المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : General topics in C++ - Cplusplus

الصفحات : 1 2 3 4 5 [6] 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

  1. Simple Mapi Vs Extended Mapi
  2. In Window forms application C++
  3. Typing in Unicode ********
  4. SNMP development
  5. threading differences VC6 v VS2005
  6. Hello: How to make a function like SetMenuItemBitmaps in the extend class of CMenu?
  7. Gadjet integration with IE toolbar?
  8. threading differences VC6 v VS2005
  9. After response WM_DRAWITEM message , how to make a function like CMemu::SetMenuItemBitmaps
  10. After response WM_DRAWITEM message , how to make a function like CMemu::SetMenuItemBitmaps [modified]
  11. Add a scrollbar when I StrechtBlt() an image?
  12. CView::OnFilePrintPreview
  13. help
  14. MDI without FileNew message at startup
  15. Is it "ok" to get array length this way
  16. Creating Threads using Class Object functions
  17. Hi Help me write this program (tuan1111)
  18. CPropertyView Problems Compiling
  19. Reading strings containing escape sequence.
  20. Integrated Windows Authentication or NTLM How ?
  21. change mouse pointer for MainFram and dialog in MDI applicaion
  22. Unicode 5.1 ( Basic Multilingual Plane ) - ******** Identification related problem
  23. CopyFile
  24. Outlook .pst file
  25. How to get minimize all dialog with main windiw?
  26. MsiInstallProduct() function not working in Win2008 server SP1(64 bit)
  27. Dialogs not editable anymore
  28. From C++ Windows Forms
  29. DRMInitEnvironment function fails............... :(
  30. Reference in Arrays
  31. windows.h
  32. Approach for License Validation.
  33. validate xml with Xsd in C++
  34. htlmview crashed in child dialog
  35. CComboBox: button access, list problem
  36. How can i use SHCloseApps in VC++?
  37. Can not set affinity Thread
  38. Query device manager
  39. Snmp
  40. Custom Tab order
  41. Strange Line-Selecting Behaviour in CRichEditCtrl
  42. how to reset content of Listcontrol
  43. Sliderbar problem
  44. Strange Line-Selecting Behaviour in CRichEditCtrl [modified]
  45. Snmp
  46. Strange Line-Selecting Behaviour in CRichEditCtrl [modified]
  47. Urgent please from Ethiopia!
  48. how to get command line arguments in MFC
  49. Control CStatic, Height of FONT
  50. function
  51. sha256 test vector
  52. calculte time between two dates !!!
  53. How to trace/log 3rd Party library API calls made by an application through WinDbg
  54. Help compiling a liabrary program in 'C'
  55. Help compiling a library program in 'C' [modified]
  56. C and C++ malloc and free
  57. MFC Process
  58. help me create UDF image file
  59. Urgent! Smart house with SMS project
  60. How to design a decoder in C++?
  61. Window maximize and Minimize
  62. CDockablePane without Close button
  63. 3D border for Edit control
  64. question regarding sockets
  65. How to free unsigned long pointer variable?
  66. Please help me regarding LoadCursor and SetCursor
  67. Unresolved external symbol
  68. Windows.h?
  69. My app crash with no apparent reason?
  70. Two main methods?
  71. CFormView with icon style CListCtrl works fine on debug build, but not on release
  72. Switch
  73. How to change the color of CScrollBar in its subclass
  74. Balloon tip in Tray Icon
  75. SNMP query with switch
  76. IDispatch COM Object - returning BSTR incorrectly
  77. OK! Look this project
  78. C++ Windows Forms DateTime
  79. C++ MySQL Column Names
  80. Creating bitmap from scratch using GDI and convert to raw memory data
  82. Restart Manager Using VS2005 MFC
  83. the Prompt save message
  84. Huge memory leak C++ C Program.
  85. MFC Socket
  86. Huge memory leak C++ C Program.
  87. Huge memory leak C++ C Program. [modified]
  88. How the output?
  89. create a process from a process and have it not in the same security context
  90. Huge memory leak C++ C Program. [modified]
  91. How to stretch a bitmap to fit the size of picture control?
  92. i wanto make my own program creating UDF file system Image file..
  93. how to get record count by SQL from a table of MS access?
  94. Request for help
  95. Move Up and Move Down functionality to CListCtrl
  96. Is there iges model/file show UIControl or code?
  97. BMP Reader C Code
  98. C++ code
  99. Access denied when calling the cluster-api (clusapi.dll)
  100. Visual C++ 6.0 SETUPAPI help!
  101. WOL/shut down Active directory snap-in
  102. How to use a function return value as array size
  103. VS2008 MFC project. Broken Wizard ...
  104. How to change icon at upper left corner of window
  105. Overloading Constructors - call complex from simple?
  106. TTS: Calculating the resulting length (in ms) of a synthesized audio stream.
  107. CWnd* CWnd::GetDlgItem(int nID) const crashed?
  108. How to hook CBN_DROPDOWN and CBN_CLOSEUP ?
  109. Identifying disconnecting clients.. TCP/IP Server created using CAsyncSocket
  110. simple CObArray question?
  111. Overloading Constructors - call complex from simple? [modified]
  112. Create Process in background
  113. How to show a dialog box when some background processing started
  114. free is needed when app will exit?
  115. OnInitDialog() is not called?
  116. C++/MFC and Sharepoint upload
  117. Help storing audio buffer to temp file
  118. Visual C++ and LPCWSTR
  119. InterProcess Communication
  120. How to join .wav and .avi files using VC++
  121. Issue with ptr_fun VS2008
  122. Hi!GUI and ansi C(by:tuan1111)
  123. How to Create CObArray made of other CObArrays? [modified]
  124. SQL Connection with C++
  125. Length of non-english user name
  126. Xml
  127. XML [modified]
  128. Adding Library in MS Visual Studio C++--2008
  129. How to create a drive mount?
  130. What are the equvalent functions in WINCE?
  131. recover encrypted file from NTFS partition
  132. Merging Xml files
  133. GPI Triggers
  134. repost
  135. Copy files and directory C\Win32 no MFC
  136. how to display vector values in .txt file in mfc
  137. 3d array [modified]
  138. How Can I build an Array of Arrays?
  139. about linker error in the C code of CSmtp_v1_5 (unable to compile the main.cpp file due to linker error)
  140. CMFCRibbonComboBox Not Enabled -
  141. Microsoft compression utility
  142. Best book for mfc using visual studio 2005?
  143. If my main dialog is minimized, how can I flash on taskbar to notify the user that my program wants attention?
  144. Combo box in CListCtrl
  145. How to create your own framework
  146. Software Integration
  147. Socket Help!!!
  148. CDockablePane::Create Cant Find Defs for dwStyle, dwTabbedStyle, dwControlBarStyle
  149. Change dialog unit
  150. Effective tool for run-time errors and memory leaks detection
  151. How to drag and drop between CListView and CScrollView?
  152. Switch
  153. SetWindowForeground
  154. How to upload multiple image?
  155. about linker error in the C code of CSmtp_v1_5 (unable to compile the main.cpp file due to linker error)
  156. Vc 2008 application deployment
  157. BSTR with embedded NULL char ????
  158. MP4 conversion in directshow
  159. Detect screen resolution change
  160. How can I get to what I want?
  161. Linux C++ Development difficult startup
  162. error C2065: HrFindExchangeGlobalAddressList : undeclared identifier
  163. Edit the windows BCD using linux
  164. (Potential) Memory Mapped File question
  165. Memory Alignment - 32 bit
  166. MapViewofFile fails because memory not being continuous.
  167. NetShareAdd with user permission
  168. Making GUI for Capicom Certificates
  169. Difference between CWaitCursor SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT));
  170. Confused in choosing a declaration over other
  171. How to Open MyStore of Certificates
  172. Get Bitmap* CBitmap* of current view
  173. How to open a document using cpp
  174. CWaitCursor not working fine in Threads.
  175. send message to window
  176. Output of the simple question [modified]
  177. hindi character pattern recognition
  178. code for recognising character pattern in vc++
  179. hindi character pattern recognition [modified]
  180. Hlep me!A problem of AttachDispatch method~
  181. passing pointers to function
  182. Controlling bass and treble on an audio device
  183. Used cluster number of a hard disk partition come continuously...Is it correct..?
  184. trouble building with Visual Studio 5.0 in Citrix - compatability issues???
  185. GDI + drawing
  186. how to interpret the following code snippet
  187. Parenting a modal CDialog
  188. inet_addr function and leading zeros
  189. P.C. Serial Communication for Visual C++ Dialog
  190. Can anyone give me some suggestion Pls..?
  191. dissapearence of dialog parts in c++
  192. Unhandled exception access violation on function call. Any tips on how to proceed
  193. How to display '&' text on CMFCToolBarButton
  194. How to convert a VARIANT buffer to a byte buffer?
  195. Hi! VC console GUI
  196. [help]detect the status of iis server
  197. C++ Create recordset
  198. MFC ON_WM_RBUTTONUP(), handle within control class
  199. alignment of modeless
  200. problem enumerating USB devices on my PDA (Windows Mobile 5.0) - project attached
  201. question regarding sockets
  202. question regarding sockets
  203. Determining efficiency / most-efficient algorithm [modified]
  204. question regarding sockets
  205. LoadLibraryA & LoadLibraryW
  206. Error while trying to free memory allocated using malloc
  207. Introducing mouse delay (local machine)
  208. The LCN of a particular volume (say G: drive) will start with 0x00...?
  209. Finding a substring from a large string
  210. Multiple selection in list control
  211. How to load multiple images
  212. How to set the checkbox in CListView to be disable for user to change
  213. windows directory search
  214. Used cluster number of a hard disk partition come continuously...Is it correct..?
  215. how to realize scrolling text?
  216. CWaitCursor changes back to normal cursor on mouse move event
  217. Hooking Createfile, OpenFile, etc...
  218. Disabling radio button but keeping selection
  219. CString question [modified]
  220. STRRET Structure Question
  221. Deployment Error.
  222. Decoding(decompressing) an image
  223. free and delete[]
  224. compiler error
  225. Debug Assertion Failed!
  226. How to convert UINT64 to LARGE_INTGER.....????
  227. Visual Studio 2008 Help
  228. Find a string in another string?
  229. copy chinese to edit control caption will happen garbled text how to solve it
  230. How to add a prefix and a postfix to CEdit-derived class?
  231. Can using "CSingleLock::Lock" slow down low priority threads?
  232. how to save 2d vector into another 3dvector
  233. Hide EXE from Process of Task Manager using C++
  234. how to create a application without showing .exe in taskbar in C++
  235. CRichEditDoc in normal SDI application
  236. CWebBrowser2, only one on one dialog?
  237. Entering OnPaint too many times
  238. How to read footer at a particular sector using C++/VC++
  239. How do I get the handle of a dialog in Visual C
  240. Structure Value is not getting updated
  241. MCF question
  242. Sharing a singleton in an executable and a runtime DLL
  243. Wrong help file afxhelp.hm path in VC 6.0
  244. Where is printf?
  245. MFC Feature Pack
  246. Error packing files into buffer and sending them over network
  247. Pipe Problem
  248. Error packing files into buffer and sending them over network [modified]
  249. process communication
  250. Inheriting Environment Block