المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : General topics in C++ - Cplusplus

الصفحات : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 [30] 31 32 33 34

  1. How to catch "Abnormal Program Termination"
  2. Introducing tests into a legacy application?
  3. "The system cannot find the file specified"
  4. ShowNotifyBaloon problem [modified]
  5. mfc100u.lib
  6. why socket conection get faster in 64 bit application
  7. Safe App
  8. Problem with SetLayeredWindowAttribute
  9. IOCompletion in a server also acting as client
  10. CTime Problem? I don't think so....but who knows?
  11. Read a string with spaces
  12. Key-Value pair with multiples
  13. How to check i am clicking on the header of the list control
  14. How to create a object of mainframe in application class
  15. Live video processing
  16. How to use the hook function of Windows FileOpen dialog
  17. Getting the handle of a PictureBox in MFC
  18. Drag n Drop not accepting file outside of application
  19. Problem using IAccessible2
  20. Difference between Critical Sections over Mutex objects
  21. Debug VS2005 application
  22. CHKBOOK sample
  23. Simple C to C++ [modified]
  24. Library Usage Problem
  25. Pointer Casting warning
  26. ShellExecuteEx for windows7
  27. How to handle Column Click in a multi column list box
  28. Reading problem
  29. Can a VC++ application be converted to the web?
  30. how to get exact number of bytes accessible in RAM for a 32 Bit app?
  31. how to move mouse?
  32. Use AfxParseURLEx ?
  33. language problem in C ..
  34. How to free the memory if memory is al******** using memset
  35. use of child CFrameWnd in Visual Studio 2008 [SOLVED]
  36. PostThreadMessage does not work sometimes
  37. VC++ Graphs.
  38. Watch cannot find symbol $x
  39. write multistring value to ADS key
  40. Solved : Resize ComboBox Window
  41. Post-mortem debugging under Win7 Home Premium
  42. map of map in c++
  43. MS TR1 Regex
  44. index of HTREEITEM item?
  45. safearray of variant
  46. How to resize Tab Control??
  47. call weka classes
  48. How can I Move a memory pointer in FILE?
  49. How to update the Document generated by server COleServerDoc
  50. How can program tell that itself is running as admin?
  51. Show information in the same dialog after press diferent button
  52. Rookie Alert! Need Help Learning C
  53. Coloring ClistBox control
  54. Application getting carshed in release mode not in debug, in the follwing scenario
  55. how to move button when the dialog is resized?
  56. Window or form clarification -nomenclature
  57. Hi there all again! This time with an improvement! (and more clear question about C++ ADO) :)
  58. How do you const your references?
  59. Function "WriteAllText"
  60. How to create secure, uncrackable product keys for your application
  61. Basic Question About LRESULT
  62. sending SMS in C++
  63. Excel automation. How to save as *.xls with Excel 2010?
  64. Cannot add variable in MFC Class view wizard – again ( VC6.0)
  65. Button Creation, Handling the Click event
  66. CDC::GetDeviceCaps, how to know if AlphaBlend is supported or not?
  67. Setting a bmp as a window background
  68. how to write/read in text file with mfc project??
  69. MFC - how to get an edit box text from another dialog?? (Constructor)
  70. Idea of Activation of software
  71. To ask the user information via keyboard
  72. [mfc, custom control] Default Button
  73. File ********s on Win 7
  74. Progress Window, where to attach
  75. How to send a click message to an listctrl ?
  76. Crashing problem in Report control
  77. C++ Dynamic Data Binding / Reflection
  78. BeginPaint issues
  79. CHtmlView and Windows 7
  80. #define not const?
  81. Function pointer point to a object member function in C++?
  82. programming in c++
  83. Problem with MPR.lib/MFC90.DLL
  84. Problem with read in CFile class
  85. C Compiler needed (64 bit)!
  86. working with byte arrays
  87. how to Add the help file in SDI Application
  88. Splitter with fixed size
  89. Using Timer with non-dialog class
  91. CFromView
  92. OnInitialUpdate
  93. QuickWin Compile Errors in Visual Studio 2008
  94. Creating icon in taskbar
  95. #defines in a static library
  96. How to extract Visio XML files properties
  97. IIS Metadata, can't write the default pages and Mimes.
  98. alternative function for MCIWndCreate API
  99. SetTimer
  100. How to copy One XMLdocument to another?
  101. Where are my messages going?
  102. Paint problem
  103. Save as.. and open
  104. After video(MCIWndPlay) stops and window is moved control becomes empty???
  105. "using system" generates "undeclared" error. _outp also.
  106. IShellFolder2::GetDetailsOf method not find details of 2007 and upper MS office files.
  107. dev-c++ to "call" another program
  108. upload a file from c++ using visual studio MFC to a php script
  109. MFC DLL Won't Initialise
  110. making a unsigned char array gives a buffer overrun error
  111. setup with active x
  112. Always on top (modeless) dialog box
  113. Text drawing in embedded system
  114. playing video inside any control on my dialog box using direct show???
  115. MFC new should throw
  116. fopen fails to give error when UAC is enabled
  117. Windows has triggered a breakpoint in xxxxx, This may be due a corruption of the heap
  118. Beginner with C++ - Need helps with overload member function error
  119. Load icon in list image
  120. Building a WCHAR Array, Not sure if it right
  121. C++ Function Alias
  122. SetOccDialogInfo linker error VC 6.0 MFC
  123. CreateFile after CloseHandle
  124. URLDownloadToFile, Cancel Button
  125. Collaborated Tool/Library development
  126. Overlapped IO sockets sending and receiving at the same time
  127. Dos FTP & Unix File Details
  128. Capturing screen content behind an open window
  129. How to disable context-menu web browser control
  130. Star Shear
  131. Application is getting crashed at ShowWndow
  132. socket prograaming doubt!
  133. How to find the most frequent value of string array, and how many
  134. compare character array with file in C
  135. CScrollBar size
  136. MainWindow of dll how to launch from client exe
  137. How to grant access rights
  138. SetDefaultCommConfig does not control / save DTR / RTS parameters - why ?
  139. Bit Fielf In UML
  140. How to change my application (Client-Server using TCP/IP Sockets) to internet based application
  141. Capture mouse over event on trayicon aplication
  142. SetFocus problem
  143. how to read a character array line by line in C?
  144. Different GUI rendereng between WinXP and Vista-Win7
  145. to send message to console exe
  146. c++ win32, SQL Server Connection, which one?
  147. Installing Unsigned Driver in x64 systems
  148. I c++ win32 version of vb string.contain
  149. Resize Split Window
  150. Using a member from the view class of an mfc program in a dialog box
  151. How to return char*
  152. Get COM Dll path from an other Exe
  153. how can i find CString value in std::map iterator?
  154. i can't load dll builded in debug unicode,what's difference between 'debug' and 'debug unicode'?
  155. Array Problem.
  156. Error in RtlZeroMemory
  157. how to recognize a original file after changing its file type?
  158. Object instance error? Help
  159. why pApplication.CreateInstance( _T("Excel.Application") ) FAILED?
  160. TextOut/DrawText is too slow
  161. Double value precision
  162. Parsing in C
  163. WebLogic & ISS Server
  164. Network
  165. print n in even numbers only
  166. How do i get the screen coordinates of an IHTMLElement?
  167. how to parse an algebric equation in c++?
  168. Dock an CControlBar into CChidFrame ?
  169. CProgressCtrl- Marquee Mode
  170. ODBC - Using Parameters to build a SQL Command
  171. Image/Motion Detection
  172. Messure function execution time
  173. Prevent Windows From Entering Hibernate Mode
  174. TAPI Call program
  175. Connecting to SQL CE from MFC Pocket PC 2003
  176. CChildFrame notify
  177. How to access application's extern variable inside a dll
  178. Procedure entry point error when using CreateProcessWithTokenW
  179. An Easy Question
  180. Simulated press ctrl+c (copy button) any where in any window
  181. Thread sync
  182. CWinThread
  183. Optimization
  184. Dependencies for Visual STudio8
  185. 16 bit C Compiler
  186. calling a function multple times, clears previous values
  187. about DLL dependencies
  188. sorting list using hexadecimal values
  189. Heap error on std::string deletion from local function
  190. How to Delete A Node with its all Child in XML File ?
  191. Detect keypress count
  192. Network Utilization
  193. Joining 2 values with wcsncat_s
  194. Writing data on exif
  195. How to retrieve another ******s from InternetGet******() when the website sets multiple ******s.
  196. Tic-tac-toe bitmap
  197. win32 api - some kind of control container
  198. Intializing a structure array to store SQL Results from a class
  199. CreateProcessAsUser Question
  200. text Alignment
  201. Want to Do This for a Living
  202. CreateThread
  203. Thread sync
  204. Convert CString to CObject VC 6.0 MFC SOLVED
  205. Accelerators not working in MFC dll
  206. You can use deleaker
  207. How to clear registry using API. (VC6.0 MFC) SOLVED
  208. Which IDE you use for development on Linux platforms?
  209. package and deployment for VC6
  210. #pragma data_seg issue - Sharing only works with multiple instances of the same EXE
  211. Calling via TAPI
  212. Log event message
  213. Embedding a CDialog in a CMFCOutlookbar
  214. Closing Program, shutting down c++ win32.
  215. Proper response From WSAEWOULDBLOCK return code From CAsyncSocket::Connect
  216. dll loading itself launching the application
  217. Global variable
  218. Form view is showing it's background on the screen.
  219. in win32api how can i make button shaded ?
  220. how to read only integers from a file with c
  221. reading file using fscanf();
  222. Converting big integer value to string
  223. CreateProcess with Vista and 740 / Create Multiple Threads
  224. C syntax problem
  225. in win32api problem working with dll
  226. Building for older Windows versions with VS 2010
  227. Updated question( What's wrong in previous ******** of an object ? )
  228. Binary serialization
  229. CFILE::READ replacing x20's with x0a x0a
  230. CScrollView
  231. Playing .wav file
  232. How to check if an internet connection exist ?
  233. SHFileOperation with SHFILEOPSTRUCT fails when used with vars but works with string literals
  234. Member to pointer as template argument
  235. Set the font for text
  236. Parsing in C
  237. SetCursor Position in CMSMask text control
  238. project
  239. Windows Driver Development
  240. Can Any Control have it own message map
  241. LINK : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __DllMainCRTStartup@12
  242. basic Winsock / IOCP / UDP question
  243. Radio button text color not set
  244. Undefined reference error while using libxl libraries for Excel usage
  245. SSL Project
  246. using c# dll in g++ under Linux. is it possible?
  247. How to maintain an external C++ DLL developed with Literate Programming?
  248. CAsynSocket connection problem
  249. Updating the color of child Window
  250. Getter and setter style class implementation in VC++