المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : General topics in C++ - Cplusplus

الصفحات : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 [29] 30 31 32 33 34

  1. invisible the file or folder
  2. Compare And Set 64 bit
  3. Issue while Use DLL in MFC Exe Application
  4. a weird behavior
  5. Using WebBrowser Control in mfc application,Cpu usage is 50%.
  6. CLSID and IID from DLL
  7. call a function from another class
  8. read function address
  9. Disk Full Error
  10. fabs with SSE
  11. FormView on close
  12. update structure in a vector of structures
  13. Global array question [modified]
  14. How can I read ODBC from registry ?
  15. How to partially map a shared memory
  16. problem to draw line in list control
  17. Redirecting output to DVI or HDMI.
  18. how to set IE to open my file format? just like PDF files.
  19. How to implement WebSocket Client in C
  20. Release crashes but debug works.
  21. .bmp file data to HBITMAP, How ?
  22. How to get the pixel color from a virtual device context ?
  23. Crash after installing KB2465361
  24. CMFCEditBrowseCtrl leaks...
  25. Qt - What do we mean by those code snippets
  26. Build Error - Creating a DirectSound secondary buffer [modified]
  27. Algorithm [modified]
  28. Error : 'strcpy_s' : none of the 2 overloads could convert all the argument types.
  29. Combining if statements
  30. Proxy Type - by code
  31. How to get String from ".txt" file and transfer to float
  32. I need to copy (CTRL+C) a web page... C++
  33. Duplicates in list
  34. Deskband (XP) Problem..
  35. i having problem to connect my MFC form to Access database using sql query..
  36. GetVolumeInformation() on network drive
  37. The application cannot get the file icon
  38. Writing a Questionnaire using C++
  39. Copying and executing code of a function
  40. windows explorer on c++ using functions winapi
  41. Acl
  42. Fixed row in list control
  43. MFC calculator with huge real....
  44. Please help me for EnableWindow of main dialog.
  45. How to save changes made to VC tool box
  46. how to run linux executable file in winows? pls how to install and run in cross compiler cygwin?
  47. Sleep in Button Click
  48. How do i get a InterlockedCompare ?
  49. XML Parsing using Tiny XML
  50. Scroll bar in Listview
  51. compression
  52. linked list adding operation with two structure type
  53. how to convert images through C++
  54. MFC: ownderdrawn menu, how can I change the default menu border?
  55. how to make folder to file extension
  56. C# ASP.NET TreeView control
  57. Huffman decoding from using two queues and cursors
  58. Showing a Confirmation Message Box on Closing a Dialog
  59. Destroying ModalDialog
  60. MFC data structures
  61. Setting BGColor to a WebBrowser Control [modified]
  62. Problem Opening Email when using InvokeHelper in C++
  63. about multi linked list
  64. application messaging
  65. "Ending program ... please wait" - what system message needs a response ?
  66. Problem with VC toolbox
  67. CSocket: in which cases that server receives OnClose() event?
  68. string combination
  69. Design Pattern of separating data and business logic
  70. Load image from Resource
  71. how do i find all "src" attributes from frame object of html document?
  72. Problem with ActiveX: 0x80020005 (DISP_E_TYPEMISMATCH)
  73. how to merge cells using msFlexgrid..
  74. How create a GUI to allow screen capture?
  75. Who calls main()
  76. How to get the keyboard event?
  77. Static class members
  78. Start application at specific time
  79. How to remove flicker effect?
  80. ReadFile () reads Junk characters when tried to read from COM1 Port
  81. Open other Application From Dialogue
  82. How create a windows 7 gadget with MFC in VC++2010?
  83. Embedding Excel in a dialog
  84. Encrypting Archives with AES
  85. matrix Rotation
  86. Function pointer problem
  87. How to pass a window handle to another as command line argument.
  88. Array Count
  89. how to create chm file
  90. Make client area of dialog transparent, so i can see what is behind the window
  91. Running a c++ program
  92. MFC WebBrowser2 Control, PDF crash
  93. How to read continous data from Serial Port
  94. user ID of links on CRichEditCtrl
  95. Edit message in CListCtrl
  96. How to use help file
  97. Problem opening URL
  98. [win32]Draw on a background bitmap
  99. SetWindowRgn Menu Problem
  100. Pointers to member functions which return pointers to themselves
  101. Does VS resource compiler support PNG file
  102. problem releasing .exe to vs2008 users
  103. Problem with Imagelist_LoadBitmap
  104. Why my 64 architecture exe is not able to read registry?
  105. Getting floppy drive in logical drives
  106. Angles
  107. Using ShellExecute to open a web page as a child of Dialog
  108. VirualAlloc and ReadFile
  109. MFC Passing a string from a thread then printing out in a edit box not working
  110. How to get the locale? [SOLVED]
  111. Help with Side-by-Side error
  112. Encryption/Decryption on html file?
  113. [Win32] How draw a rectangle on the desktop
  114. What is the reason for Example2_i.c?
  115. How to use tcp keepalive to check the client is alive?
  116. Suddenly Exe is not running
  117. C++ Question
  118. Help with reading Window titles and text in C sharp
  119. Setting RTL for a window?
  120. Formatting CEdit
  121. how to get the code of OnLButtonDown and OnMouseMove etc in OnDraw method ?
  122. Using C# in C++
  123. internationalisation
  124. MFC Multiple document types in SDI application
  125. Gantt chart
  126. Is it possible to make an application to show a modeless dialog and wait there(without executing the next statement) until the modeless dialog is closed
  127. Wrong icon on title bar
  128. Temporary disable text edit change event?
  129. Temporary disable text edit change event? [solved]
  130. VPN server/Client
  131. Equation for a straight line
  132. [Win32]Set bitmap to button
  133. Memory increases while inserting items in list
  134. Error 2248: cannot access protected member declared in CWinapp
  135. __debugbreak();
  136. How can I read all files from 'Recent File List' ?
  137. WSA Events
  138. doubi in vc++
  139. Converting char array to CSting
  140. Modeless Onscreen Keyboard
  141. Cdn_folderchange
  142. help plz
  143. MFC: Message-only CWnd in an SDI application. [modified]
  144. How tcp socket works for read & write both on same port?
  145. Help With SetTimer in C++ 6
  146. ON_COMMAND not working on mfc
  147. IO Completion Ports and windows sockets
  148. DispatchID Failed...
  149. READ or WRITE .XLS File
  150. What is Name of my process
  151. What is the unique in any PC?
  152. CEdit Control property in a SDI- Split Window [modified]
  153. CEdit Control password style switch
  154. C++
  155. trying to solve exam question and getting unreasonable length code, can it be shorter?
  156. NMAKE Error
  157. Passing data to running thread
  158. How to store Hexa value in a Text field of a table
  159. How to initialize a CProgressCtrl object in a CDialog derived object.
  160. Regarding - Compression and uncompression algarthm source code in c
  161. How to??
  162. At CADORecordset.Close() Application get crashed.
  163. IOCP again
  164. Pure virtual base class question
  165. Can I create another CMutex object when a named CMutex object being locked?
  166. Map????
  167. Multimap?
  168. How to send events to extended child control?
  169. How to send TVN_BEGINLABELEDIT from a custom tree control
  170. Need to verify my RIFF file header construction - sample code wanted
  171. How to set the multi selection property of a list box as TRUE through the code
  172. Pointer Maths
  173. Differences between overlap and popup window
  174. Crash in multiple threading with shared resource
  175. Stuck with 'Loudness Equalization'
  176. fatal error C1189: #error : _WIN32_WINNT settings conflicts with _WIN32_IE setting C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\include\sdkddkver.h
  177. Button Hover Effect
  178. VS 2010 and XP
  179. array declaration
  180. Error while fetching null value
  181. fixing vc6 installation
  182. right-click on windows taskbar
  183. How to turn off the disassemble functionality
  184. Print command to printer using PostMessage?
  185. Does "delete" operator work for PVOID pointers?
  186. QUERY: How to control external exe & read it's process details
  187. AfxGetMainWnd() equals to AfxGetMainWnd ?
  188. Problems with structures
  189. Visual C++ Express receiving a custom message
  190. How to get unplug the Ethernet cable message in WSAAsyncSelect ?
  191. Can both VS2005 and 2008 be installed on XP
  192. A link problem with c++ template function
  193. Delete doesn't ^delete^ a reference?
  194. how to save file name with unicode format???
  195. basic C struct newbee question
  196. Is CString really based on TCHAR?
  197. Typedef struct help
  198. Taskbar button text [modified]
  199. Runtime Error in Visual Studio [modified]
  200. CRichEditCtrl Font Formating
  201. How a to expose data of an application (.EXE) to a DLL on runtime?
  202. virtual inheritance and polymorphism! [modified]
  203. /clr:pure question
  204. How to increase transfer speed?
  205. pin_ptr on value struct is needed? [modified]
  206. problem in writing a binary file using _tfopen_s function
  207. What's the real difference between POPUP window and OVERLAPPED window
  208. Resource Issue after Convert C++ program from VS 2003 to VS2008
  209. Unsigned Integer Arrays?
  210. Need source code of changing animated gif frames to Bitmap file
  211. Missing packets
  212. Still trying to hunt down a runtime error in VS 2010, need suggestions
  213. Debug Assertion Failed Error ! Help me please.
  214. Debug Assertion Error help, here is the exact error
  215. Is there any function that can convert text representation"ABCDEF" back to int ?
  216. How to do the MFC to get the return of another console program?
  217. Directing logcxx to a log4net appender
  218. How to open a document file ?
  219. Insert new row in Excel using MFC VC++
  220. Re-intilize stack pointer
  221. Bitmap on Picture Control
  222. MySQL and ODBC!?
  223. Embedded Sytems
  224. Download file from internet
  225. Catch SHIFT key in PreTranslateMessage
  226. Classes in C
  227. Common Controls Issue
  228. Floating point rounding question
  229. Changing Cursors
  230. CRegKey::SetValue not function on Win 7
  231. Thread safe output..
  232. How to change the Vista boot logo ?
  233. PropertySheet
  234. Disabling the 'Alt' key
  235. Handle bluetooth pairing code
  236. Freeing the memory using delete operator for a class object created using new operator gives exception
  237. Why GlobalAddAtom always returns none zero even if failed
  238. Program execution hangs at accSelect.
  239. Ambiguity of 'this' and 'member function'
  240. Using MFC to Host a WebBrowser Control
  241. MFC's message map, no need of &?
  242. Load and Display a Dialog Box from Simple Win32 DLL with No MFC support
  243. All window handle from point
  244. MDI child windows behaviuor like VC6 editor
  245. Manifest in resource script?
  246. CreateFile, ReadFile and Writhe file thread
  247. Bluetooth _ What is the GUID for " Text transfer"
  248. Which VS2008 files are important?
  249. How to get software (exe, dll) Version info from a buffer?
  250. Text drawing is not getting properly