المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : General topics in C++ - Cplusplus

الصفحات : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 [32] 33 34

  1. CInvalidArg exceptions
  2. How to read and write struct using CArchive file?
  3. MFC app only works on one system... I need ideas...
  4. The third way to load Dynamic-Link Libraries?
  5. Can a WorkerThread do a SendMessage to a CDialog
  6. Splitter View Problem in MFC.
  7. Best way to draw 3d bar graph?
  8. CTreeCtrl scrollbar not worked properly for large data.
  9. Build boost lib without VS
  10. Tab control
  11. calling a user32.lib method in c++ application gives Linker error
  12. BEX runtime error!
  13. Calling main from within Windows application
  14. MFC Ribbon Status Bar in VS2010
  15. vectors
  16. Need help for a Ray Cast Function
  17. How to retain line drawing on Canvas area in MFC.?
  18. Argument to System() with space in the path
  19. CB_SELECTSTRING related question
  20. How to check if a character is from keyboard in MFC
  21. Good bootstrapping resources
  22. Help! Crystal Report for VC++ project (VS2008)
  23. how to reference a c# DLL from a c++ DLL
  24. CSplitterWnd::GetPane asserts with CFormView pane
  25. Richedit is displayed and Immediately aborts
  26. How to generate Crystal Report in VC++ (VS2008)
  27. Speed up a numerical Calculation. Circular Queue
  28. Accessing Pixels with CreateDIBSection
  29. Disabling Windows ShortCut Keys
  30. I want to find out where the focus belongs after EN_KILLFOCUS?
  31. Exceptions handler question
  32. What's worong with Google Code?
  33. How to distinguish the broad packets or normal packets?
  34. Modeless Dialog box using win32 API only
  35. BITMAPINFOHEADER working in Debug but not in Release
  36. Trying not to display the "description" part of a tooltip. (MFC)
  37. Need help to pan client area of a window using win32 api / mfc
  38. What happened to the forum?
  39. Error conveting VS 2008 project to VS 2010 project
  40. Missing Include File
  41. Better "pattern" for if-else if for strings ?
  42. How to provide scrollbar to a dialog box dynamically in MFC.?
  43. exception caused by reference to certain Windows functions
  44. Convet Perl regular expression to *****alent ECMAScript regular expression
  45. Accessing extra keys on a PS2 mouse without driver
  46. from sync TCP/IP to async
  47. C++ : pass a string array to LPARAM
  48. Is it possible to use std::wstring parameter type in DLL?
  49. how to share data between two dlls.?
  50. EnumFontFamiliesEx only returns one font -- SOLVED
  51. Help to find an excesive memory al******** in my application
  52. Higher floating point precison in C++
  53. Move the slider to the position where user clicked the mouse.
  55. How to play a video using data in buffer or Stream?
  56. Overlapped I/O
  57. File download from network drive
  58. make single executable file in vs2008 (MFC)
  59. Finding crash information using the MAP file in vs2005
  60. Help with threads
  61. Disable smooth scrolling for CRichEditCtrl
  62. Why not display the image in the PICTUREBOX
  63. MFC Dialog with Progressbar cannot be launch in Window 7
  64. Difference between Variable Definition and Declaration
  65. Paint text on Microsoft Windows desktop
  66. Docking Pane with CHtmlView repaint problem.
  67. Non-scalar type conversion!?
  68. File download help
  69. Getting List of Specific Installed Programs
  70. using static library for C code in Visual studio 2005
  71. end winword.exe by c++
  72. How to add a library to IDE or What exactly it means adding a library to IDE ??
  73. I want to use R-Tree in my GIS project,how R-Tree is work?
  74. Conversion of image Handle hDib to Char* array in C++
  75. Hint for the network chek
  76. Hint for the network check to be done in c++
  77. How to recognize a table in a pdf file
  78. Single system instance
  79. socket read on a keep alive request waits until connection timeout - II
  80. What makes C and C++ a "good" language?
  81. source code
  82. CallBack Function
  83. Cppunit in Visual studio 2010
  84. exceptions always SIGABRT in linux shared object
  85. problem deploying application
  86. DialogBox 64bit ?
  87. MultiMon/Multi-VideoCards/Multi-Displays With Multiple DirectDraw FullScreen Exclusive Applications.
  88. MFC, My Picture Control has problem.
  89. Migration from VC2006 to 2008
  90. Crystal Report Win32 C++ in VS2010
  91. Generic Get and Set as interface
  92. How to get a C++ console application run in a terminal/powershell type of environment?
  93. Get all substrings from an application
  94. can you help me
  95. need help with client server
  96. Adding Filter in VS2008 Problem
  97. Exception in IAccessibleProxyImpl from CMFCPropertyGridCtrl
  98. CPPUnit
  99. Customize CFileDialog?
  100. help
  101. CEdit extended
  102. CRichEditCtrl halt any visual updates for a sec !!
  103. Problem on modeless dialog on Excel
  104. How to enable re-sizing window without using WS_THICKKFRAME
  105. How can I find the crash line of code from stack?
  106. Linker Error
  107. Struct initialization with function pointer
  108. CFileDialog is not *******ing
  109. Key capture using OnKeyUp(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) method
  110. How to copy map reference
  111. Using Make - text books / references wanted
  112. How to keep track when a dialog is invoked second time.?
  113. How to Resize Dialogbar?
  114. Web Service in c++(.net 2003)
  115. Linker error LNK2001 ("external symbol not found")
  116. Finding Min and Max of array
  117. the program exit after creating process in the solaris
  118. ChartFX Compatiability
  119. Assigning Pointer To Object (Both of Same Class)
  120. How to transfer structure data using TCP/IP Socket
  121. Windows CE
  122. Getting error while sending data from client to Server in Socket using TCP/IP
  123. microsoft apifor upnp
  124. fputc() writes an extra character
  125. WIC/C++: People Tagging: Unable to set the People Tagging metadata
  126. GUI enabled for service under windows 2008
  127. Write a tiff file to disk
  128. How correctly to check up availability of a XP theme?
  129. about accessing PDF file, compile error.
  130. Chart Control
  131. how to get motherboard SN
  132. how to return value after user input
  133. C++ question. Please help me out
  134. C code for running two sensors for bi-directional counting
  135. Lock a file
  136. Why the CTreeCtrl disable
  137. coinitializesecurity failed with error code 800706ba !
  138. Putting a COM dll inside a COM dll
  139. Very happy with C++11
  140. how I can allow user draw curve using mouse
  141. [MFC] How to save three ini files as zip file?
  142. How to stop typing in CDateTimeCtrl in MFC
  143. how can get a disk number of a logical drive?
  144. Getting pasted test
  145. Does this way to clear all item from std::map have problem?
  146. SendMessage(...) MFC is not working in win 7 enterprise edition
  147. PDF Accessing problem
  148. I am Bemused about std::list
  149. UDP ports 500 and 4500 are busy?
  150. Error MSB6006: "CL.exe"
  151. how to create an Un-sorted map in c++
  152. Need help compiling
  153. Memory usage
  154. porting my device driver 32 bit to windows 7 64 bit
  155. C++, RealTime Scheduler in Operating System
  156. Scroll window after zoom
  157. Linked Lists and unique_ptr's
  158. Is it possible to capture an HD video/ to generate videos in HD in C++/VC++/MFC.?
  159. Png Image button problem.
  160. Changing Dialog Button Color at runTime
  161. What are the steps required, i will connect to the SQL named instance server using the "CDatabase::OpenEx" by using the DNS Name?
  162. How to get a ip address from system name
  163. How to use NTGraph3D Activex Control in Visual Studio 2010.
  164. C++: CreateProcess() launching child applications with UAC dialog for once
  165. eclipse
  166. Shred a folder
  167. SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty - buffer size?
  168. Merging Arrays
  169. Long pointer to character C++
  170. Read binary File
  171. simple program in linux doesnt work
  172. Using VISUAL C++ 6.0 with OLE
  173. Limiting selected checkbox items in a CListCtrl
  174. can i use mem_fun like this?
  175. Segmentation Fault in GTK library files
  176. CString assignment crashes on Windows 7
  177. How to create a DLL for mini2440 to run Labview Application
  178. Image Processing Algorithms.
  179. error C1083: Cannot open type library file "libid:00.......
  180. session description protocol
  181. _ApplicationPtr definition in OLE program
  182. how to find out the codes who eat up my memory?
  183. Methods bank account
  184. Declaring a TBYTE in C.
  185. VC6.0 compiler error C2664 while using GUID
  186. CMFCPropertyGridProperty - Protected methods don't get called
  187. Thread
  188. error C2065: 'xlSheetVisible' undeclared
  189. Overlaying Text over Video
  190. exporting data from C++ to C
  191. process
  192. Compilation Problem
  193. error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: SOLVED
  194. How do I select and pasted the mouse MFC loaded image.
  195. fuzzy logic code
  196. Confused with destructor
  197. Linked List Via Disk File
  198. error C2228 "must have class/struct/union"
  199. C++ ownerdrawfixed combobox "header"
  200. problems returning/printing poiner
  201. How to implement C++ raw string literals in VIsual C++ 2010?
  202. Casting structures - another basic question
  203. Enhanced tool tips for ribbon markup file?
  204. ScrollBar is not Displaying Automatically
  205. How to find the similarity between users in Twitter ?
  206. When should printf round a floating number up for display?
  207. MFC Grid control 2.27
  208. Empty String
  209. For help solving C + + 4.5 ((a numerical calendar date letters))
  210. writing a plug in for internet browsers
  211. how to batch build VC++ 6 project to VC++ 2010?
  212. ActiveX Memory leaks
  213. a "new" operator failed
  214. how to create font by unicode value?
  215. What is the merit to rewrite memcpy?
  216. Static link to ATL alwayas fail
  217. std::vector problem
  218. Creating Non-Rectangular Forms
  219. how to hide a column of a listctrl
  220. The task runtime question of RTOS.
  221. While launching a winapp as ole server some time OnFIleNew() failed
  222. How do you get the file size for an open file?
  223. Problem loading non-default wab
  224. [SOLVED] how to unsigned int64 to two unsigned int32 values
  225. Video Capture using DirectShow only works for first time.?
  226. How to get detail error info from E_FAIL?
  227. From HANDLE to BITMAPINFO - another basic question for gurus
  228. deque problem. Does this code has any problem?
  229. Does anyone know this c plus plus knowledge?
  230. it's my first useful code.. and there's error that i can't understan :(
  231. how to get window color?
  232. MFC architecture
  233. Need Debugging tips: MFC static library DLL
  234. Compiling libexif 0.6.21
  235. Using the OpenFileDialog in Console?
  236. For beginners introduction to CFormView, CView ?
  237. Is there a way to trace an mpi message through a topology?
  238. A pointer reference as l-value
  239. Inability to edit .rc files
  240. Wait for a WMI method to return
  241. How to Restart My Mfc Application
  242. How to retrieve the correct range message to update CStatusBar
  243. VC++6.0 Interproc Communication
  244. Please help me to use the OpenCSG Library in MFC
  245. Open cv C++
  246. USB Device Path Handle Problem
  247. Stuck with function pointers in C and C++
  248. API to enumerate video sources wanted
  249. How to create an uncompressed avi file from a matrix of data?
  250. In win7 ,how to modify registry with Non - administrator permission