error
  55. How to use Msi API to uninstall an application by its "Product Code" ?
  56. JET / ADO - Windows 7
  57. Breadth First Search Algorithm in C
  58. Help me please
  59. external or global function problem
  60. Problem while using CComBSTR
  61. dll linking
  62. how to use a matrix associeted to control variables ?
  63. LPCSTR and char* issues
  64. cin >> foo; Sometimes it doesn't take...
  65. Trying to send a pdf file using Sockets
  66. Running a process as Administrator in Vista, Windows 2008?
  67. How to find unallocated sector in a disk programaticaaly
  68. Functional Parameters
  69. 2 Errors
  70. Ugly Numbers Error
  71. reverse divion to convert decimals to dinary
  72. reverse division to convert decimals to dinary
  73. convert md5 values to decimal
  74. To convert a DAT file to a BMP file
  75. How can I avoid "Socket Notification Sink" error?
  76. I need the answer of these Question soooo much plz
  77. Dynamic Loading Of Portions of Controls(List Boxes, List Controls, Edit Boxes) in a Dialog
  78. Problems with Edit controls in MFC(help please)
  79. Exit Message Box
  80. making calculator using MFC c++
  81. Why wifstream can read in numbers?
  82. Why wifstream can not read in numbers? [modified]
  83. Failure opening/reading a large file
  84. why CCriticalSection::Lock doesn't allow to set the timeout
  85. How can I implement a schedule reboot prompts using WUAPI? Or some other way?
  86. TransparentBlt
  87. Is there any mistake for right click menu for List Ctrl.
  88. excel problem
  89. Retreive ip address of all pcs connected to LAN
  90. Excel open
  91. How can check 00:00 hr occur between two dirrent time?
  92. Unique Hash code for unicode UNC path
  93. Problem with CryptDecrypt API
  94. create smooth line
  95. How can show thumbnail of files icon?
  96. populating CHAR_INFO without ReadConsole()
  97. Overlay Icon problem...
  98. Wrong Voulme in the Drive:
  99. I hope to get your idea for mouse sharing between two computers...
  100. Sending binary file through Sockets in WindowsXP
  101. How to clear all the elements of an char array
  102. A referral was returned from the server.??
  103. I hope to get your idea for mouse sharing between two computers... [modified]
  104. Loading exe into memory from DVD
  105. Sending binary file through Sockets in WindowsXP
  106. problem in sending int in sockets
  107. Error using MCIWnd to play FLV and MP4 videos
  108. Initializing array with a runtime value.
  109. Cablebox Pop-up blocker
  110. how to program a sending packet through selected network Adapter interface in the windows
  111. Unicode support for CryptEncrypt(..) and CryptDecrypt(..) ...........
  112. SetSelection in CSliderCtrl not working in XP.
  113. C++ to MySQL Connections
  114. XCrashReport : Exception Handling and system calls
  115. C++ socket connection send problem
  116. Reading Text From Single Line CEdit
  117. An Ado problem ,help
  118. "joining" files like when a Web page is saved from Internet Explorer
  119. How to insert a character into the text file ?
  120. Searching full version of video ocx
  121. Exectable not running for normal user and then dissappearing ? Not doing any thing
  122. Not Recieving Message Notification
  123. combobox in msflexgrid cell
  124. Direct3D (DXUT) Problem
  125. Change background color of combo box's dropdown list.
  126. how to insert data in sqlserver 2005 using vc++6.0
  127. Making an Application Hang.
  128. Memory al******** problem !!!
  129. c++ code
  130. How can add path of all files to List Ctrl those are present in folder ?
  131. Copy code
  132. Converting unsigned short int to its hex representation
  133. Need help constructing B+ tree
  134. How to change IP address, DNS and Gateways
  135. wifstream operator >>
  136. About autorun of any exe file in Windows and autorun of file in Linux
  137. newbie api pointers question
  138. What is wrong with my project setting?
  139. what are the different manners to run a file auto in WindowsXP
  140. Splitting window at runtime
  141. Cmake cannot find my header file.
  142. Memory leak: Tracking line numbers in VS2005
  143. Detecting when a user copy a file in windows explorer
  144. Problem in Getting Window handler
  145. how to disable alert script in webbrower ?
  146. Printing dash line
  147. looking for good information / tutorials on threading
  148. Get Installation path
  149. Help in C++ needed
  150. is it possible to genarate barcode application using vc++6.0
  151. Application that communicates with a database - how?
  152. How do you profile your C++ code ?
  153. Can't create new project in VS 6.0
  154. Updated program-having a pointer error
  155. Problem reading from text file
  156. load image
  157. buffer overrun
  158. Cards.dll question
  159. Creating variables with a variable in its name
  160. CStatusBar & Tool Tips
  161. char array contains #define directive
  162. CSocket and "Socket Notification Sink"
  163. char array contains #define directive [modified]
  164. SSE3 Intrinsic in g++
  165. CSocket and "Socket Notification Sink" exception
  166. How to convert "wistream" to "istream"
  167. how to declare a one based array ?
  168. DirectShow VMR-9: renders only 50% of the time in fullscreen
  169. How to set maximum length for EditControl (textBox)
  170. Comments needed: change from CSocket to raw socket
  171. virtual member
  172. Exe Initialization
  173. Argument passing
  174. Need help of how to execute SQL update query in VC++
  175. WCHAR and system() call?
  176. How to write data into Outlook
  177. Please help me argent experts
  178. Getting the dekstop window handle
  179. [VC++ 6.0] Dialog Control (Not MFC)
  180. Mainframe Vista shadow
  181. graphics design in c,c++
  182. Injecting code in all explorer processes
  183. Sound programming issue.
  184. DirectShow VMR-9: renders only 50% of the time in fullscreen. how to fix?
  185. Is it possible of removing menues from a CDockablePane???
  186. Run at startup using scheduled tasks
  187. Please read my question
  188. Why is this delete not crashing
  189. how to convert word(or)excel document to tiff(or)pdf
  190. how group box respond to BN_CLICKED
  191. Windows API Functions [modified]
  192. Unhandled exception at 0x7714c3c2
  193. how to convert word(or)excel document to pdf
  194. how to place CFromview on CDialog?
  195. Create Split Window in RightView of SDI
  196. where is my fault?
  197. CDatabase::OpenEx failure kills UI thread
  198. Running task on shutdown
  199. Breakpoints in Wincore.cpp
  200. MFC Application Scroll bar issue on PDF Viewer
  201. Need some Help ON DLL Thank You
  202. Array help in cpp
  203. how to convert word(or)excel document to pdf [modified]
  204. Help Needed Controlling other application using VC++
  205. Key press missing
  206. how to convert word(or)excel document to pdf
  207. functions of raw socket
  208. named IP to digital IP
  209. "PostMessage" without window
  210. thread to process call
  211. How to get Windows Handler from process id of excel instance.
  212. draw buterfly grahics using c,c++
  213. need information about online courses in vc++
  214. How to join two programes?
  215. Image in word document
  216. Get IExplorerBrowser from a Windows Explorer (Vista)
  217. Beginner question using headers
  218. Serialization from a CPropertypage class behaves differently
  219. Serialization from a CPropertypage class behaves differently [modified]
  220. win32 prog
  221. Weird situation with WinSock
  222. Static variable
  223. A very hard question? friend function again!
  224. popup menus
  225. Utterly lost about ETW.
  226. Communicating with the pages in a CPropertySheet
  227. Window Opacity/Transparency (Alpha-Blending) with OpenGL in Win32
  228. Shell_NotifyIcon( NIM_DELETE, ... ) fails on app exit
  229. Confused in linked lists
  230. mysql_query
  231. MFC: Drawing Overlapping Circles
  232. creating directx texture from raw image data
  233. Type_e_cantloadlibrary
  234. AboutBox
  235. Invalidating / Repainting / *******ing UltraWinGrid in/from C++ Control
  236. How does one access a Serial port using Visual C++ 2008 Express tools.
  237. How to prevent screen capture?
  238. 'c' Program
  239. Is there a way to register an activeX ocx file with relative path and not full path?
  240. How do I get contents of long strings in VS 2008 debugger?
  241. Simple CToolTipCtrl trouble.
  242. Simple CToolTipCtrl trouble.
  243. Increase mainframe window if right side of inserted view is out of MainFrames client area
  244. how to use createprocess to create a new console window(cmd.exe) and run commands
  245. Has anyone encountered labels cutting off using the Ribbon Toolbar?
  246. Ribbon Bar creates multiple menu items with same name
  247. Count, frequency, probability
  248. How to set "ifstream::rdbuf" bigger?
  249. MFC Window (Not Responding)
  250. Complete Transparency Background of a Shockwave Flash Control