المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : General topics in C++ - Cplusplus

الصفحات : 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

  1. Generating/exporting a PDF from my MFC application, for reports that are created by o
  2. Real-coded genetic algorithm crossover
  3. error LNK2019 occurred in vs2008 from compiling source of "3D Graph ActiveX Control"
  4. Checking if a hotkey is avilable && making a window Always on Top in an application.
  5. urgent please help basic c
  6. Putting out plain text
  7. show the picture in the same window of MFC insted of showing in new window
  8. How do I debug a release build?
  9. Operator overloading and chaning streaming operators
  10. help with implementation of strspn( )
  11. what is wrong with this code snippet - memset() implementation
  12. Writing raw data in byte form to Network Adapter w/ C++
  13. how to hide a window
  14. Client_Server query.
  16. display image in CListctrl
  17. Problem Converting string/const char* to OLECHAR FAR*
  18. need a program on theory of computation
  19. Acl+local_machine
  20. Problem with inheritance
  21. help me !!
  22. Completion port question
  23. Help,is anyone who can tell me how can I change the height of the item in the list co
  24. Template Class
  25. Template Class [modified]
  26. Template Class [modified]
  27. ACL+LOCAL_MACHINE [modified]
  28. something about the handle of process
  29. generate a file after specific time
  30. visual studio 2005 configuration
  31. How to create a CMFCListView that would replace the CListView that currently is not a
  32. Changing FONT of CommandBar.MenuBar buttons in Windows Mobile
  33. What is The Font??? For the Bottomless RicheditCtrl ???
  34. Strings
  35. is there any decryption algorithm that uses a dictionary to decrypyt an encrypted fil
  36. VC++ v6 Class Wizard Errors trying to add class... help!!!
  37. Can VB EXE Project have share memory with VC++ EXE
  38. Any Example in MFC
  39. how can i call IE internet option using programming
  40. Error: Dynamic intializer for "()"
  41. Error: Dynamic intializer for "myobjectname()" [modified]
  42. MessageBox only in application
  43. Insert values in list box from one formview to dialog box.
  44. How to find all the users in the system
  45. add a menu
  46. problem with font size
  47. [Solved] MessageBox only in application
  48. Horizontal scrollbar in ListBox.
  49. Open html help file
  50. c program in linux
  51. Need to change the Default Font of Control in my win32 code
  52. Subclassing CFileDialog
  53. Convert a in_addr to an IPAddr
  54. wmi Win32_Service
  55. Annoying error for me
  56. why is 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01 = 16777216 ? Should it not be = to 1?
  57. Read A Double from a big endian file, store value on a little endian computer
  58. Problem using WinMain function with C++
  59. First 4 bytes of EDITSTREAM destination buffer overlay
  60. First 4 bytes of EDITSTREAM destination buffer overlay
  61. Problem using WinMain function with C++
  62. Annoying error for me
  63. Convert a in_addr to an IPAddr
  64. wmi Win32_Service
  65. Need to change the Default Font of Control in my win32 code
  66. Subclassing CFileDialog
  67. c program in linux
  68. Horizontal scrollbar in ListBox.
  69. Open html help file
  70. How to find all the users in the system
  71. add a menu
  72. problem with font size
  73. [Solved] MessageBox only in application
  74. Insert values in list box from one formview to dialog box.
  75. how can i call IE internet option using programming
  76. Any Example in MFC
  77. Can VB EXE Project have share memory with VC++ EXE
  78. Windows service installation error
  79. Execute external exe on windows service
  80. Edit Box Validation
  81. Bitmaps, Clipboard and OLE Doing My Head In
  82. modal, modeless and variable
  83. Harddisk in use.....??
  84. Change the shape of CEdit custom draw?
  85. Visual C++ 2008 MFC Feature pack samples..
  86. Casting
  87. I need a suggestion
  88. Error: Cannot convert from 'std::map *' to 'LPCTSTR' [modified]
  89. Default buttons changing for PropertySheet/PropertyPage
  90. Cleint Server - Connection refused.
  91. Mfc
  92. How can Get Domain or Workgroup details.
  93. S.M.A.R.T. support in Hard Disk Drive
  94. GetPath and "Cannot complete this function" error
  95. Getting a Crash while browsing for a folder.
  96. DLL performance during the day?
  97. changing the mouse cursor when moved
  98. Environment variable
  99. Choosing an IPC mechanism
  100. Sync problem when call ControlService with SERVICE_CONTROL_PARAMCHANGE
  101. Sync problem when call ControlService with SERVICE_CONTROL_PARAMCHANGE
  102. changing the mouse cursor when moved
  103. Environment variable
  104. Choosing an IPC mechanism
  105. DLL performance during the day?
  106. Cleint Server - Connection refused.
  107. Mfc
  108. How can Get Domain or Workgroup details.
  109. S.M.A.R.T. support in Hard Disk Drive
  110. GetPath and "Cannot complete this function" error
  111. Getting a Crash while browsing for a folder.
  112. Error: Cannot convert from 'std::map *' to 'LPCTSTR' [modified]
  113. Default buttons changing for PropertySheet/PropertyPage
  114. Casting
  115. I need a suggestion
  116. Visual C++ 2008 MFC Feature pack samples..
  117. Change the shape of CEdit custom draw?
  118. modal, modeless and variable
  119. Bitmaps, Clipboard and OLE Doing My Head In
  120. Edit Box Validation
  121. How to Convert _asm to Interinsics
  122. How to add web reference in my C++ project?
  123. AnimatedGif drawing with openGL
  124. Help about Win32 Message loop
  125. Semaphore Max count.
  126. can VC++ 6.0 talk with SharePoint Server
  127. can VC++ 6.0 talk with SharePoint Server
  128. Semaphore Max count.
  129. Help about Win32 Message loop
  130. AnimatedGif drawing with openGL
  131. How to Convert _asm to Interinsics
  132. How to add web reference in my C++ project?
  133. When IS CFont create for the Bottomless CRichEdit ????
  134. When IS CFont create for the Bottomless CRichEdit ????
  135. in CExplorer1 class, how to post your form data to the server,as login data.
  136. Partial Specialization of Templated Class Member Function
  137. Opening a Visual Studio .NET application in Visual Studio C++
  138. One doubt
  139. MFC application has encountered a problem and need to close
  140. How to abort forcefully shutdown, reastart or logoff
  141. ntdll!ExpInterlockedPopEntrySListFault in C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll from Microsof
  142. Help native C++ and .net
  143. I love wudi who is AnHui in china. love her best!
  144. Force CDockablePane to occupy the whole space of CMainFrame
  145. Static variable in header file
  146. how to remote access to ad
  147. Push data of BYTE to soundcard
  148. Need to create two list boxes with tool tip support for the text on the same dialo
  149. getting complete file path
  150. Inconstitent CTreeCtrl due to Modal Dialog
  151. Static variable in header file
  152. Cut and send to Option
  153. MFC dll creation
  154. How to show the form created in Windows Form Library from an MFC application
  155. Help about Message loop please
  156. Inconstitent CTreeCtrl due to Modal Dialog [modified]
  157. Access Denied returned from CreateService
  158. PostMessage with VISTA
  159. Create Wrapper class
  160. wildcard interpretation
  161. changing the color of my controls to white using OnCtlColor
  162. Synchronization issue
  163. Help about Message loop please
  164. Problem with LockWorkStation() function
  165. please help us , it`s very hard
  166. Document/View Problem
  167. Assignment of read only ********, class with const method trying to write to private
  168. Byte alignement - qt
  169. help extracting data
  170. Include order issues
  171. matrix in window
  172. Very difficult problem about CExplorer1.
  173. Need help on COXSizeControlBar
  174. File Deletion using SHFILEOPSTRUCT & SHFileOperation
  175. adding mspaint in an MFC
  176. find .lib, .dll etc files in an exe
  177. Read/Write Files(ex:music files) meta data
  178. Using STANDARD C++ within another Projects like C#
  179. CMFCOutlookbarTabCtrl SetTabBkColor problem
  180. convert file pcl (style text) to file pcl (style image) ?
  181. how to maintain version information to project
  182. code for getting full file path in dialogbased application
  183. exception about 0x000006BA: RPC can not used (??????)
  184. How to realize the two aggressive color scale
  185. Reg:scrolling views.
  186. error C2143: syntax error : missing ',' before '*'
  187. How use win32 dll in c#
  188. Any way to know the physical sectors that a file occupies?
  189. Please help me!! it's urgent!!
  190. DirectX: "render to surface" or "render to device" (unmanaged)
  191. convert delphi to c++ builder
  192. C++ Template question
  193. I teach what did wrongly
  194. string concatenation using pointer
  195. calling mspaint in MFC
  196. Access violation writing ********
  197. error C2352
  198. #define
  199. Using float to define boolean type in C
  200. Sending data from vector into and array
  201. it`s so hard, pro please help me
  202. stopping an exe
  203. IWinHttpRequest get_ResponseStream and Bitmap FromStream
  204. Hot obtain a pointer to CRichEditCntrItem from CMyDoc ?
  205. Confusion about object code generated?
  206. CInternetSession with Authentification Proxy
  207. capturing notify messages
  208. Hot obtain a pointer to CRichEditCntrItem from CMyDoc ? [modified]
  209. IWinHttpRequest get_ResponseStream and Bitmap FromStream [modified]
  210. RasGetCustomAuthData fuction not working in non admin user.
  211. any problems with this code
  212. HELP [modified]
  213. How to run an exe in admin mode?
  214. Multithreaded code and the volatile qualifier
  215. stream
  216. Point Class
  217. need help
  218. what is the relation between bitmap data and color table in 8 bits bitmap?
  219. Setup and deployment project Shortcut creating problem
  220. How to convert JP2 image to Jpg image?
  221. Problem in Image Displaying in a VC++ Application
  222. Debug Assertion Failed!
  223. remove item from STL list problem
  224. opc communication
  225. opc communication [modified]
  226. Problem with BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP ( subsublcass..,baseClass)
  227. Problem with != operator of CString
  228. Question on boost weak pointers
  229. how to design and program '******** change'
  230. How to get IP Address of the system using MFC
  231. Dll address
  232. how to add word in a special position where cursor at
  233. Debugging problem
  234. Flash ActiveX and DX
  235. Tab Control
  236. How to display Images in a List Control or any other control one by one
  237. Help in win32 dll & c#
  238. Multi-thread Synchronization with Mutex
  239. How to Recognise a window
  240. Basics
  241. user breakpoint called from code at 0x7c90120e
  242. WTSVirtualChannelWrite fails, GetLastError returns ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION
  243. Cannot Open Recordset
  244. DLL Import library missing
  245. Win32 application with out an UI.
  246. Retrieving public key for encryption from digital certificate
  247. background image for toolbar base on dialog
  248. background image for toolbar base on dialog
  249. using enum in #if preprocessor directive
  250. *******ing network connections folder after changing phonebook