المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : General topics in C++ - Cplusplus

الصفحات : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 [31] 32 33 34

  1. system phisycal drive
  2. TCP/IP problems
  3. VS 2010 MFC derived CListbox with dynamically addedCtoolbar
  4. Virualiztion concept for Client Server windows application
  5. Add text to listbox using sendmessage, i'm baffled, c++ win32
  6. Directshow
  7. How to parse a file and store few strings in an array
  8. USB flash drive serial number in VC++
  9. BCGPTabWnd OnSize Problem
  10. Translating the Mod Operator in VB to c++ check
  11. Cognizance Presents Insomnia : The Nocturnal Coding Life
  12. Write a C/C++ program that connects to a MySQL server and displays the global TIMEZONE
  13. How to re-use the replace() function to replace different strings in the same file ?
  14. Format double precision
  15. Picture control
  16. SHA1 encoding using Windows Crypto API with Unmanaged C++
  17. How to create TCP connections between two clients in different LAN?
  18. using SHFileOperationW, how to tell when complete and close dialog box
  19. How to create OLE object for MS Office
  20. WebSockets in native C++ (not managed)
  21. Share C file across dll boundaries
  22. HOWTO: HH.exe is not listed in taskmgr.exe
  23. IplImage to Halcon Image
  24. Volumes w/out letters on PhysicalDeviceX
  25. Win7 - worker thread freeze on call to WaitForSingleObject
  26. Best way to check if a thread is still active c++ win32
  27. standard c_str() problem in C++
  28. NMAKE can't find include file in subfolder
  29. please send explaination
  30. c++, win32, optionalfeatures.exe, how it knows if a feature is installed, Data ********
  31. How to fix compile error error C2535
  32. How to defense attack of the WSAAsyncSelect TCP Server ?
  33. How to move a treeitem with its child?
  34. How can I set a string to an item of the ListCtrl(CListCtrl) as muti-line
  35. How to decode AT+CPBR pdu response?
  36. C program to replace all the letters of a string with all 26 alphabets.....
  37. DeviceIoControl question
  38. Call Class Members from Interrupt Routine
  39. create statusBar in dialog problem
  40. loading dll second time giving error "A required resource was unavailable"
  41. Some native or raw C++ compilers
  42. Syntax for template specialization
  43. How to request ******s to servers
  44. How to validate a socket descripter
  45. Take and save the image from the Ip camera
  46. Socket (client) crashes program one one computer when the other computer (server) powers down - Strange
  47. Strange "resource editor" issue
  48. Background color: dialog box vs. property page
  49. Problem with view
  50. documentation c++ gui
  51. c++ win32 Listview, File List, show folder and app icon using SHGetFileInfo
  52. CMFCMaskedEdit class
  53. Socket Problem
  54. Scroll bar Control
  55. Dialog based on JPG advise
  56. Question about smart pointers in C++
  57. Need help to port example in VS6
  58. visual c++ 6 code convert to visual stutio 2010 professional
  59. Classic console development kits in C, samples (Nintendo, Sega, Atari, Neo Geo, etc.))
  60. Little advice of CFront
  61. Function Overloading
  62. help me about A* algorithm
  63. why the coded game is not show
  64. sending messages
  65. Looking for idea(s)
  66. Error in add event handler ?
  67. debug dll not working
  68. Serial Port / Windows Sockets clash
  69. How can I set focus on an activeX?
  70. c++ win32 project file - a file like a visual studio project file
  71. How to set build event Macros in VC++ 6.0?
  72. Question regarding std::Vector....
  73. VC++: Can't manipulate forms
  74. Get defaultUser directory
  75. How to fetch values from memory using structure variable name.
  76. I can't figure out how to extract my match from regex
  77. Problem of Property of Configuration
  78. Hello Helper
  79. Date / Time Class
  80. DirectShow restart SetOneShot(true)
  81. Hermite Curve
  82. Disabling USB ports
  83. why boost define this struct ?
  84. What WM_??? does "ShowWindow" actually call and send
  85. C, VB.net, MySql
  86. How to change the variable type on the fly?
  87. Mapping logical drive to its physical drive
  88. Duplicate Function - Linker Error LNK2005
  90. errors adding to windows form creator
  91. 6F00 return on reading of smard card ?
  92. win32, Treeview inside tool window
  93. in dialog dll because of App class instance application being crashed
  94. Graphic problem
  95. Date Time Picker Strange Behavior in Windows 7
  96. menubar icons (win32)
  97. #define question
  98. Pointers - help please
  99. c
  100. Linked List
  101. help needed with my calculator code
  102. The questions we get these days!
  103. IsUserAdmin returns false when UAC is enabaled in VS2010
  104. How to force to kill the specific progress on Win7 X64 Ultimate?
  105. template/callback function question
  106. advanced client server c application
  107. My template has some error
  108. How to use the c++ to connect sql server 2005?
  109. CreateWindowEx, DestroyWindow, CreateWindowEx
  110. Progress Bar not worked well with larger values?
  111. Can someone show me how to draw 3D lines?
  112. Unable to update DoDataExchange method : VS 2000 Project converted to Visual Studio 2008 or VS 2010
  113. Debug Assertion Failed - CPropertyPage [modified]
  114. Accelerator key issue
  115. 'MAKEINTRESOURCE' - Not Working Properly
  116. Reference to a variable that goes out of scope
  117. how to move dialog in activex control?
  118. Disable User Logoff
  119. How Can I Embed a text file in Code ?
  120. How to let client using [i][j] access two dimension array?
  121. VC++ 6.0 MFC - Temp disable mouse and keyboard for 5 secs.
  122. C++ File
  123. Dialog Proc, Fire a new thread function after intialization
  124. What does #pragma pack(0) do
  125. TabControl In MFC
  126. The entry point GetFileVersionInfoSizeEx
  127. Selecting median
  128. Calling a new dialog
  129. Get File Extension
  130. Enumerate network printers in metro apps
  131. buffer returning empty, doesn't exist on registry function when running in release, c++ win32
  132. Protect the running process - searching an old artical
  133. how to make this not stop?
  134. EXE File Protection
  135. AsyncIO - how to use it?
  136. Restrict Copy and Paste
  137. OnInitDialog?
  138. GetClipBoardOwner with acrobat reader
  139. 64 bit option not coming
  140. Subclass Procedure failed for edit control
  141. 'Forward Class Declaration' Not Working
  142. c++, CryptGetHashParam works in XP, Vista, but not Windows 7
  143. IPC using named pipes
  144. c++ win32, What's the best way to handle large fonts 120 dpi
  145. Responding To Asynchronous Functions
  146. unable to write into the shared memory
  147. CTabCtrl and CRuntimeClass - is there a better way?
  148. Create an incoming connection RAS server with C++
  149. quality metrics for edge detection
  150. Best Approach to process KeyStrokes in Rich Edit
  151. Using namespace in VC6.0 ?
  152. Application Watchdog
  153. Cross Platform Development
  154. problem with tamplate deque
  155. Combining multiple standalone applications as an application suite
  156. Combobox in win32
  157. Converting Bitmaps to Toolbars
  158. Division By Zero Exception
  159. is it possible to call web service from java script
  160. Copying vector of pointers to another vector
  161. How to get static splitter right pane dimensions - size?
  162. Does Worker Thread Have a Message Queue
  163. Differenciating Between Variables
  164. Drawing taking time
  165. How do I update page using standard propery sheet?
  166. Code Executed Twice - OnHScroll()
  167. What's problem of my code?( create a random maze)
  168. C++ Program without main()
  169. Calculate checksum using ASLR
  170. Exception when debugging Multithread
  171. If CDialog is destroyed is UI CWinThread created While object was alive get destroyed as Well
  172. Data Encapsulation
  173. CTreeView OnKeyDown beep
  174. Example of CONSTRUCTOR and DESTRUCTOR in derived class ? ? ?
  175. What CWinThread is pointed to by AfxGetApp
  176. Active Directory
  177. Control questions on Property pages
  178. Audio Encryption
  179. Porting MFC exe to ATL service and MFC GUI
  180. Error with dynamic_cast
  181. SetMenuItemBitmaps usage
  182. Difference between goto and function calls
  183. dll application is not launching for some PCS
  184. OnLButtonDblClk not working in CMainFrame
  185. operator overloading
  186. Running Ping on CWinThread::Onidle
  187. Switch off Debug Assertions
  188. Disabling External Dependencies in VS2010
  189. Compiler Question: Use of MFC : Use Standard Windows Libraries
  190. basic gaming in c++
  191. Video Player Win32->Animate
  192. Mfc100d.dll Not Found
  193. Can I create a dialog template for other dialog boxes?
  194. opencv with MFC
  195. List of driver compilers
  196. MFC UI Thread vs. Background Thread
  197. Binary value Division
  198. Win32 local aplication using accessing mysql instaled in a site with easyphp ...
  199. Precompiled Headers
  200. error C2660 :,, opencv with mfc (Solved)
  201. Fastest form of Interprocess communication
  202. sort a map by Value
  203. Taskbar Stays Hidden when Mouse is moved on the Bottom of the Screen
  204. help: image coordinates(x,y) in opencv with mfc
  205. Exception handler newbie question
  206. How to recognize table from PDF files by PageObject Rectangles?
  207. help about C++ STL container
  208. Will CInternetException catch a socket error
  209. Ftp : how to know downloading data is completed?
  210. Calling a member class implicitly
  211. [solved] CDialog Goes Blank When Press ENTER
  212. How to configure GTK+ in CodeBlocks?
  213. Problem in writing values to shared memory from another process
  214. CResource execption
  215. How to evaluate the ACPI method that requires arguments?
  216. Is it a good idea to make VC++ as my programming career language?
  217. One instance of object
  218. Socket connection problem
  219. How to receive data using dynamic array in recv api()?
  220. How to Get Event from Controls in Docking Dialog
  221. What design to use?
  222. Tooltips can't display in CMainFrame::CFrameWnd
  223. Process
  224. STL Containers store a copy?
  225. CWinApp::GetProfileString() creates keys...
  226. Querying on existing recordsets
  227. How to undo drawing images in MFC.?
  228. 'fopen_s' and 'fscanf_s'
  229. MFC CListCtrl FindItem is not working
  230. How to add app icon in full color?
  231. Source code for sale
  232. Basic / standard MFC VC6.0 CListCtrl questions
  233. About opengl screen shot is black
  234. ftp : to upload multile files at same time
  235. set focus to main dialog form in MFC (SOLVED)
  236. Error happen when open file while migrate VC++ 6 to VS2008
  237. Windows has triggered a breakpoint in exe.......
  238. Issue with Printing
  239. a c++ code implimenting a single linked list
  240. rtb
  241. Multi touch - Limit CView boudaries when panning
  242. can i use vc6 with aforge?
  243. Programmatically setting power manager suspend timeouts in Windows CE5.0
  244. MSDN 2010, scanf_s
  245. How to Undo drawing a line in MFC.?
  246. ShellExecute() launch .CHM and PDF file not work in Window 7
  247. Is there a reason you would initialise variables like this?
  248. Compiler job
  249. Linker Error :C1900
  250. Is it possible to modify the dialog style at run time?