المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : General topics in C++ - Cplusplus

الصفحات : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 [26] 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

  1. Can we Insert table into SDI Application ?
  2. Can you help me ? I need source code of a program like Total commander.
  3. set print area
  4. Serialize in vc++ 2008
  5. Calling Fns in formview
  6. how to embed the window of my program in the desktop?(The window is showed under the desktop icons.)
  7. wchar_t / C++
  8. WinSock 2 / Win32
  9. previous next button to change pictures
  10. Global Variables in SDI
  11. How to get the hidden drives in windows?
  12. Adding controls to an existing window
  13. Problem using dmColor member of DEVMODE struct
  14. Unhandled exception
  15. transaction - rollback in C ???
  16. how to ownerdraw the button borders in VC++6.0
  17. intercepting program display?
  18. Brightness controller / OCX for notebook backlight
  19. unexpected exception type idification
  20. Mouse scroll wheel
  21. How to read a txt file in Windows CE (C++)
  22. CeGetDeviceId() return 0 while device is existing.
  23. How to set the dialog title in wizard.
  24. how to call vb dll in vc++( iam using MFC) and vc6
  25. Memory leak!
  26. How do I check syntax in Visual Studio 2008?
  27. Migrating code from VS6 to vs 2008 [modified] - SOLVED
  28. Generate series
  29. SDI List Control example
  30. marquee progress bar
  31. Need help from freelancer turning a Firefox add-on into an IE extension
  32. Calling COM from C [modified]
  33. Getting absolute address of variable in memory
  34. Why GUI updation is not preferred in Worker Thread
  35. how to use CHtmlEditView in MFC?
  36. file operations very slow
  37. vector.front docs Confusion
  38. HTTP1.1 / HTTP1.0 WinSock2
  39. change the checked state of CMFCRibbonCheckBox object
  40. Help for RAPI functions.
  41. CString to Unsigned short and unsigned short to CString in vc++
  42. C++ DLL compiled under VS 2005 does not work for program compiled under VS 2010
  43. Adding items to the title bar
  44. How to avoid Buffer Overrun?!
  45. Can I get a FILE* from a HANDLE?
  46. ESTREAMIN carriage return
  47. how to get the filepath which is selected?
  48. OpenGL help!
  49. Image change detection
  50. All reports lead to the same thing.
  51. long long with swprintf / Win32
  52. convert CString to unsigned short
  53. Data encapsulation in C
  54. how to get cdrom serial number
  55. Problem on a sample code in "Windows SDK" (COM interface)?
  56. Passing Data to Threaded Functions / Win32
  57. File Writing / Win32
  58. MFC + CDatabase + .UDL file
  59. auto delete the files at specefic date and time.
  60. to find starting point of a waveform
  61. Anybody experienced with JumpLists on Windows 7
  62. Creating Help (CHM) Files
  63. C2512: no appropriate default constructor available
  64. How to make a derived CEdit more perfect?
  65. CEGUI related issues
  66. How does this template work
  67. Problem implementing FIR code(nuhertz)
  68. problem with CSplitButton::SetDropDownMenu method
  69. JPEG 2 PDF Creation [modified]
  70. Change tool bar according to document
  71. need help for a simple basic program in mfc vc++
  72. WinSock2 / Threads
  73. new mfc controls (vs 2010) loose their visual style at ruining time for dialog based applications
  74. Best way to send mail through MFC
  75. try catch exceptions
  76. VC++ MFC QT Qwt OPENGL based application JOB WANTED CAD/CAM/CAE/FEA/CFD
  77. Handling a process termination.
  78. Sub menu Item Check and uncheck in Win 32
  79. how to pass two dimensional arrays in a function (c++)
  80. How to get application focus?
  81. Windows Installers
  82. Highlighting a node of tree while it looses focus
  83. get c0239 error: waitforsingleobject: is not a member of global namespace
  84. WriteFile not working!
  85. SMTP client
  86. Pointer/address to CFormView
  87. Multi Threading for Graphic engines
  88. how to convert pcm 16 to pcm 8?
  89. Win32 / C++
  90. Multithreading in general
  91. How could I route all the windows messages of a dialog to a thread with their parameters?
  92. How to Convert from console application with .C files to MFC based application
  93. atof conversion issue
  94. making ini file in Documents and Settings WritePrivateProfileString to
  95. break point not hit in release mode
  96. window state monitor service/daemon
  97. hi...
  98. Why did ParseDisplayName fail ?
  99. code in C ....
  100. Full text search using Patricia tree with meta-data on a song database
  101. Two way communication between parent and child processes...
  102. static variable Vs Global Variable
  103. Memory read - write error
  104. WriteFile / CreateThread
  105. bool & BOOL
  106. declare, define, and call of a function passing two dimensional arrays [modified]
  107. how make limit running my program?
  108. Set size and postion of contols in c++ win 32
  109. win32 and gtk+ (vista glass) :(
  110. window Position C++ win32
  111. Crt_debugger_hook
  112. Value passed to parameter, procedure modifies value and returns true!
  113. standard behavior for Alt key to show/hide Menu bar
  114. How to handle exception from function as we not develope that fuction() and dont kno what type of exception it will throw
  115. Code Review Checklist
  116. rtd server
  117. How to get PNP Device Id
  118. Clipboard / Win32
  119. Send data to remote server from CString
  120. Mouse over button
  121. $(ProgramFiles)
  122. CString to const unsigned char *
  123. Afx.h / Win32
  124. Localization for ********s using XML
  125. RegGetValue / Win32
  126. WindowFromPoint and layered windows
  127. System Time Zone
  128. Have anybody catch errors of CrystalCtrl ?
  129. read/write function working in linux
  130. Virtual function in DLL
  131. runtime error
  132. how to write output from a c++ program to a subdirectory of a directory where the .exe resides.
  133. How to find multiple servers on LAN using TCP socket
  134. how to use select() function with file descriptors on windows
  135. How to Track the event in Excel for cell insert/delete in C++ or VC++ for ?
  136. include directory
  137. How you will define the structure model of Sigmund Freud "Id, ego, and super-ego" in C ? :)
  138. Windows Obscured or not.
  139. dirDDBox and dirListBox
  140. Object layout of the Virtual Base class.
  141. Load PNG Images
  142. How to find the average, worst complexity of a code
  143. WMI remote registry
  144. How to change the Title(Caption) of Modal Dialog Box?
  145. Run time error
  146. Combobox dropdown is not showing up when I click on the combobox
  147. Button behaviour
  148. tr1::regex
  149. In Visual Studio 2008 I try to Go To Dialog and get "The operation could not be completed. Access is denied."
  150. VIsual Studio Debugger Yellow arrow cursor/control ???
  151. Window Resizing!? / Win32
  152. RAPI funcion generate problem in CFileDialog handling.
  153. Converting something in MFC (.NET) to work under wxWidgets (for windows only)
  154. maze in c
  155. Dialog size should change to the system screen size
  156. Unmanaged C++ DLLs with Unicode via ASP or ASP.NET
  157. One-time initialization of an ActiveX control in CFormView-derived class
  158. Visual Studio unmanaged C++ TCP/IP client-server examples
  159. How can restrict to shortcuts not displayed in CFileDialog?
  160. how i can use AsyncSelect
  161. Linux commands
  162. Interacting with a 3rd party application dialog window
  163. function doesn't reply
  164. JPEG to Cur Conversion
  165. Two-Dimensional Array not reading right
  166. releated to netdefender firewall
  167. Useing UTF-8 in CHttpFile
  168. Problem with CreateFileMapping() window7/Vista.
  169. MFC CreateInstance from CWinThread
  170. How to get all instances of Excel.exe
  171. Visual Studio C++ Object Oriented
  172. define arrow keys in c
  173. Change the colour in c
  174. Class Custom Control
  175. Visual Studio Addin for source code editor tooltip [modified]
  176. Memory leak In Excel range pointer
  177. Object Oriented c++ Visual Studio Problem.
  178. Large Menu Items
  179. Save/Restore "state" of document in CHtmlView
  180. Need to change the main icon of an SDI app with the new ribbon interface (with a transparent icon)
  181. how do I create a process dump file in WinXP and Win7?
  182. WinInet
  183. About MSDN Library?
  184. debugging app to find out which code module doesn't decrease a count
  185. how to stop run of a program after a message display [modified]
  186. Calling a function directly via VTable.
  187. In-place "conversion" of a string literal into a named object
  188. CFile::Remove fails
  189. Help to develop a service to get UPS information by unmanaged C++ code in Win7
  190. How to stop CComboBox from interrupting thread?
  191. Experiencing trouble with passing input string to array [modified]
  192. How to get width() of secondary Monitor.
  193. How to automate word to go to first/last page of the document?
  194. Changing window title in SDI,MDI
  195. How to check if 2 network shares are the same folder.
  196. About loadlibrary problem. [modified]
  197. GDI+ JPEG to binary
  198. open txt file form web or ftp ?
  199. C++ String Creation
  200. Splitter Window for MDI.
  201. Not able to drag the pane when creating a splitter in MDI Applicaton.
  202. Please Explain One Instruction
  203. WiX: Any good books or courses?
  204. One question about size of empty class...
  205. datetimecontrol
  206. is it possible to get a CRect from the Current Selection of a Richedit
  207. Show message the first time my app is started after windows has rebooted
  208. vector of doubles (division)
  209. OnPrint from IE
  210. problem with creating model-less dialog as a child of CFormView
  211. simple char array
  212. Is CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT unicode or ansii (mbcs)?
  213. Convert character to other character
  214. Best way to open a HTML file from an URL
  215. server emulator code help
  216. mouse related Q
  217. maze in c
  218. Short Circuit Evaluation
  219. Loading bitmap in Dialog in OnPaint()
  220. We are chinese programmers
  221. decompliler dll to c++
  222. vector class memory usage [modified]
  223. messin with **********
  224. Help with hash tables in C
  225. Asynchronous sockets
  226. Doxygen is melting my face, need pointers
  227. fatal error C1900
  228. Request for a company!
  229. Std::string loadstring???
  230. MS Access
  231. Truncating size of file using _chsize()
  232. Disable shortcuts of CRichEdit control.
  233. win32 app window not tabbing to WS_TABSTOP style edit controls
  234. CBitmapButton::Loadbitmap
  235. Dll
  236. matrix multiplication
  237. Templated array in class
  238. gauss jordan
  239. gauss jordan
  240. How to open a registry key that contains space?
  241. C2061
  242. Re: trapping F1 in a class derived from CFileDialogImpl
  243. _CrtIsValidHeapPointer error
  244. Drawing a polygon onto a DIB?
  245. toggle bits in a variable
  246. wrap the wininet dll
  247. casting between pointers
  248. array => vector
  249. GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesA returns 0
  250. rounding doubles to set # decimal places