المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : General topics in C++ - Cplusplus

الصفحات : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 [27] 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

  1. Runtime Error
  2. WMI getting IP-Address [modified]
  3. How to get flash handle(ocx) in bho
  4. CString::GetAt() problem
  5. Difference between VC6 and VS 2008.
  6. help
  7. How to emulate virus
  8. Network byte transfer count
  9. C calling convention importance
  10. change color in c
  11. How to do Modulo (double and Big Numbers)
  12. mfc executable won't run on other machines
  13. ComboBox sorting
  14. how to register dll or ocx file via c++ code
  15. sorting alphabetically
  16. A RichEdit without any borders
  17. Suggestions on Development on Multi Platform Communcation App
  18. Reply for ComboBox Sorting Alphabetically
  19. CDialogBar Usage very confusing..
  20. problem with image scaning & displaing . win32 StretchDIBits ()
  21. UI Question
  22. How to draw circle
  23. FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SIZE and FindFirstChangeNotification behavior in W7 and XP
  24. how to make dialog box as modal
  25. about SetThreadContext
  26. Iterating Vector
  27. SmallestInt-need algo
  28. strtok
  29. How to import structure variables from another cpp file
  30. Asserion Failed:file wincore.cpp, Line 1047
  31. How to display an MFC View in a web browser?
  32. Dynamic Scroll bar
  33. Subclass list control with another controls inside
  34. Mask
  35. c++ code to solve M simultanous linear equations with N variables - N
  36. switching between views in MDI
  37. How to Connect to DataBase using SQL in VC6
  38. Application Crash
  39. subroutine to solve linear algebraic equations - fewer unknowns than equations
  40. MFC crash occurs on DLL during ******** translation in string table entries
  41. Error in building QuickFix library in Exceptions.h
  42. Class Information
  43. Setting the text in an edit box of another application
  44. Get full path of file from "Confirm file delete" window [modified]
  45. Read CPU temp
  46. Gettign value from console to MFC
  47. TerminateProcess doesn't work as expected on Windows XP
  48. const string reference variables
  49. 10 & 10/3*3 are not equal ! ! ! WHY?
  50. How to change the contrast of NB screen?
  51. CreateFile - " file is being used by another process."
  52. Proper #include sequence
  53. completely restrict mouse movement (including raw data)
  54. Process terminates spontaneously - No exception dialogue
  55. Needs Inputs regarding Printing in Plotter using MFC Doc / View Print Architecture
  56. OpenGL, cross-platformity, and general nincompoopery
  57. Character Exception
  58. problem between OS of 32bit ans 64 bits
  59. How to execute tab and newline?
  60. CDateTimeCtrl
  61. Edit box font problem?
  62. Specifying data segment for instances of a class
  63. DLL Creation and Usage
  64. Basic question about MFC document view architecture
  65. shortcut for going to function definition
  66. Disable the close Button of a MFC Dockable Panes
  67. (MFC Feature Pack) CMFCPropertyGridFileProperty question
  68. 0x80040111 ClassFactory cannot supply requested class
  69. How to declare a three dimensional array
  70. a prob with HKEY
  71. waveInStart Problum??
  72. How to play flash movies with transparent background color in a Window?
  73. How to add edit control to CTreeListControl
  74. Add control at runtime?
  75. CMDIChildWndEx with its own menu
  76. how does this macro work?
  77. Child Dialog
  78. CDateTimeCtrl
  79. Read String
  80. How to Remove TitleIcon for CDialog if border is Resized VC++
  81. Tooltips can't be shown
  82. Bluetooth Block
  83. Posting a lot of data messages to MFC-based GUI
  84. Is it ok to use uninitialized pointer?
  85. input message injection on windows logon desktop
  86. How to change audio output/input devices?
  87. 'RotateNoneFlipX' : is not a member of 'RotateFlipType' ?? [modified]
  88. ConnectEx fails
  89. Error :: C1061 compiler limit : blocks nested too deeply
  90. waveOutOpen returning no message??
  91. CloseHandle() freezes the program...
  92. select the home directory for the .ini files
  93. CRectTracker & CScrollView
  94. WriteFile() API failed and GetLastError return 0x05 value.
  95. Can't use 'User-defined-Message' in APP class of dialog-based MFC application. Why?
  96. Rotated text using Drawtext
  97. LNK2001 - Help needed
  98. Invalidate() Error CDialog
  99. Array of Strings
  100. CHtmlView - zoom in/out on Ctrl + mouse scroll
  101. Need Some suggestion before startup
  102. How to handle the edit message in CMFCToolBarComboBoxButton?
  103. Minimize dialog to taskbar
  104. Process and memory
  105. mfc VC6++ threading
  106. MFC: Can popup dialog in SDI app access ribbon commands?
  107. How to write Password code in cpp
  108. Ctree Recycle bin
  109. Email config setting.
  110. vector of template class
  111. Problem with doublebyte chars in Japanese
  112. Retrieve TreeView Selected Item
  113. onlick event of command button is not called
  114. Preventing CD copy
  115. How to postpone implementation of abstract class in c++
  116. compile main.c
  117. Payment gateway project ...... help
  118. How to overrdide CHtmlView to specify the browser to be used
  119. Compare/Convert Float to Text
  120. Reset dwDesiredAccess,
  121. Trouble with VirtualAlloc
  122. Size of SDI window in MDI applcation
  123. files stream & iterators
  124. Error 2758
  125. unresolved external symbol in TAPI prog
  126. Binary file read writing problem
  127. AfxGetMainWnd() returns the window of another application!!!!
  128. how do I handle the VSCROLL from CMFCRibbonEdit on ribbon in CMainFrame?
  129. The header file process.h
  130. Hooking OleGetClipboard
  131. How to achieve pushbutton type effect using bitmaps
  132. STL / Custom Linked List
  133. Can we create DSN name and set a path through Install shield
  134. re: winsock multiplexed server using select()
  135. typdef struct MFC [modified]
  136. VS2010 Application Wizard
  137. Stack Overflow
  138. memory leak detection in unmanaged C++ MFC code
  139. delete [modified]
  140. Object render order for proper depth (OpenGL) [modified]
  141. EnumProcesses() don't return all processses!
  142. how to ensure usb bulk transfer
  143. How to use ClientDC::GetPixel to get the pixel's RGB value when I call TextOut?
  144. Disable bluetooth radio through code in c++
  145. How to align output to text file in vb.net
  146. Prevent Screen Capturing
  147. Moving a dialog box that you do not create [Solved]
  148. CTime
  149. List View Dragging win32
  150. How to exchange Layers in Tiff File Format.?
  151. Reference to a pointer question
  152. How to tile multiple windows in a single view
  153. How to move buttons to the left side?
  154. Choosing files from a directory
  155. Problem with Painting logic
  156. Sending HTTP Post via TCP/IP
  157. getting contents from USB drive letter
  158. dynamic jpg photo
  159. How can remove dotted gray line that is display in row of ListCtrl?
  160. Changing the mouse pointer globally
  161. Line Drawing
  162. OLEDB CAccessor with CMultipleResults what am I doing wrong.
  163. Load balance problem
  164. Double average
  165. How to move rectangle with mouse
  166. Unsigned/Signed
  167. MFC application(VS2008) does not execute in another computer
  168. Create a new menu in the MDI appliaction
  169. Drawing
  170. Remove Features/components from Windows 7 [modified]
  171. Process privileges elevation on runtime with Win7 UAC?
  172. Making an app single instance
  173. How to process multiple commands on CAccessor.
  174. how to create client and server winsock in one project or use 2 winsock in one project?
  175. Disabling main application window(Sdi with splitter control)
  176. replacement for DeviceIoControl()
  177. Vertical Scrollbar in list control
  178. Initializing CPropertypages
  179. Accessing a Variable
  180. How to make the release version of a visual studio 2008 c++ project so i can step in and debug?
  181. Redimension CComboBox
  182. Tab key doesn't work right
  183. Assign value to a variable after a delay
  184. C2061 Compiler Error syntax error : identifier 'BOOL'
  185. Weird threading error with LibTiff
  186. SafeArrayCreate throwing ACCESS_VIOLATION exception, why?
  187. Office 2010 style in Windows Ribbon Framework?
  188. Error Message
  189. Change the content of a tooltip
  190. Customize CMFCPropertyGrid
  191. MySQL 5.0 and Visual C++ 6....do they work together?
  192. atoi conversion query.
  193. Program crashes, log entries and map files
  194. Disable All Breakpoints In Visual C++ 6.0
  195. CodeJocks ToolkitPro in VS 2010?
  196. capAVI macro capGrabFrameNoStop frames do not match on still image - expert capAVI wanted
  197. Errors not being reported on Windows Server 2003 box
  198. Help me to implement it.
  199. Convert COleDateTime to SQL datetime column type
  200. Detection if computer is a standalone system or is part of a local network system
  201. One c++ project how to transmit it to WSDL
  202. GDI drawing onto a 4-bit bitmap
  203. Binary data transfer through serail port
  204. how to use code written in C# in Managed C++ (VC++.NET) Project?
  205. RightJustify a widechar string
  206. Locking a window
  207. Error defining a structure
  208. string question
  209. Type Casting
  210. Check that an EXE file is code signed / digitally signed?
  211. how can I learn??
  212. Reusing C++ code for use with .NET (WPF)
  213. Converting to the web
  214. How can get Domain name in given URL?
  215. How to use " CMFCPropertyGridProperty "to have a button
  216. programing
  217. How can I know if scrollbar appears ?
  218. How to use my defined resource ID in a DLL? [modified]
  219. getting pixel color values by GetDiBit function
  220. Loading a Registry Hive with RegLoadKey()
  221. Enable lan connection for win7 using INetConnection
  222. Project type for remote file access
  223. Menu Enabling
  224. Change background color of CComboBox [modified]
  225. Is this the fastest way to access the RGB values of a Pixel ?
  226. showing binary date [modified]
  227. How can prevent to show one property page?
  228. hello how to make a injector that reinjects everytime the dll if specified process reloads and changes hes pid
  229. C++ parser
  230. Error Heap in allocate modeless .
  231. controlling wave output volume
  232. Ratio color bar for an MFC-based application
  233. Problem with ScrollBar(MFC VC6)
  234. sizeof string array in for loop?
  235. Using WIN32 to Web server to send request,how to remove the HTTP response header Information!
  236. + cannot add two pointers, most elegant solution ?
  237. How can update a purticular line in text file by CStdio file reading?
  238. C2504 error using CMFCButton (or other CMFCFxxx classes) within a DLL
  239. Help me DisConnect Internet use Ras
  240. XML parsing
  241. MDI with CDocument invalid pointer
  242. How can use Time Out for any function or thread?
  243. InterlockedCompareExchange/cmpxchg-lock free queue
  244. How to check if char* is a number
  245. Changing initial directory on File Open Dialog in MFC
  246. Why IMediaSeeking fails to seek while filter graph is already running?
  247. RegEnumValue not return the correct values
  248. Copying Variants
  249. How to use get the image's URL from web page
  250. edit control not responding in a dialog created within an activex control