المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : General topics in C++ - Cplusplus

الصفحات : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 [28] 29 30 31 32 33 34

  1. converting function float to string for sprintf
  2. 890818 - how to create a transparent window?
  3. Rogue OnTimer
  4. SendMessage(WM_VSCROLL,SB_LINEDOWN,0) don't work
  5. Create Bitmap from Memory
  6. Creating Library Modules in VS ...??
  7. Every time I format my system, I get a different MAC address (Windows XP, VISTA and Windows7). Why I am not getting same MAC every time?
  8. convert binary file to image/bmp file in vc++
  9. Terminating OpenMP loop early
  10. How can find List item click or checkbox click?
  11. MDITile - how to activate specific frame / view in MFC document / view template?
  12. Float value
  13. How to tell when a view loses focus when the user has the right mouse button down and moves out of the view?
  14. Accessing vector in another class??
  15. buffer filled with trash [modified]
  16. Displaying as much text as possible
  17. Secure ,Portable char array functions ?
  18. MAPISendMail fails with error 2 on Microsoft Outlook 2003 with Win XP
  19. Callback Function for Timers in VC6......??
  20. Executing a usermode program from a driver?
  21. timeout problem
  22. windows 7 UAC
  23. How to make a transparent toolbar which the hot Icon would enlarge when mouse hover on? [modified]
  24. which protocols are important of the network protocol.?
  25. Os Install
  26. How to export the drived class from one abstract class? And also STL container is used as private members.
  27. I meet one problem, I donot know how to debug the JNI(java native code) project?
  28. CButton question
  29. what data type use in String concatination function in vc++ DLL?
  30. Problems with other people's Vista!
  31. User Mode vs Kernel Mode
  32. error C3861: "xxxxx" identifier not found
  33. Help: rename filename
  34. fatal error LNK1104: can not open file .lib
  35. How can I load put a swf in resources and how to load it
  36. Lpt Capture.
  37. Method of flagging a dialog control in error
  38. sdk for thumbnail
  39. New'ing a pointer to an array [modified]
  40. No icons showing in XP while running an app developed in Vista
  41. Save as HTML on WebBrowser Control
  42. MoveWindow()
  43. Getting standard printf output into MFC - MS Q190351
  44. Excel automation: SetValue() function throws exception when user changes sheets
  45. Read in .pdf files
  46. Read data using assembly
  47. how to input into array from keyboard
  48. Why the controls do not show?
  49. error C4430: missing type specidier - int assumed
  50. MFC Application Taskbar Icon Context Menu in Windows 7?
  51. CString::Replace() problem
  52. AfxBeginThread - which form?
  53. 890916 - resizing a memory dc
  54. 890916 - CTabbedPane
  55. How can identify why AfxBeginThread return value is NULL?
  56. How integrate Microsoft Platform SDK with Visual Studio 6.0 [modified]
  57. Alignment of More Than Two Text in Correct Format for CListBox.
  58. C Casting Problem
  59. Using WM_USER, WM_APP or RegisterWindowMessage
  60. User defined message , exeption at the handler return [modified]
  61. How can use Socket Connection Timeout?
  62. SHFileOperation in win XP?
  63. Visulizing Webcam throught browser
  64. how to create line graph in vc++?
  65. Question on MFC program execution procedure [modified]
  66. Problem in closing the thread
  67. Subclassing CHeaderCtrl in CListCtrl
  68. How to save TransParent IMage after drawing on another image?
  69. Shortcut key source code
  70. Visual C++
  71. For Loop & Array Issue.
  72. 'Fake' the freespace of a hdd
  73. 890927 - Invalid Input Format exception in sscanf_s
  74. Owner Button Width
  75. Why VC project won't run on Windows 7
  76. Visual C++
  77. lookup plan for hashtable [modified]
  78. source code car firetruck in c
  79. API to get special path
  80. [SOLVED]...conversion from CString to LPSTR
  81. Pre used resource ids by visual studio
  82. How to restrict drag and drop from explorer to my application?
  83. Image Flicker
  84. How to print from a service?
  85. resizing a dialog
  86. C - error while passing parameters
  87. vc2005,Find in Files Toolbar lost
  88. Link error
  89. How to append a character to a string
  90. How to partially disable the slider bar?
  91. last data in dde
  92. Database question
  93. Getting various errors !!!
  94. Why the first parameter of CreateEvent () method is NULL
  95. How can send message to an notepad ?
  96. Adding a reference to MFC Project....
  97. Hello i hooked readprocessmemory and have some problems logging its lpBuffer
  98. CreateFile
  99. TCHAR issue
  100. Uhhhh!!!! Header problem after installing (and uninstalling) VS2008 SP1.
  101. simple string problem - Noob
  102. CArray storage options
  103. When the ed2k link is clicked, how to start the emule program.?
  104. manipulation de bits dans une variable quelconque
  105. Populate An Array With Numbers.
  106. Expanding items in CTreeCtrl
  107. Another academic question - compiler options or #pragma ?
  108. How to show different window layout
  109. Convert Windows application to Linux application
  110. Getting ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER error in DeviceIoControl Function
  111. Error concatinating file path and file name....
  112. Measure CRichEditCtrl height
  113. preallocating logging files for performance purposes
  114. Getting logical drives of all Physical drives
  115. wcstok [modified]
  116. Isalpha Function Issue.
  117. String Problem
  118. (OpenGL/MFC/Win32) glReadPixels and CreateBitmap question...
  119. Software Keyboard Simulator
  120. Sorting data using std::map or std::multimap
  121. ADO in MFC.....getting problems
  122. C++ compiler needed plzzzz
  123. Display dialog after SDI app opens
  124. Difference between _stat() and _fstat()
  125. Bluetooth - COM port reading
  126. how to add a menu in win32 dialog box?
  127. How can I override or customize the delete confirmation dialog in Windows?
  128. How can check which FormView is currectly visible?
  129. Rename a folder?
  130. how to load bitmap image on button in win32 application
  131. Another basic debug question - how to debug OpenCV dll from my application.
  132. Exception with CFileDialog (MFC)
  133. what is wrong with this code?
  134. How to set a icon to the column of the CListCtrl
  135. TCP/IP client / serveur and Win7
  136. How can i delete History and ******s Directory in Internet explorer?
  137. boost::named_mutex not released after process abort
  138. String Conversion
  139. else does nto return expected value
  140. how to use CButton class in win 32
  141. Creating .dll linked to Excel, add function error [modified]
  142. How to load 768*576 image in opengl ?
  143. Name for a hosting class - Just looking for some naming ideas
  144. CDBException because access file table item have value like "#Error".
  145. How to use CTabCtrl::GetCurSel
  146. Large JPEG/PNG Image Sequence Looping
  147. want to know meaning of line obj = ( struct xyz * ) ( buffer + offset );
  148. String array comparison
  149. error C2011: 'CMemDC' : 'class' type redefinition
  150. how to do function like cout
  151. [REQUEST] TabControl Sample Code (Visual C++, Win32, Win32 Project) with Tutorial on what to edit to customize it
  152. Memory deal********
  153. Change Image size
  154. 'AFX_EXT_CLASS error
  155. Upper Bound and Lower Bound of an array
  156. How to add items to CListCtrl faster?
  157. How to display jpg image in the CView
  158. GetDlgItemText in an derived CComboBox
  159. Accessing physical memory under Windows XP
  160. hello, anyone have an idea of a code in MFC to shut down with time the pc ? in Vs 2008 ?
  161. C++ - how to refer a header file which is used in a dll while loading thru loadlibrary method
  162. Desktop rect
  163. Incremental search method for CEditview or CRicheditView
  164. Logical Processors Vs Physical Processors
  165. According to the size of the rectangle how to choose the appropriate font ?
  166. Height of combo-box
  167. Checking Internet Connection
  168. Mapping network drive through non-standard port
  169. How to increase buffer size for CEdit Box in VC6
  170. Using gdiplus to skew, rotate and resize a matrix (image)
  171. CEdit Box Error
  172. How to free the variable
  173. MFC: Use firefox in MFC
  174. Nested structs problem [modified]
  175. How to use CMFCVisualManagerOffice2007 in dialog App?
  176. Corruption of the Heap Error
  177. How to Use ODBC API for SQLFetchScroll.
  178. How to bring an App to front, from another App
  179. setDllDirectory in x64 project
  180. structure to file
  181. how to sync google chrome bookmarks?
  182. Wich is the best way to launch/run an externall .exe app form vc++6 ?
  183. About Resizing controls as per screen resolution..............
  184. VISUAL C++ resource.h/rc madness mess
  185. How can I use SetWindowLongPtr function in VC6 ?
  186. TrackPopupMenu question
  187. Multiplication from int value to float value is not giving proper result.
  188. Stripping new line problem
  189. Getting File Path of the Current Program [modified] [SOLVED]
  190. templates & friends
  191. File move and compare in VC++ 6 MFC dialog based program?
  192. unresolved external symbol error when i compile my win32 app
  193. --i not equal to i - 1 ???
  194. How can I retrieve handlw of dropdown list box ?
  195. Convert from Double to Integer w/o Rounding in C++
  196. CButton click
  197. Is gdi+ started? How to check?
  198. Help on the encryption decryption project.
  199. MFC command line in VC6.0 - repost
  200. How to check if a string is base64 encoded string?
  201. Registering a 64 bit DLL from a 32 bit application
  202. how do i convert unicode string to ansi format?
  203. StretchBlt problem
  204. Unhandled exception at EndDialog.
  205. Recursive CFileFind problem [modified]
  206. Application failed to initialize ??
  207. Sending windows message from worker thread
  208. class size doesn't seem to be determined correctly
  209. Wm_command
  210. case statement in DLGPROC
  211. WM_DEVICECHANGE Problem
  212. How can write sheet 2 in xlsx with excel automation?
  213. memory mapped
  214. put image on client area of main frame windows
  215. How to deselct the text from a rich edit control when i click ( not click and move ) in the text of it.
  216. flexlm lc_set_attr() causing memory leak
  217. limit from SetLimitText is not working when use setwindowtext.
  218. Data Structure library
  219. Copying From Single Dimension Array To Multiple Dimension Array
  220. How can I know which item is selected ? [modified]
  221. Move items in ListControl
  222. Debug Error While Running Program on Other Computer
  223. it's much slower when using boost::pool_allocator and boost::object_pool
  224. Disable turning the screen off
  225. How can handle dateandtime control value for different regional ********?
  226. Starting Process Using VC++
  227. How to hide a menuitem when it's unnecessary
  228. How to Capture Screenshot of a Full Screen Game Made with Direct X
  229. Can we put dot [ . ] in the name of Win32 dll
  230. DIBSection
  231. Object movement in OpenGl
  232. libcmt.lib problem ...
  233. How to add reference of a dll in a Visual Studio Project
  234. What is corect way to send an CString through ::PostMessage(...) ?
  235. how to remove the extra border of a button after enabling xp visual style
  236. Help Get handles of process
  237. How can read a unicode text file as character by character?
  238. Handle Inheritance in Windows [modified]
  239. OpenPrinter() API
  240. Use Modeless Dialog inside MFC DLL
  241. Is there a linkable chat control?
  242. STL : Map.Insert always sort the inserted key - How to prevent this
  243. How can I change background/text color of CComboBox ?
  244. problem when using (detours lib) SetDll.exe to Add a dll to an exe file.
  245. Letter drawing
  246. How to create a windowless control after implementing all the necessary interfaces?
  247. Can we stop and .exe from anthoer .exe
  248. Preprocessor directives - resources
  249. French localization using Single-byte character set (SBCS)
  250. How do I find a Microsoft Forms 2.0 Control in a VC6 Project? [modified]