المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : General topics in C++ - Cplusplus

الصفحات : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 [23] 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

  1. Program Which: Takes numbers from a user, and sum's them.
  2. Debug_new
  3. Split multi image tiff file using CXImage
  4. GDI method to change the images on the window
  5. Switching on and setting baud rate
  6. Switching on and setting baud rate [modified]
  7. The problem with including headers in C++ [modified]
  8. problem with stack structure in C++(using pointer), plz help !!!
  9. What is Data Directory in PE file format ? Why?
  10. PostMessage vs SendMessage
  11. find folder list on a root folder
  12. problem with stack structure implementation in C, plz help !!!
  13. Raeding and parsing mails via POP3
  14. Modal vs Modeless dialog box
  15. concat two char * variables
  16. Spin control: how does it works, specially when it changes acceleration ?
  17. DEBUG_NEW [modified]
  18. Reading files...
  19. C++ fstream's write operation is Sync or aSync?
  20. SetFocus Function
  21. Beep and MessageBeep not working on Window Server 2008.
  22. Reading a (MAC) Address on my (NIC) or any other hardware device information.
  23. strange
  24. How to get Dialog handle
  25. Split a string in MFC
  26. ShellExecute
  27. Tracking balloon tooltip always appears below its tracking point
  28. waveOutWrite functions properly under WinXP but not under Win7
  29. CListCtrl text underline?
  30. char str[] help
  31. Changing Label Size/Font help
  32. Reading and saving a class instance pointer [modified]
  33. How to build "debug" and "release" in one command line for VS2008
  34. Sharing common dialogs across applications
  35. what is the difference between ..?
  36. my list error!
  37. CMFCStatusBar in ActiveX control without Title Bar
  38. Disabling Entire MFC ActiveX Control
  39. Cannot remote popup from CVSListbox - Help?????
  40. Dialog hang
  41. Dialog hang
  42. Compiling an assembly file with Visual Studio
  43. Dialog hang
  44. c++ integration subroutine.
  45. The Boss and the Worker
  46. Generate Random Number between min and max range and where numbers can't repeat themselves.
  47. Handle to a video played in a video player
  48. Create function error in CView Class
  49. File Manipulation
  50. Replacing some bytes in a file in binary mode
  51. A problem about the rubbish on win7
  52. COM Query
  53. Resume Application
  54. class size in vc++
  55. different post message and send message in vc++
  56. find nearest white pixels in a binary image
  57. how to set font for menus in dialog based application in vc++,mfc
  58. Change the working directory for a MFC application
  59. Getting Access Denied on copying files
  60. Problem related to intrumentation of c++ code
  61. Disable mosue movement when user entering data in an edit box
  62. Compiling an assembly file with Visual Studio
  63. Common Example
  64. MFC vs C++/CLI
  65. How can increase height of List Control Columns?
  66. Sw_showmaximized not working
  67. Move "CArchive" file pointer backward.
  68. CFile seek backward
  69. how to send params to php script
  70. question hooking virtual table / class functions
  71. iterator & operator overloading error
  72. what are these process with user name SYSTEM
  73. initialize disk using c++ code
  74. How to convert a CString object to char array in VC++ MFC
  75. How to share memory between instances of dll
  76. Is there any alternative for GetAsyncKeyState( int ) function in visual c++?
  77. Dialog created in Taskbar
  78. X,Y of maximised window
  79. Access to a POP3 mailbox: Windows Messaging and Collaboration
  80. Calling functions in DLL (Flash) that I didn't load
  81. Screen Capture
  82. Creating MFC based window inside Win32
  83. PNG format graphics on the display
  84. Printing values in editbox using VC++
  85. creating methods/functions in a seperate file
  86. how to layout stack values in VC++6.0 by myself but not compiler? thank u
  87. DirectShow IMediaSeeking
  88. CreateCheckBox
  89. Combo Box vertical scroll bar height
  90. Socket details using PID
  91. CreateTimerQueueTimer huge delays [modified]
  92. How to insert seperators in Toolbar (MFC CS 2005)
  93. How to load 2 tool bars in Main Frame (MFC)
  94. Can i handle a function when application close from Task Manager?
  95. Ctrl-alt-2
  96. Excel automation
  97. How to export registry settings safely under Windows 7?
  98. How to use java function in C++?
  99. CMDIChildWnd Caption Not Updated When Child maximized
  100. re:What c++ container fits these requirements?
  101. scrolling image using GDI+ under Windows 7 is very slow and flicking
  102. Closing a document and leaving the view
  103. How to HTML Email using Simple MAPI Interface
  104. CFileDialog doubt
  105. Smtp
  106. need source code for dynamic neural network..
  107. Setting the background colour of CListCtrl Item
  108. CDialog in tab ctrl
  109. Making an adaptive studying application
  110. How to retrieve request contents in an ISAPI filter?
  111. Converting calloc to new.
  112. Unsigned Template Parameter [Solved]
  113. compile a class
  114. DLL "organization" ?
  115. Numeric Template Error C2296
  116. CDocTemplate labelling a file yesAlreadyOpen after a document close
  117. Problem in loading custom menu
  118. Deselecting Tree Node Item in MFC
  119. How to use library files.
  120. Find compression type jpeg image
  121. Syntax problem with ""
  122. DLL, EXE, dialog question
  123. ActiveX Controls.
  124. Inputing variable into string.find
  125. Determine the ******** of the OS
  126. win7 & vista's problem
  127. Converting TCHAR to LPSTR to be used in CreateProcess [modified]
  128. About select() in multithread
  129. Painting in Win32, MFC and WPF ?
  130. Making an adaptive studying application [modified]
  131. Hardcoded CString file path
  132. error C2679: binary '>>' : no operator found
  133. playing .wav files using double buffering approach
  134. Using Google Map in MFC application?
  135. How to get Time difference
  136. multiple definition of.....
  137. member function confusion
  138. Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library! Stuck in the issue! What could b the way around?
  139. VS2008 EXE not working in another machine
  140. Load MFC regular DLL failed
  141. Send Mail
  142. ListBox redrawing too much
  143. capPreview() slow problem...
  144. Combo box - Dropdown height?
  145. #if defined ONE && TWO how to pass two defines at the same time
  146. AutoRestart + Execute Useer Code
  147. Accessing vars in class created with new
  148. How to assign directory rights programmatically?
  149. Windows Shell Replacement
  150. tree view using form view.
  151. ListBox redrawing
  152. extracting data from .TXT file
  153. char* returns garbage value
  154. Set background color of Menu.
  155. detect enter key on edit control
  156. Problem with CFile:Open and Sharing Violation [modified]
  157. c++ titlebar color change
  158. API For ClipBoard
  159. save file error!
  160. user defined drag drop control in vc++
  161. save file error!
  162. Problem with CFile:Open and Sharing Violation [modified]
  163. Convert CFile IO to istream IO
  164. Multiple open database links using CDatabase
  165. need some suggestion on a method to use
  166. ios::in | ios::out error
  167. CDialog ON_WM_KEYDOWN event
  168. how to download google apis
  169. Fail to redraw subpanel window during Windows resume
  170. Where Export data section reside in PE? [modified]
  171. what does c++ class allocate in memory image.
  172. What Relative Virtual Addressing is and the whole story behinds it ?
  173. How to use MFC in CLR Console Applications
  174. Excel Automation
  175. Font in Win32 Application
  176. Resize formview at runtime
  177. hi all, how do i add or modify the jpg image's exif info ? Is there some class for modify ? thx!
  178. Stopping multiple copies of application from opening
  179. Which ones are free databases?
  180. YahooMessenger Api's
  181. VS2005 using ATL when it's not set
  182. Looking up return types and function attributes(in/out parameters) from PE file format
  183. 64 bit ActiveX Chart control
  184. Caption Change
  185. How to disable LNK4099 warning in debug build
  186. How can identified Any Process run by admin or by any other user?
  187. Request
  188. Change caption of an application
  189. How to get disk/drive size
  190. Writing Objects into files in binary mode
  191. Unable to paste clipboard data by sending WM_PASTE message
  192. Troublesome Handling of Files in C++
  193. SetUpAndDeployment Project
  194. Profiling Code in Studio 2008 HEre is a Wnderful REsource
  195. newbie cryptography question
  196. URL Monitor
  197. hiding unused menus using MFC
  198. Problem on maximizing child window of a MDI application.
  199. Menu DrawItem issue when Windows 7 workstation is locked.
  200. Oracle connection
  201. CMiniFrameWnd
  202. CppUnit testing
  203. How to get the width and height of the Form Template
  204. How to convert a char array to CString?
  205. socket buffer problem
  206. RSS Feed
  207. using string compare
  208. class instance address
  209. Dos subclassing
  210. Declaring Variables
  211. Code needed for Parsing PE for Exports
  212. C++ return value from function
  213. FAST Embedded Model Approach
  214. how do i call c++ dll function from another c ++ dll
  215. How to Disable a node in CtreeCtrl
  216. Need help for Server-Client Application.
  217. Oracle select * from table name
  218. Dialog is getting close automatically
  219. linker error....??
  220. PolyLine and graph scaling
  221. Doubts about sockets in vc++
  222. IOCTL_STORAGE_GET_DEVICE_NUMBER fail to get disk number
  223. picture control is hidden by static box
  224. Any common multi-threaded smart pointer implementations that exist?
  225. MFC ODBC Consumer Wizard Problem
  226. How to develop tab control dialog in MFC using MS SSTab
  227. A Basic iButton Interface By Marc Clifton
  228. Re-direction on VS Visual Studio
  229. it's so complex for me, i'm mad
  230. win32 timer
  231. Combo box Dropdown length
  232. UI Thread ... !
  233. need suggestions on how to read other people code.
  234. Initializing pointer results in errors
  235. How to Create a Connection with Phone serail COM Port ?
  236. Different outputs in vc6 & vs2008 with same code(typecasting). Help
  237. how to create an icon file?
  238. File writing performance comparing
  239. Tab Control color
  240. vector:erase iterator requirements
  241. why myDiagl subclassed from CDialg don't have destructor?
  242. How do you type the "or"
  243. usb driver to my simple hardware
  244. [Solved]Loading a certificate and creating a PCCERT_CONTEXT returns 2148086027 [modified]
  245. Formatting text based on delimeter
  246. HWND_TOP to make a dialog topmost???
  247. Challenges of running an application on multi core environment
  248. Find all Machines in Domain or Workgroup.
  249. A program in task bar
  250. Help - Some Registry Settings not Applicable on Server.