المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : General topics in C++ - Cplusplus

الصفحات : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 [22] 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

  1. Two Dialogs in Application class
  2. creating dbf file and reading info from dbf
  3. When my article will be publish?How many days in general?
  4. Is there any way to execute XQuery through MFC or C++
  5. Saving function pointers in Map
  6. Anyway to stop a CView from being closed?
  7. Ideas for an embedded interactive console?
  8. How can I return a deque from a function?
  9. streambuf out_waiting replacement
  10. library link error
  11. Trouble loading a driver
  12. map
  13. ToolBar in singe document view
  14. AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetStaticModuleState ()) not working
  15. sending wav files using UPD protocol in vc++
  16. CButtonST question, Remove the residue of old icon while setting a new icon with SetIcon
  17. Sharing the socket FD cross process
  18. Writing directly on a harddisk without using File
  19. Using delegates in vc++
  20. Omit Forward Declaration ?
  21. [Resolved] CButtonST question, Remove the residue of old icon while setting a new icon with SetIcon [modified]
  22. Where can I find a forum about windows device driver development with WinDDK?
  23. Windows Service
  24. Vc++ activex
  25. Pipe & Fork code - need help
  26. Is there any way to execute XQuery through MFC or C++ (This question Previously left with no answer)
  27. Just a minor KMDF concern
  28. library linking error
  29. #define how to use with is code ?
  30. BalloonToolTip [modified]
  31. Its is possible to hide vertical scrollbar of printpreview window?
  32. Some times Print function not working.
  33. help me, help me, help me, my headache, how to retrieving hicon through the name of system folder, for ins. the name of "my computer"
  34. Conditional Check Box in Dialog List
  35. error: expected ':', ',', ';', '}' or '__attribute__' before '=' token
  36. Want to know how to use madlib mp3 decoder
  37. Implementing Windows
  38. How to use CreateProcess win 32 api function
  39. Need help with member function pointer
  40. Port 7078 and 7077 blocked in Vista
  41. communication between objects
  42. LNK2019 for XmlLite
  43. CreateTimerQueueTimer goes unresponsive and then fires multiple times
  44. Combobox in DLL
  45. System::String ^ to LPCVOID conversion?
  46. Change all window color
  47. Access CPU register
  48. RtlCopyMemory() question
  49. Help!Can anyone mail a copy of 'Photoshop File Format Document'?
  50. Structures Printing
  51. Help Help Help
  52. Drawing 32 bit bitmaps
  53. Matrix class h
  54. Assertion error in SetWindowPos()
  55. Connect to IRC server
  56. disable CString value
  57. Read / Create Excel file with out using odbc
  58. User permission problem with MFC
  59. CComPtr releasing problem
  60. VS 2008 - CDialogBar - older application
  61. List Contol
  62. Add icons to menu bar
  63. [VC2008] Any tool similar to the Resource Symbols Viewer of VC6 ?
  64. Global variables
  65. Generic Office 2007 _Application Interface class
  66. _variant_t conversion
  67. Customize EditBox
  68. help me please!
  69. API Hooking
  70. c++
  71. Derived Class Function Pointer Error
  72. API Hooking [modified]
  73. Hooking
  74. how to get a hidden file extensions?
  75. EditCtrl
  76. Re-drawing Transparent Bitmap - Strange Behavior
  77. How to send a msg between MainFrame and a view?
  78. Sleep less than 1 ms
  79. Using Managed Code in C++
  80. truncating float
  81. Default Button
  82. ToolTip
  83. Resolution for Dialog
  84. how to get Window name from window handle in win32.
  85. how to contact the file extension with file type?
  86. how to retrieve the hicons on the desktop?
  87. DataBase
  88. Capturing check/uncheck in checkbox in listcontrol
  89. Differentiating 2 methods with the same name for a pointer
  90. WriteFileEx
  91. Canonical assignment operator
  92. C++ database connection
  93. WriteFileEx [modified] Please help
  94. Debug files to keep with the lib to step into its source
  95. Dynamic Al******** of buttons in C Builder 6?
  96. Free Web Design for the Dynamic Al******** of buttons in C Builder 6?
  97. Playing sounds simultaneously in C++ Builder 6 (I use the PlaySound function) ?
  98. Visual Studio 2008
  99. Dvc
  100. How to Display Data in Dialog
  101. shuffling the bitmap buttons
  102. Conversion from VC6 to VC8
  103. Modeless Dialog [modified]
  104. Audio Visualization
  105. Modeless Dialog
  106. how to convert string to resource ID
  107. How many files can be created by methord "GetTempFileName()"
  108. How to load custom images on RibbonX?
  109. ToolTipMessage
  110. major.minor.build.revision question
  111. How to handle too many checkbox's click message ?
  112. is there an easy way to change '\' to "\\" in a TCHAR string?
  113. ADO Recordset closed after execution with no records returned
  114. Application Name
  115. Network messages not being sent to the window procedure when using asynchrnous sockets
  116. Scanline Polygon Fill Algorithm ???
  117. How to save content in IPicture to JPG format?
  118. problem with modless dialog box
  119. VC6++ ActiveX FlexGrid
  120. Learning VS 2005 C++ - recommendation
  121. WSAAsyncSelect and FD_WRITE
  122. How to check if a tree is AVL tree?
  123. regular expression library for win32 api c or c++
  124. Question about reading and writing to a file
  125. string array
  126. Similar named function in 2 static .lib files problem
  127. converting float from host to network order
  128. when will EndPage() failed in MFC
  129. Hiding the column header in a CListCtrl
  130. Hiding Mainframe,showing ChildFrame.
  131. Hi function with variable arguments
  132. dynamic wave creation
  133. Calling php script from vc++
  134. Programming with multiple entry points
  135. linking two file in gcc
  136. polygon made by intersection of two polygon ???
  137. strcmp for NULL character
  138. What's the theory behind this: #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" {
  139. 2 static libs with a function of the same name
  140. Catch drag'n'drop event
  141. How to write C or C++ program that locks desktop icons placement?
  142. Deskband/Tray App using MFC (+ $700)
  143. Multi-line string into dialog box
  144. Using Crystal Report in VC++ (VS 2008).
  145. creating modless dialog box dynamically
  146. InternetOpenUrl - urgent help needed
  147. creating simple dilog box without using resource script
  148. Order in which the SDI Class is called
  149. Adding a browse button internal to an Edit Control
  150. Playing a MIDI note: is there an alternative to mmsystem.h/winmm.dll?
  151. detect a hole in a binary image
  152. how to write a function in a file at binary level (after compilation)
  153. Help on error
  154. Detecting whether a modal dialog has displayed
  155. C++ code for vending machine
  156. MFC - CAsyncSocket class
  157. Connectivity with data base
  158. Diference between hash_map and hash_multi map. how to implement hash_multimap in VS2008 (for C++)
  159. Split header in clistcontrol
  160. Oracle describe
  161. Navigating to a folder using CFileDialog
  162. GetlastError() returning 87 when i use EndPage() in my printing application
  163. Virtual address to 'physical' address
  164. Regarding write into AVI files
  165. Disabling submenu in Win32
  166. CTreeCtrl Drop Highlight Node
  167. Problem adding RoboHelp7 to Visual Studio 2005
  168. PC Lint exclude #includes?
  169. How to get Netbeans to catch a SIGABRT?
  170. re: possibility of hashing composite keys with a wildcard
  171. about CXX0017 in vs2008
  172. IBindStatusCallback how to tell not to download from cache
  173. I need an ebay program
  174. How to read a programs memory?
  175. Upgrading to... ??? [modified]
  176. How can I get Operating System Info?
  177. Vc++ 2008 mfc
  178. C++ - Virtual Destructor
  179. CDockablePane AutHide issue
  180. error: hres 0x80010106 Cannot change thread mode after it is set.
  181. 3D Image
  182. Calling a VC++ 6.0 DLL from a VB program
  183. Debugging C macros using Visual Studio
  184. Dynamic cast
  185. Dynamic cast [modified]
  186. Error in Visual Studio 2010
  187. How to make Edit control show text from right top to left down?
  188. Which windows datatype to store LSN (Number upto 25 digits)
  189. Need help in creating c++ stubs.
  190. Working with POP3 from Win32 application
  191. Working with POP3 from Win32 application
  192. Execute two classes
  193. 3D Software
  194. Extracting information from Win32 Dll in C/C++
  195. Index of rows in report view list control with groups enabled is random order
  196. One Doubt
  197. beginner, simple c question.
  198. how to draw a graph on 2 axes in a window
  199. Retrieving Windows version, then enumerating process list
  200. Showing and Closing Dialogs in C++
  201. Default path to Desktop with vista
  202. system call too small
  203. CButton GetState , how to read the press and hold state of a button?
  204. How can generate service from exe?
  205. header file
  206. Modeling the human heart (EKG)
  207. InitCommonControlsEx problem
  208. Sending class object on serial port (communication port)
  209. *****alent of atoi and itoa functions in SDK
  210. My C++ app forks itself! (win32/64)
  211. Searching and displaying specific information
  212. how to associate a bit map to a spin control button?
  213. Conditional Library Linkage
  214. Visual C++ 2005 in Windows PE 2
  215. a fscanf error in MFC SDI
  216. Simple input and output program that quits to soon. I cant find the problem, please take a look.
  217. My C++ app forks itself! (win32/64)
  218. Visual C++ 2005 in Windows PE 2 [modified] [Possibly solved]
  219. How to overlay an image on a printout
  220. Copy Constructor in Singletonclass.
  221. virtual Table
  222. render a richedit control into a bit
  223. IAuthenticate - urgent help
  224. Object in a Regular DLL
  225. Thread paused
  226. Close A DIalog
  227. win32 dialog
  228. Threading
  229. array of differents types (possible?)
  230. PeekMessage and DoEvents
  231. Reading a file from disk in C
  232. Using Zend library in vc++
  233. How to read/process locked files?
  234. Getting Function Signatures from a DLL
  235. MFC CScrollView update problem when scrolling
  236. Visual C++ 2005 in Windows PE 2 [modified] [SOLVED]
  237. MFC How to update CMDIChildWnd from CDocument
  238. Checking for attached device ( A: drive? )
  239. hook windows messages
  240. Limit Maximizing window
  241. ????? code ????????????????????????
  242. Problems with OnNcCreate()
  243. Arranging desktop items
  244. Visual C++(MFC) or Visual C++/CLI
  245. 21 days socket programming
  246. waveOutWrite Problem
  247. InternetOpenUrl with proxy
  248. Programming MS Visual C++, David J. Kruglinski - missing files needed
  249. Function pointer + template = INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR
  250. Function pointer + template = INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR [answered]