المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : General topics in C++ - Cplusplus

الصفحات : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 [25] 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

  1. How to compute Islamic prayer time everyday?
  2. MFC Drag & Drop Between two Tree control
  3. C++ exe crashes in XP OS
  4. CString and Intellisense
  5. Efficiency
  6. Design OSI Layer in C++
  7. Video Encoding...
  8. MFC treeview in a listview [modified]
  9. LoadIcon from file
  10. present int as char
  11. ctime - localtime -> GMT question
  12. communicate with usb (MTP) device and IOCTL
  13. Connecting to a Server Database
  14. Difference between AVIStreamWrite and AVIStreamWriteData
  15. Problem with one of the MFC new feature pack controls CMFCPropertyGridCtrl
  16. c++ and using public static members in a class
  17. Bagh! Pointers
  18. [MFC] Error when call function CreateDialog in method InitInstance in order to create a modeless dialog as main window [modified]
  19. convert a CString value to DWORD
  20. AVIStreamWrite failed
  21. Exiting Application
  22. Compiling .cpp made from Matlab > Errors
  23. How to pass datas to a modal dialog?
  24. Typedef defined
  25. CRichEditCtrl Line Break
  26. How to organize MFC project directory structure - main and DLL programs?
  27. Internet Connection
  28. Mouse down on disabled button
  29. how to use CHtmlEditView in vc 6.0
  30. VLC player
  31. TerminateThread() which is calling Interop dll function.
  32. Can't compile any code with Dev C++.
  33. Initializer lists, default constructors and references
  34. How to keep DLL updated during development ? [modified]
  35. CMFCOutlookBarTabCtrl save state problem
  36. device return ERROR_GEN_FAILURE
  37. Repainting of dialog box takes time.
  38. Modeless CPropertySheet destruction?
  39. Static Library and Global Variables
  40. Putting a Text File into a Directory with an Executable File
  41. HTML Editing Control for Win32
  42. Adding sub-menu items to visio object
  43. No Method for Changing CMFCRibbonPanel Control Name Dynamically
  44. VS2005 & VS2008 DLL Compilation issues
  45. Administration Rights for my Application by Token
  46. WM_GETFONT returns NULL
  47. Kill child process
  48. Urgent help required to Do something in standby mode for windows Mobile.
  49. ending a running program
  50. build error while compiling log4cpp using visual studio .net 2003
  51. Hello how should i use the this pointer if it is a function param as void *this
  52. ATL compiler error
  53. How to find source of buffer overflow
  54. giving url to .ini file
  55. Create a gui for linux.
  56. Thread and its custom window (!?)
  57. Shift+f3
  58. crash in _tWinMain, crt0.c, XP SP3 only - HELP!!
  59. Calling vb dll functions in my vc code
  60. Still problem with a class and function
  61. How to check if flash Active x is already installed ?
  62. "Virtual" Command Prompt
  63. Modeless dialog closing when 'Enter' key is pressed?
  64. SOCKET_ERROR when calling send method from seperate class
  65. CMFCRibbonButton with custom width
  66. Generic stack library in c
  67. PGPDisk 6.02 - Compilation Errors
  68. DOS virtual disk
  69. How to notify document from CPropertyPage.
  70. Sending KeyStroke
  71. CAsyncSocket - socket error
  72. Remove text from image
  73. persistent crash on tester's computers that I can't reproduce
  74. System Tray Icon
  75. Client /Server application with VPN connection
  76. code for compiler design
  77. Ownerdraw listview with a fixed position background image.
  78. Problem with parallel processing on a machine
  79. ToolStripMenuItem : how to call a child frame?
  80. tooltips
  81. Trying to intercept Hyperlink dialog in edit mode CHtmlEditCtrl (WebBrowser control)
  82. Converting DWORD
  83. how to draw a sector of a circle?
  84. UAC and restarting an external service in my MFC app
  85. prevent scientific notation for integers [modified]
  86. How Could I Use a define macro identifier in an other define macro replacement list?
  87. Communication between PCs over a wireless network
  88. How to check if a HWND is static icon ctrl?
  89. Localisation
  90. Get GPU Information in linux C
  91. Default Libraries
  92. Dealing with const CString ...
  93. EditBox control Problem
  94. List Control to Excel
  95. Applicatio crash
  96. How to change frame / window focus programatically - after using SetWindowPos
  97. Dealing with const CString ... [modified] (FIXED).
  98. Problem with Dialog...
  99. How can chk any dialog is open over the main dialog?
  100. How to change setup project's default text templates
  101. GetKeyboardState + iexplore
  102. OpenGL
  103. GetAsyncKeyState() and GetKeyState()
  104. Owner drawn ListBox problem
  105. What is MAX_INT for?
  106. ReportEvent could not find included messages in exe
  107. Modeless dialog frame sizing in MFC MDI
  108. larger toolbar images
  109. making a modelessdialog box as modal
  110. How do you display a bitmap in IE and control navigation?
  111. Deleting a single point from a quadtree
  112. RST Template Matching
  113. Simple Treeview in MFC 2008
  114. Staticly linking MFC in VS2008 app produces compiling errors
  115. How to convert Chinese Unicode string to ANSI multibyte?
  116. RichEdit wrong list numbering with letters
  117. GetFileToSave and Windows 7
  118. Windows XP Problems since updating from VS2005 to VS2008
  119. SymEnumSymbols is getting failed even GetLastError returns 0
  120. Difference between C and Visual C.
  121. Window is not getting Maximize on WINDOWS 7 operating system
  122. TCP/IP question
  123. how to use a vector for flexible length of array
  124. Annoying problem with VC++ 6.0 - compiler on strike??
  125. use of a struct in a pair which is used in a vector of vectors
  126. CBCGPProp PushChar event not work
  127. need vector of vectors to hold more than just a "pair"
  128. How do I Parse the Serial Data Recieved from the Serial Port
  129. constructor and destructor [modified]
  130. Display current time as Label control text
  131. Help with binary tree(BST) function building.
  132. fatal error c1083 in C#
  133. Button Caption
  134. Win32 Processor - How to implement this correctly?
  135. Problem Showing a window with MFC
  136. port of VC98 to VS2008 problem with ATL & MFC
  137. How to work sqlite in vc++
  138. how to use for loop for displaying no in following format?
  139. Variables not the same as input file.
  140. LNK2001 and LNK2019 errors
  141. VB6 Project to VC6
  142. regarding creating databse
  143. How to add command buttons to listbox?
  144. Pseudo Code for B Spline implementation
  145. Using Post/Send message within do/while nested loops - does not process as expected.
  146. Errors in dependency only when building dependant.
  147. problem with GENETIC ALGORITHM programing
  148. How to detect if CEdti lost focus by mouse, keyboard or another event
  149. can not use VK_BACK as i wish
  150. access excel using c++
  151. SendMessage - return value - please translate MS to English for me.
  152. How to getting StackFrame at compile time from PDB
  153. Monitoring//logging memory and cpu usage
  154. How I can make my MFC dialoge application workable online?
  155. Rightclick and vkmenu in an editbox
  156. Always on top
  157. CListCtrl won't update as expected
  158. Problem in c atof
  159. Listview Sorting
  160. Allow/Disallow a user from changing system time
  161. How about BSCMAKE: error BK1505 ??
  162. Picture Control with scroll bars.
  163. C++ Thousand Separators
  164. Problem with glut when linking statically
  165. csv file problem
  166. How to calculate width and height of different font size ,font style and no of characters ?
  167. Can I export a makefile from Visual Studio?
  168. limited user in xp
  169. Cannot access the ClassView information file, ClassView information will not be available.
  170. Parallel Port write in VC++
  171. can't run unicode/normalize example
  172. Redefination error [modified]
  173. Duplicate Handle to get Real Process Handle
  174. a simple VC++ scrolling display
  175. 8 puzzle game C,C++ source code
  176. How to export and import IE's favorates?
  177. Is my merge list right?
  178. CWinApp DLL communication
  179. IE8 and ShellExecute weirdness
  180. Is the handle from OpenProcess Unique
  181. Recieving device events in a service
  182. How to get the net speed of your computer and how to get the current webpage's speed?
  183. combinations repetition allowed
  184. How can generate Max. Combination of given Value?
  185. CString multiple assignment leak?
  186. hInstance / Win32
  187. sort CListCtrl specially
  188. c progrmng code help for the following algo
  189. CFile Dialog Crash on Window Server 2008.
  190. Stack overflow
  191. delete breaking heap
  192. bm_setstate redraw not working
  193. Vertical/Horizontal scroll bar not coming in CListCtrl
  194. Visual C++ Solution in GCC
  195. MSXML Issue
  196. Need to read big-endian file (Windows)
  197. AfxBeginThread and ON_THREAD_MESSAGE does not work using PostThreadMessage
  198. Is forward declaration a hack for bad, lazy programmers?
  199. CString convert error in Embedded Visual C++
  200. ComboBox / Win32 [modified]
  201. Message of right-clicking on column header of CListCtrl
  202. activex
  203. MessageBox / Win32
  204. LPWSTR / Win32
  205. how to use multiThread to read and write database?
  206. how to properly display buttons over an image
  207. Getting response from aspx page
  208. Scrolling size on zooming
  209. How do I use std::stringstream to printf "%02d" [modified]
  210. Can PostThreadMessage Post to a Thread in a Different Process
  211. DestructElements() and destructor not getting called
  212. Reg to Unicode and MBCS problem in socket programing
  213. (*&#@*!^ Templates
  214. how to implement three indepedent random number generators in the same subroutine/function
  215. Problem in AT+CSCA command in AT commands.
  216. How do I segment an image in different colors?
  217. IPersistFile::Save fails Error Access Denied
  218. Using a Dialog as a Control in another Dialog
  219. C++ class pointers
  220. C++Linking Classes/.cpp files to run one after other?
  221. Array indexes
  222. Windows Exlporer
  223. Get default user name when "Run as administrator"
  224. WIN32 c++
  225. DLL in memory
  226. Visual Studio 6.0 (1998) VS Visual Studio .NET 2003 (using MFC)
  227. Common Item Dialog / Win32
  228. Converting an image into jpeg format
  229. Windows date change event
  230. C - Application reusing memory ********s that have been altered
  231. Visual Studio 6.0 to Visual Studio 2008 Issue
  232. how can ? change some of ascii table characters
  233. Islamic Family Tree Maker [SHAJRA]
  234. Opening File that is already exclusively opened
  235. Mpeg-4
  236. Need information how to do screen scraping in windows using VC++/C++
  237. help with array in C
  238. Inline Assembly with Visual C++ 2008
  239. Whitebox Testing
  240. callback function
  241. Exce open
  242. Please give the correct ans of my question
  243. WinHelp for Mobile Windows CE 6.0
  244. How to combine Menu and toolbar to one line?
  245. Access violation for CWinThread
  246. any Concepto
  247. How could I write my xml document with indention By MSMXL
  248. Resorce file ....Custom Cursor
  249. very urgent help needed in openmp [modified]
  250. Al********/Deal******** from Memory Pool [Solved]