المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : General topics in C++ - Cplusplus

الصفحات : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 [20] 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

  1. map saves class object and function pointer gives error [modified]
  2. array
  3. hi!!
  4. showing Error
  5. How to stop BuildScript when there is any error in any project.
  6. is it possible to handle voice messages in vc++6.0
  7. using WPF in MFC applcation.
  8. Listbox problem
  9. Interact with Autocad.
  10. How can i register a service using Visual Studio Setup .???
  11. Linking problem
  12. Subscript requires array or pointer type
  13. Linking Error
  14. Problem with Win32 Threads
  15. Batch file
  16. Calling another execuatbles from windows service???
  17. Ibm -> ieee
  18. WinDBG: How to locate a symbol in code segment
  19. compare images
  20. Picture control with more than 256 colors in VC6 Dialog?
  21. Create HDC from n image file?
  22. sprintf
  23. Sending array through pipe
  24. the opengl code problem?
  25. Responds to a menu differently from the toolbar button associated
  26. How to create a owner draw menu without a frame shadow like Pros_UIS?
  27. Downloading a File from the web ?
  28. the opengl code problem?
  29. Loading Image from file not working?
  30. speech recognization and saving in vc++6.0
  31. VC++ & MySQL
  32. using activeX in win32 project!
  33. Printing Image
  34. how to hook sendmessage?postmessage and the key-down messsage on the same time, big john
  35. GetDlgItemText
  36. the opengl code problem? [modified]
  37. the opengl code problem? [modified]
  38. Data from DB to Excel
  39. missing activex control test container in visual studio 2008
  40. Problem with installutil.exe to install a service
  41. Problem with installutil.exe while install a service...
  42. Question about an BYTE value changing into pointer, then array
  43. C++ question for new grad
  44. Simple URL redirection proxy
  45. Need to call (ODBC) Data Source Administrator dialog screen while installing my MSI .( in VS 2005)
  46. Compare two images
  47. wher should be a modeless dialog box be created
  48. Default data in data tab of combo box not working
  49. MFC child modal CDialog appears in the task bar. ?
  50. How to ask the user to choose a directory/folder?
  51. Problem with mousewheel
  52. I have hooked the WSARecv function and get the packet . But how can i resend it to the program?
  53. Popmenu in View class
  54. Get an exception while opening a file
  55. is it possible to convert wav file to text file using vc++6.0
  56. GetSaveFileName Problem
  57. How to set Proxy Module in the MFC dialog ?
  58. Replacing virtual function address with global function address
  59. Loading PDF file in picture control
  60. How can I restrict a CListViewCtrl for column resizing .
  61. convert wav file to text file
  62. Cant see out put of file at compile time
  63. MFC print preview????
  64. how to make winapi control "edit" transparent?
  65. How can I install Platform SDK for Visual Studio 6.0 on XP SP3?
  66. How to hide a baloon tip in a tray icon after some seconds?
  67. Error: CAB file "..\Debug\SetupMapiRule.CAB" could not be created
  68. Why there is difference in outputs when i change the compiler?
  69. i have a problem, how to solve it ?
  70. COM DLL ERROR error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual long __stdcall
  71. Problem in page Traverse when doing markups using leadtool...
  72. one question, who can help me?
  73. MFC CListctrl flickers when i delete all the items and reload it
  74. Loading a RTF file as a resource
  75. Play two audio file in different different Left Right speaker
  76. quick question on polymorphism [modified]
  77. Listing Windows registered users
  78. Process ID from HWND
  79. Process ID from HWND [solved]
  80. prolog help
  81. Mapped Drives
  82. Overlap Message on WM_TIMER
  83. How can I get the XP appearance combobox with VC6.0?
  84. Accessing the command line via Visual C++
  85. change font colour
  86. c++ reading a large text file with fstream
  87. Using COM Object Invalid Pointer Error
  88. Question about double #INF and #NAN
  89. please help : how to draw BSpline by using mouse ???
  90. Thread handle from thread ID
  91. Uploading a file using CHttpFile
  92. Open-With menu items for given file extension
  93. Converting different data types from a class template.
  94. getline, how to use space delimiter
  95. Thread handle from thread ID [solved]
  96. Need a Similar API AudioVideoPlayback in unmanage code
  97. Play Two video file in different left right speaker
  98. error while using fild name as timestamp
  99. topic for a research proposal!
  100. keeping track of users count
  101. Display database records in listview
  102. computer name, motherboard sn, hard disk sn
  103. Generating a TLB file from an IDL file ?(How to use COM DLL)
  104. string concat
  105. Help with Error Message
  106. Notification of user login
  107. Dev C++ cant accept vector??
  108. Why I cannot have a ListControl in a CRecordView derived class?
  109. Message mapping
  110. What does this mean about the VC6/VS2003 compiler's option ( /O2 /Od)
  111. Draw image on Wizard (not header) so it appear on every page.
  112. About creating and hiding window in win32
  113. Get selected data in list control
  114. Export to CSV with commas in strings
  115. COM DLL ProgID is not created
  116. do you have researched desktop message, can you share your fruit to me?
  117. How to convert hundreds of VS2005 soltions to VS2008?
  118. how to search for a record in a file.
  119. Array in NASM
  120. Minimized link time of C++ applications
  121. Reg. win32_find_data dwFileAttributes value
  122. convert char to string
  123. Help with some memory - null issue
  124. undo redo in console application with an operation
  125. Simple HTML Parser?
  126. how to make some area invisible
  127. Threading in C. What is the use of HANDLE in the following code?
  128. Trim function for char pointer
  129. dear brother, can you tell me how to hook the messages of a short-cut menu?
  130. problem in printing factorial.............
  131. How to convert a XML to string
  132. console application AND ActiveX
  133. problem in hyphen character in string search in SQL server
  134. Programmatically deleting old files with a C program
  135. Parameter to hide textbox/label at runtime through SendMessage()
  136. Parameter to hide textbox/label at runtime through SendMessage()
  137. How do you relabel "Toolbar Options" from a CMFCOutlookBar?
  138. acessing source data on a URL
  139. ******* Database take time
  140. PDF File Zoomin
  141. CListCtrl
  142. PDF File Zoomin [modified]
  143. Convert pointer to zlib stream to string?
  144. The Value is not updated when Passing a char array by reference
  145. SetItemText in CListCtrl can't change the first column.
  146. using com
  147. static library dependency walker available?
  148. set bits on binary images
  149. How to get the state of CheckBox on CMFCToolBar?
  150. CListBox Tab Spacing
  151. Capture desktop WITHOUT active window
  152. Emboldened Items in a CListBox
  153. Message between windows
  154. Permanent horizontal Scrollbar in CListView
  155. Menu Program
  156. TransparentBlt doesn't mask transparent color with 4-bit and 8-bit source bitmaps
  157. re: probelms erasing a multimap entry
  158. implementation of a key value array (not using std::map) ?
  159. is there a DEV c++ project for serial asynchrous receive/transfer ?
  160. please help!!!
  161. Recover last saved data
  162. SetWindowTitle Header File
  163. How can stretch an Image horizontally?
  164. Printing Unicode Characters
  165. resizing the window
  166. unresolved external symbol "public: long __thiscall IWshRuntimeLibrary::IWshShortcut::Save(void)
  167. Getting problem with RegisterShellFileTypes() in MFC Dialog based application.
  168. mysql_fetch_field
  169. Getting problem with RegisterShellFileTypes() in MFC Dialog based application. [modified]
  170. Owner Draw ListBox not recognising tab commands in strings
  171. How can i STOP this
  172. WPF and VC++
  173. Why GlobalLock failed?
  174. i'm foolish, so you can help me very easy
  175. Problem in running an application(developed in VC++ 2005) from windows service ..
  176. Memory al******** in multi-threaded application
  177. Using HDC thats NULL
  178. How to measure program speed?
  179. load bitmap into memory [modified]
  180. error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _wWinMain@16
  181. error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _wWinMain@16
  182. why RES file contain ICO file path?
  183. Which window has the focus
  184. Is there a convenient way to change a System environment variable in MFC?
  185. Which window has the focus [modified]
  186. multi-processes's memory sharing problem?
  187. Accessing Dialog member Variable problem
  188. How can I close an CChildFrame from CHtmlView ?
  189. EXCEL.EXE is not getting killed
  190. Deep copy and Shallow copy w.r.t Copy Constructor and Assignment Operator
  191. How can I close an CChildFrame within CHtmlView ? [modified]
  192. MFC Dialog box
  193. serial port program
  194. How to put a timer in an OSI model application
  195. Help me use SetROP2
  196. How do I control what files get compiled?
  197. AddAceToObjectsSecurityDescriptor problem
  198. Drive Letters (More than 26 Drives??)
  199. Application hangs when entering dialog procedure
  200. SHGetSpecialFolderPath
  201. Application hangs when entering dialog procedure
  202. Where to call AnimateWindow during DoModal
  203. SHGetSpecialFolderPath or SHGetFolderPath
  204. How to disable/enable menu items when using CMFCMenuBar in Visual Studio 2008 Feature Pack
  205. How to run an app in admin mode in Vista and 7
  206. WebBrowser control error INET_E_DOWNLOAD_FAILURE
  207. Sharing memory between dll and application with HeapAlloc ?
  208. Continue to Get "Read Only" under Properties in Windows Explorer after I reset it
  209. hi guys, how to rename the existing macro in vc?
  210. Prob with ShowWindow And PostMessageHell
  211. Super-man, help me please?
  212. Change the background color
  213. Application crash if left idle
  214. use mouse in openCV ????
  215. Running a windows service in any other account other than 'SYSTEM'
  216. Bitmap
  217. Bitmap [modified]
  218. Help - To draw image as banner with help of co-ordinates.
  219. serialization
  220. Can we open two Modal Dialogs at Same Time?
  221. How to Debug a DLL written in VC 6.0 in ASP.NET ( MSVS 2008 ) application?
  222. visual studio 2008 form designer - where did all the controls go?
  223. Run Powerpoint viewer in assigned screen ********
  224. PCI Tv Tuner IR Sensor Visual C++
  225. Program Data Limits
  226. How to keep contents of a TextBox in black when the TextBox is disabled?
  227. what are these error ?
  228. program too big to fit in memory ???
  229. What Will Happen? Two Projects Merging together that both access a DLL
  230. Separating business and presentation logic in different threads
  231. Annoying problem with VISTA and Win7 and above?
  232. a question?
  233. String from pointer to a char?
  234. Coding Team Needed in Advanced Artificial Intelligence Project-Project Vital
  235. De Boor method to draw Bspline ??
  236. Why CDC::LineTo(pt) draw a line not include pt
  237. Combination C and OpenGL: Making a loop to draw circles
  238. How to get exe
  239. how does an uninstall exe delete itself?
  240. Inheritance!!!
  241. Combination C and OpenGL: Making a loop to draw circles [modified]
  242. Copy File Folder Message
  243. Inheritance!!!
  244. Conneting to a computer using socket
  245. Generating Tables in WORD
  246. SetDIBitsToDevice problem
  247. Combination C and OpenGL: Making a loop to draw circles [modified]
  248. Twain endorse text
  249. Dynamic Dispatch
  250. SMS Sending programme