المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : General topics in C++ - Cplusplus

الصفحات : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 [33] 34

  1. Anyone heard of an Anonymous Statistics / User Experience API or Toolkit
  2. Can a modeless dialog box be a main window
  3. TCP Server: Render the image on server side
  4. Play Media File
  5. MFC and printing
  6. Bitmap creation from a buffer recived
  7. Stuck in WaveInProc
  8. Pop up window from a dialog based application
  9. ShellExecute Problem
  10. icon on button not displayed in XP.
  11. DirectShow Video Playback from memory
  12. AES Encryption Help
  13. __interface implies the novtable __declspec modifier
  14. Can i get text color of title bar?
  15. win32 dialogbox
  16. Write Text on DirectShow Preview window
  17. x86 build
  18. Ribbon To existing MFC Application
  19. Implementing of Interruption
  20. CView::OnDraw - related question
  21. Mcf
  22. _IID_IXMLHTTPRequest linker error
  23. Client Certificates in WinHTTP
  24. calculator
  25. CSplitter and CTabCtrl - looking for ideas
  26. WinHttpClient code
  27. convert the code VB6 to VC++ 6.
  28. WinHelp not working properly in MFC
  29. Invoking a modal Dialog whitin a modal
  30. glut project
  31. Problem Reading/Writing Registry in Windows 7?
  32. On displaying two images second image overlapps first image
  33. Why does so many companies use directUI to show GUI ?
  34. Doubt in c++
  35. system() in MFC
  36. Build for 64bit
  37. Connect directshow filters
  38. Were is a source of "sal.h" header file?
  39. Handling WinHttp Redirects
  40. Reading Compressed AVI Video file
  41. Linker error with CLSID defined in uuids.h
  42. How to determine in runtime the class type of inhetited class from common base class?
  43. HELP: UNICODE conversion sprung up problems with CString & CHARFORMAT2
  44. Looking for good example for CMFCPropertyGridCtrl .
  45. how to find 80 port is in use or not
  46. Tab key and delete key is not working in win32 browser control
  47. How to adjust Bitmap onto a picture control in mfc.?
  48. Reading AVI file.
  49. How to use the DirectX DDraw to display YUV data
  50. How to play a sound without interrupting other threads with in an MFC application?
  51. Open A File Just Like MS Word Does
  52. rsa decryption using gmp
  53. How can i put Install button in my mfc property sheet
  54. Insert is working but Select from this music site is not!
  55. tinyxml
  56. Why moniker?
  57. How to Resize Static Window Objects
  58. passing arguments
  59. resize a property sheet according to the DPI settings in MFC
  60. Cannot access #include files – “permission denied” [modified]
  61. How to fix Static contol width at run time?
  62. Mscowrks.dll ?
  63. Help in Win32 programming with c++
  64. How Can I set Noise In Image ?
  65. Drivers to access parallel port in c using windows xp or 7 ??
  66. CTreeCtrl, CDockingPane, and mouse events
  67. Failed to compile chrome
  68. Locating a function address with the debugger
  69. How to set values in CPageSetupDialog?
  70. An Invalid Exception Handler Routine Has Been Detected
  71. Is there a syslog library for native C++ which runs under Windows?
  72. tabcontrols
  73. fstream file sharing among mutiple .cpps
  74. Function pointer
  75. c++ queue OUTPUT ?
  76. Use InternetSetOption() to change proxy
  77. DirectX SDK – which version?
  78. Help needed to print the value nth number raised to the power n.
  79. Dialog or “dynamic” Menu?
  80. How can i create a project that it has the same name with an existing project
  81. Turbo code implementation in C++
  82. ISamplerGrabber future ??
  83. AddSourceFilter - passing file path paramater
  84. Shell Link Properties [SOLVED]
  85. How to control the other app using Window API
  86. Where to post/share example?
  87. Creating an array of global Labels at runtime
  88. Accessing Win32 APIs from WinRT app through Win32 Dll
  89. ICredentialProviderFilter
  90. source code
  91. Simple chat across internet without server
  92. How to create manifest file for private assembly
  93. how to calculate size for printing?
  94. Retaining selection on a ListCtrl Item
  95. PlaySound method doesn't function in a Win7 Srvany Service
  96. T13 Secure Erase
  97. utf to ascii conversion
  98. question about custom symbol in arcmap
  99. Unicode CString and fopen problem
  100. Problem with heap/OK button error
  101. MFC White image Problem in Win7
  102. how to create a graph in c++?
  103. Make a form transparent to mouse depending mouse event?
  104. [VC++ and XAML] Keydown event bug for metro app programming
  105. BindToObject fails - DirectShow remote graph access
  106. Outlook MSG files
  107. Handling Cdialog's in a App.
  108. the big-ending and little-ending
  109. why cannot find code map in vistual studio2012 update2?
  110. Unable to read in edit control data
  111. Getting thread handle from hWnd in Windows CE 5.0
  112. HBITMAP with alpha channel - what's wrong?
  113. Changing position of a CButton
  114. can i make a filter driver of raw level sector or cluster?
  115. DirectShow - redirecting graph ownership?
  116. Threads and messages - is this legal?
  117. get all domains form adsi forest
  118. CDaoDatabase for Opening MS-Access
  119. iso_8583 message
  120. How to create 4 dimenstional array
  121. Crystal Reports 2011 with C++/MFC Dev Studio 2010
  122. DoModal in CWnd::PreTranslateMessage( MSG *pMsg )
  123. How can I capture screen without layered windows on Windows 8
  124. Clips
  125. How to make a EXE in windows
  126. problem in clips programming
  127. How to make an edit box accept only digits from 0 - 9 in mfc.?
  128. No more DSP but DSW and SLN in VC6.0
  129. Catch OnKeyDown in CDialog
  130. Access structure variable value using string representing variable's name in C++.
  131. Owner Draw MenuItem Displaying large in Size in Debug but in release it is Ok
  132. Extending the C using preprocessor and other goodies - how do they interact?
  133. MESSAGE MAP error
  134. Resizing dialog doesn't work if display changes
  135. overloading in C++
  136. Microsecond Timer
  137. How to set up a computer for network programming on UNIX
  138. CHtmlEditCtrl - Overriding printer dialog and use with modeless dialogs
  139. Cdialog::Create Never comes back
  140. CBitmap::CreateCompatibleBitmap() fail
  141. Current line of a CRichEditCtrl
  142. Writing on BitMap by DC does not work
  143. Compress short fixed length string (52 characters) down to less than 40.
  144. Is it the fact that using only one kind of programming language would probably restrict your capacity?
  145. Why does this compile on Linux with gcc and not on WIndows with VC?
  146. OOP Project Ideas
  147. How to Conect two computers in different networks
  148. generate password using brute algo?
  149. Implement_runtimeclass_t
  150. What exactly is “External Dependencies” as used in MFC DLL wizard?
  151. VC++ Crashing?
  152. Disabling cut,copy,paste,rename and delete operation
  153. MFC SetTimer() question
  154. error handling in c++ dll
  155. any solution for WSAETIMEDOUT for CAsynSocket::OnConnect
  156. CEdit control
  157. Visual studio 2010 ,TOOLS isuue!!!!!
  158. design a matchbox?
  159. Multi-Monitor zoom behavior different
  160. PlaySoundA does not return within injected DLL
  161. Coding guidelines C
  162. CAsyncSocket questions
  163. Prevent System from sleep mode
  164. Course scheduling program in c++
  165. Network simulator -3 : problem in recieving data.
  166. binding client and server
  167. How to display a progress bar while video is playing...MFC.?
  168. How to know when a video file has finished playing....MFC?
  169. How to mute soundin a audio / video file using directshow mfc.?
  170. Useage about OPCODE collision detection
  171. Regular expressions send different result in Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Studio 2008
  172. How to Get USB attached Devices ' name using setupDi calls ?
  173. Detecting memory leaks in BOOST test cases.
  174. reading error
  175. Abstract Class
  176. error from using CString.GetBuffer (MAX_PATH),
  177. VC++ Convert file to base64 string and vice versa
  178. DAO Database classes are not supported for Win64 platforms error help
  179. Any (free) Unit testing frame work for MFC code?
  180. Reagarding error with ostream
  181. How to increment the slider while video is playing.?
  182. corrupt __vfptr from dynamic loaded DLL
  183. Capturing mouse input outside a dialog
  184. How to use user defined type in other function.
  185. How do I use the scrollbars of an atl::CAxWindow in mfc.
  186. Build Error in Process Enum pgm
  187. Embedded Linux, possibly the slowest debelopment in the world...
  188. Intel Compiler Error on declaration [Solved]
  189. Does ActiveX ctrl work as seperate process?
  190. Memory, speed and MSXML
  191. How to download a httpfile throw Proxy
  192. fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: ' ..\filea.cpp
  193. How to retrieve the user defined data type into main function
  194. OnLButtonDown not getting called for Slider Control in MFC.?
  195. DirectShow Source Filter Connection Error 0x8004022F
  196. DirectShow Source Filter Connection Error 0x8004022F
  197. implemented code of inline assembly language on any of the method e.g: Stack, Calculator
  198. a C++ / XINPUT project getting underway..
  199. Moire effect
  200. When timeSetEvent() start?
  201. Thread synchronization quesiton
  202. How to convert office to pdf with acrobat in VC++?
  203. How to put checkboxes in any column of ListVIew Control in mfc.?
  204. How to read a excel file without using microsoft office in mfc?
  205. Resize bitmap from Clipborad?
  206. Getting the Command Line of Another Process
  207. DeleteFile() Function Failure
  208. Modeless Dialog with Message Loop
  209. Tab control with custom draw?
  210. how to disable "Use hardware acceleration when available" on chrome
  211. How to write a Un-fixed size memory pool ?
  212. GetScanline is not a member of TBitmapData???
  213. Compile error caused from big header file
  214. The Serical Port Question?
  215. CStringArray vs. CArray
  216. Loading two versions of Common Controls
  217. why void CView::PostNcDestroy() is called?
  218. Relocated HDD sectors
  219. beginner question... recursive function
  220. How can make smooth horizontal scroll on ListControl??
  221. Win32 ListView control doesn't display any icons
  222. How to disable copy/paste in CEdit?
  223. How can I move CProgressCtrl in CListCtrl?
  224. Physical drive size
  225. [C++] How to change the mouse position in Mouse Hook
  226. Compiler Error
  227. Problem with loop in C++
  228. RegisterDeviceNotification in dbt.h undeclared identifier??
  229. get the function address from it's name using IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR
  230. draw multiple lines and move then on screen
  231. GUID as parameter "conversion" failure
  232. Order of Overlapped Operations
  233. Saving console output to .txt/.html file using C++/VC++
  234. Device context and dimensions
  235. How to find the shortest path between two nodes in a undigraph and it should via several given nodes?
  236. Using stream_traits for file io serialization question
  237. Access Violation CwinThread::CreateThread
  238. To know career's scope in which programming language
  239. how to check file name is valid or not
  240. Changing Treeview control apperance
  241. How to use an event object for synchronization.?
  242. using scardAPI how to get DeviceInstanceId
  243. QT C1128: number of sections exceeded object file format limit : compile with /bigobj
  244. i'm tring to initialise a sudoku board (9*9) using c++.getting a blank screen with blinking cursor as output.
  245. c++ with QT exe file error
  246. A template question
  247. Static library with MFC support
  248. How To Save Data for Microsoft Word 2007 or 2010 on Windows OS
  249. error -1.#IND00 in vc++2010
  250. Win32 Menu bitmaps