المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : General topics in C++ - Cplusplus

الصفحات : 1 2 3 4 [5] 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

  1. char array to string
  2. Populated Dialog box is not focused
  3. [RESOLVED]using enum in #if preprocessor directive [modified]
  4. *****alent of c# @"" string literal?
  5. TreeView Control
  6. convert CString to const wchar_t *.
  7. MFC Application with different DLLs(having same function name)
  8. How to get NM_RETURN notify event from CListCtrl
  9. parser
  10. ToolBar Bitmaps?
  11. Application Crashes at mfc42!CMapStringToString::GetAssocAt+14
  12. How to change the clsid of an ocx?
  13. _bstr_t and _variant_t
  14. insert records using parameters .
  15. Mscomm
  16. Disabling a CView, and darkening it
  17. _bstr_t and _variant_t [modified]
  18. VC 6.0: shortcut key for create cpp source file?
  19. Can you add a new string resource at runtime?
  20. Fourier series program
  21. Menus and MFC
  22. newbie needs help!
  23. Adobe Reader in Java
  24. Setting the drop down size of a Combo Box
  25. How to insert a Resizing symbol in the bottom right corner of the window
  26. Perform the conversion from a float decimal number to single precision (4 byte) IEEE
  27. On_wm_enteridle()
  28. About using the mouse to move a regulated rectangle in a certain area
  29. Gauss-Seidel algorithm?
  30. video Capture
  31. where do i go?
  32. Wm_keydown
  33. How to color the background of a row in list control
  34. Please Wait Message
  35. Set Dialog Size
  36. Code from visual studio 7.1 don't want to work on visual studio 2008
  37. ADO in a DLL
  38. EnableWindow(False) is not working for disabling a group box .
  39. Move the rectangle
  40. Apply Wim with no progress bar.
  41. Button does not change the position when I resize my dialog
  42. assigning string table element to char* variable
  43. Convert C++ from VisC++ 6 to VS 2008
  44. CEdit with image suport?
  45. How to manipulate with processes from your app? Any help is appreciated
  46. Convert C++ from VisC++ 6 to VS 2008 [modified]
  47. Getting a disabled CView to give a strong visual cue of being disabled, so that the u
  48. Using Multithreading to encrypt a file
  49. Help me!
  50. pointer and address?
  51. Having problems changing between forms.
  52. Convert C# to C++ MFC?
  53. Mfc application
  54. TextOut and distance between strings
  55. passing value from C# to c++
  56. How to create machine certificate.
  57. How to use an image converter in my application?
  58. About data combination
  59. Doubt in different Image formats?
  60. Create CBitmap from array of RGB values
  61. Change mouse pointer...
  62. How to Create and format partitions
  63. 880231 - overriding keyboard behaviour
  64. ineed a source code before this friday
  65. How to get size in memory of STL for use with memcpy ?
  66. _RecordSetPtr is not accessible
  67. Hi!Development Operating System
  68. Page turn effect for the dialog
  69. How to check whether a directory is accessible or not
  70. Copy files from NTFS
  71. How to get SMS notification from mobile connected to a PC by data cable
  72. How to get SMS notification from mobile connected to a PC by data cable
  73. Wm_keydown
  74. uml diag for mfc project
  75. Problem in UAC Execution Level as "requireAdministrator" in case of startup.
  76. How to send a soap message from browser to a local webservice developed in vc++
  77. Query About SDI Application
  78. Debug Assertion Failed
  79. Command object execute parameters [modified]
  80. Outlook email(.Msg ) file problem in vista explorer....
  81. GPS & GoogleMap matching
  82. Does Postmessage/SendMessage require a Message Map entries
  83. Global Keyboard hook works for a few seconds...
  84. progress bar created in the status bar turns up uncovered the pane
  85. Algoritm in C
  86. Viewing Design
  87. Need Help Debugging Program
  88. Menu and Icon's
  89. Get active user's desktop resolution from system account.
  90. execution time of function increases
  91. Search item in database and display.
  92. using Hotkeys
  93. CueBanner in vc6
  94. Dial up Network Connection status dialog.
  95. Socket programming
  96. Simulate Keypress on a window
  97. Is it Posibble to multithread a for loop
  98. help in creation of DLL in C++
  99. insersion in 2D Array
  100. CxImage Class Error
  101. dll files mssing
  102. COREDLL.dll missing
  103. COREDLL.dll missing [modified]
  104. CxImage Class Conversion
  105. MultiByteToWideChar fails in Vista (french) OS
  106. Get Maximized SDI application
  107. structure data to bytes conversion
  108. Getting motherboard serial number
  109. How to set tab index.
  110. Need Help With Callback Functions [noob]
  111. Problem in CeCreateProcess ?
  112. Heap corruption detected!
  113. ANSI to UTF-8
  114. error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "long __cdecl _com_dispatch_method
  115. saving file
  116. how to add animation CWaitCursor
  117. WriteProfileString()
  118. select all rows in CList Contol
  119. Target compilation of VC compiler [modified]
  120. Build Error When Include Web Service in MFC application
  121. New Person thanks!!
  122. help
  123. Reg : CEdit
  124. How to order windows correct?
  125. how to connect database
  126. Mystry of C
  127. Why my debug watch does not work?
  128. MFC Networking Application.
  129. Macros.
  130. Please help with MFC dialog
  131. Local symbols of a shared library
  132. [Hi! Programs CMOS Boot from USB ]
  133. Read List values
  134. How do I convert .CPL to .MSC?
  135. _variant_t
  136. Help on dynamic memory al******** and deal********
  137. How to handle time delays
  138. Does anyone know about "MSUIM.Msg.Private"?
  139. VC++ 6.0 + Processor Pack + Service Pack 5 cause stack overflow ?
  140. Operator [] Overloading
  141. Please help me regarding :LoadCursorFromFile with .ani file
  142. convert TCHAR to CString
  143. wrapping VOIP traffic
  144. check for Substring
  145. Displaying unicode value in MFC CEdit text box
  146. CMfcOutlookbar
  147. Display TIFF image in Windows Forms environment
  148. How to copy dialogs from a project to another
  149. Merge Ini
  150. How to connect a jboss webservice using win32 or MFC ?
  151. get the differents data from a list control
  152. How to save ********** file
  153. Appending a number to the end of a string to display in GLUI_ EDITTEXT_TEXT Box?
  154. Adding ActiveX Control Container to Win32 Window
  155. Use the windows 7 sdk with qt
  156. Bitmaps for Tool Bar
  157. Visual Studio 2005 like interface
  158. CRichEditCtrl on CMDIChildWnd
  159. ISENSLOGON getting subscribe entries to registry without any error but no notificatio
  160. c++ samples
  161. I have used CxImage in VS2005 (successful) and tried to use CxImage WINCE version, it
  162. using a third party dll
  163. could you help me? I need a example about how to using CSocket with mfc
  164. Size variation for a window
  165. How to calculate string width and height in pixel.
  166. MFC VS2005 example
  167. How to calculate the string width in Pixel...
  168. OnKillFocus for frame windows
  169. Copy text in Memory DC.
  170. how to attach horizontal scroll bar to combo box control
  171. VS2005 backward compatibility
  172. How to use Win32_Tpm class method?
  173. Access to a view from a CTreeCtrl
  174. sizeof related in c/c++
  175. Dll - MFC - Customised browser
  176. The strange behaviour of the text.
  177. CString replace function
  178. vc++ mfc( important please see it and reply me )
  179. Pen Drive Formate
  180. How to check whether the path selected is a drive name
  181. how can i find file in subFolder?
  182. lock Mouse and keyboard in c++ to use it in java through JNI
  183. How to get the Friendly name of the removable drive by the Drive letter ?
  184. ZwOpenFile and hard disks
  185. Change the position of control or button
  186. GetDiskDrive
  187. dialog that asks user where to save in.
  188. error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: static bool
  189. Filtering Techniques in Kernel level
  190. How can i close messagebox without clicking a button? [modified]
  191. Convert from "String ^" to std::String
  192. Taget operating system
  193. Build Application in VC++
  194. Read an IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification) File uaing C++
  195. Static Library linking problem: Archive has no index; run ranlib to add one
  196. bind() to specific network interface before connect()
  197. CFormView or CView::OnFilePrintPreview() ?
  198. Want to learn
  199. Insertion and removal of CD/DVD
  200. Error
  201. How to measure wstring memory size?
  202. GetLocalDiskNames
  203. Send data bits through USB
  204. Printer settings
  205. Help!!
  206. How to check an empty VARIANT in VC++
  207. GetScrollBarCtrl( ) alternative api in win32.
  208. Get drive letter of Hard drive
  209. C + + by diary
  210. CView::OnFilePrintPreview()
  211. file-handle is the same as volume-handle in kernel mode?
  212. Why the caret of edit control disappeared when it was associated the class encapsulated with my own dll built with CEdit?
  213. CRichtEditView Vertical Auto Scrolling
  214. Visual C++ 6.0 - can't "File Open" after IE 8 and Vista SP2
  215. SetwindowPos problem
  216. Writing a Smart OnPaint Routine
  217. urgent help
  218. image in picture control not displayed properly after moving
  219. The peculiarities of reality : leaner but not faster ?
  220. dice generation
  221. Printing from a dialog based MFC application
  222. File Saving
  223. IExplorerBrowser and mouse double click
  224. a socket problem
  225. Visual Basics Program Ideas?
  226. Software HEAP bug
  227. Gpu
  228. I want no flicking this Dialog picture Please help! [modified]
  229. dlls compatibility
  230. I am gettin the E_DRM_SERVER_NOT_FOUND while doing the OnlinePublishing in AD RMS Application
  231. Auto Scroll Vertical to the last line
  232. gsm program
  233. What triggers CAsyncSocket::OnSend
  234. Incorrect argc if "\" is not appended by escape character
  235. How to retrive console's code page?
  236. Incorrect argc if "\" is not appended by escape character [modified]
  237. reading a .pst file
  238. opening webcam with MFC
  239. using ShellExecute to close...
  240. ******* Desktop programatically
  241. String check
  242. Mouse Event
  243. programming GSM network with c ********
  244. who recommand book about ood?
  245. Behaviour of CreateThread compared to AfxBeginThread
  246. RegQueryValueEx giving wrong value in xp but right in vista
  247. String obtained from getwindowtext();
  248. Change Toolbar background color
  249. Windows Forms Application C++ .net 2003
  250. CRichEditCtrl on CMDIChildWnd and to capture mouse control