المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : General topics in C++ - Cplusplus

الصفحات : 1 2 3 4 5 6 [7] 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

  1. How to get the Newly changed environment settings to current process?
  2. Problem in Drop down list box
  3. How 2 display a message box
  4. c++ signing data using CAPICOM
  5. segmentation fault problem
  6. Mark in out for the media
  7. Keystroke problem
  8. HIde a Process in Task manager
  9. Debug Assertion Failed
  10. Event sink for event raised by managed code component.
  11. module name
  12. Quitting an application
  13. save bmp in grayscale formt
  14. How to debug a DLL () running on the remote server using Visual studio 2005
  15. set the parameter of CRichEditCtrl ::SetWindowText()
  16. can you find the problem??
  17. creating a linked list
  18. Is there an easy way to change "text" to _T("text") for whole project?
  19. Problem with sending keystroke to game.
  20. Is there an easy way to change "... text ..." to _T("... text ...") for whole project? [modified]
  21. Executing an Oracle Query from C++ using OLEDB
  22. Reduce the noise in the program
  23. c programing project on rejistration
  24. Problem with sending keystroke to game. [modified]
  25. How to get ip address of current socket
  26. How to get ip address of current socket
  27. need help on liked error
  28. Call to a constructor while executing (obj < 3) . Kindly explain?
  29. segmentation problem
  30. Add support for Memory leak detection
  31. Saving and Restoring Toolbars (Win32 SDK)
  32. DDX and Arrays
  33. RichEditCtrl display data
  34. CControlBars always on top of CMDIChildWnd
  35. How to Generate a Installer in VC++???
  36. Resolution Problem in SDI application
  37. SetupAPI library:SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty function issue (VC++ 6.0)!
  38. How to open a logical partition and read all of its file using windows function ReadFile() ?
  39. Printing Problem on Vista, and where is 'RevertToPrinterSelf'
  40. Getting Last Two Bytes
  41. How to read a schema file and get the elements from the schema file (xsd)??
  42. How to get data from user during run time?
  43. How to avoid if else...
  44. Using WMI to get hardware information
  45. Conversion
  46. How to Custom a papersize during a printer work under windows 2000/xp
  47. How to Custom a papersize during a printer work under windows 2000/xp [modified]
  48. Help with rand() definition [modified]
  49. Custom Control
  50. Custom Control [modified]
  51. Custom Control [modified]
  52. I'm hoping some C# Guru out there can help me... (IndexOf and Multidimension Arrays)
  53. weight and bias chage problem in neural network AND gate
  54. Errors occurs while compiling Smart device MFC application using VS2005
  55. virtual constructor
  56. Possible to return strings with >255 characters in Excel?
  57. How to open a logical partition and read all of its file using windows function ReadFile() ?
  58. C++ dll for Excel -> Is it possible to return strings with 255 characters in Excel?
  59. C++ dll for Excel -> Is it possible to return strings with > 255 characters in Excel? [modified]
  60. Calling DLL function that is not imported(MFC and WinMain)
  61. __declspec(dllimport)
  62. Custom Control [modified]
  63. [newbie] error C2065: 'b' : undeclared identifier
  64. Creating a MFC "Static" Dill
  65. Help - Capture window to bitmap
  66. Compare Images.
  67. typedef struct constructor
  68. Doubt - C
  69. Encryption / Decryption
  70. Passing CDialog results to CFormView ??
  71. Where does VC9 store its run time type info?
  72. char* as return type in dll
  73. Please check this application and give me solution
  74. CreateCompatibleDC(NULL) == CreateCompatibleDC(hdc) for some hdc?
  75. What the difference between them?
  76. What are the differences between them?
  77. CreateCompatibleDC(NULL) == CreateCompatibleDC(hdc) for some hdc? [modified]
  78. How do I access live video stream from webcam installed on my server using C++?
  79. CreateCompatibleDC(NULL) == CreateCompatibleDC(hdc) for some hdc? [modified]
  80. read video stream from IP address assign to Avtech 4 channel MPEG4 DVR using C, C++, MFC
  81. font problem
  82. Multiple Inheritance doubt
  83. Invalid Pointer Error
  84. text search
  85. How can change product original exe name ?
  86. Merge Xml [modified]
  87. Invalid Pointer Error [modified]
  88. Getattributename and value of an Xml Node...
  89. Please solve my problem its very urgent
  90. execute my c++ graphic application in batch mode with parameters
  91. execute my c++ application en MFC SDI in batch mode with parameters
  92. CString
  93. How to add an Active X Control to a project in Visual Studio 2005/2008?
  94. Help me fpr Pocket PC?
  95. How to convert string into LPCWSTR
  96. How Can I get GPS with a ******** Platform-compatible driver for Windows 7
  97. Setattribute in MSXML
  98. Calling the functions from different class
  99. CreateImageEx problem with CListCtrl drag and drop
  100. PropertyPage - OnQueryCancel
  101. return value of a fun()
  102. return value of a fun() [modified]
  103. Static function variable problem
  104. How can I access a document member variable from a dialog window?
  105. Desktop wallpaper/background
  106. Difference between OLE and COM ???
  107. how do i find who has focus?
  108. File Read / Write etc
  109. office automation - I want to use 'MS-WORD' and 'MS-EXCEL' together?
  110. Problem running while and scanf
  111. Function Call in C++ (Newbie question)
  112. Problem running while and scanf
  113. Reg. Error C2440 in visual studio 2008....
  114. PreTranslateMessage in ActiveX Control Class
  115. required *****alent VC++ MFC functions ordinal number
  116. MSXML::IXMLDOMNodeListPtr
  117. Xmlnode value..
  118. how to retive body of Lotus Notes mail.
  119. Displaying Special symbols on the dialog ********
  120. add value to node..
  121. Error in Resource
  122. setting properties for mail
  123. CString's GetBufer() and const
  124. Access denied to file
  125. How to show a brief message on computer screen (not require confirmation)?
  126. how to compare one 3d vector with other 3d vector
  127. How to show a brief message on computer screen (not require confirmation)?
  128. Is there any open source converter of IGES in C++?
  129. Assigning IXMLNodeptr to IXMLNOdeElementptr(msxml)
  130. Faking a joystick
  131. Extracting keys from digital certificates
  132. Is this do able in VC++? Or is there a better way.
  133. How to get file version of an MFC application?
  134. How to modify copyright information for a MFC dll
  135. How to get Windows media player status(playing/paused) by SendMessage
  136. VC++ 6.0 SetupDiGetClassImageList query
  137. Getting faulting module OLEACC.dll, version 4.2.5406.0 error in Event viewer application log ?
  138. OpenGl Library files
  139. Visual Studio 2008 -> Aonix ObjectAda 8.4
  140. Code snippet for retreving all the properties of a dll
  141. Batch Build in VS 2005
  142. ERROR_TOO_MANY_SECRETS 1381 (0x565)
  143. win32 windows exploler.
  144. Mouse rotating knob message
  145. socket programming using vc++
  146. Scrollbar in CStatic derived class
  147. coding related to mac address
  148. User detailes from Outlook
  149. ATL Server Web Service on Vista / IIS 7 and VS2005
  150. smart pointers
  151. Alias an Array of Pointers
  152. Connecting Push buttons by arrow lines in MFC Form View
  153. MFC and F1 help
  154. Animated GIF's as back ground under push buttons in MFC
  155. How to Connect C++ code with MySQL
  156. Vc++ dll creation
  157. How to find weather the thread is still alive when using hThread = (HANDLE)_beginthread()
  158. DFT or FFT Library for C++ and FFTW Problems
  159. How to delete an exe that runs for ever.
  160. supress/hide "System Settings Change" message box
  161. Reg: Query for xsd(XML Schema) parser problem in MFC VC++
  162. Saving data from a Listcontrol to a file
  163. How to avoid value repetition in the CListCtrl
  164. How to get control of context menu?
  165. CString
  166. How do Non - Unicode applications support different ******** strings?
  167. Why I can hear only one (calling) side using TAPI and H.323?
  168. Clipbaord copy
  169. Example for SetLocaleInfo
  170. Create shared Registry Key
  171. Mem Usage keeps increasing
  172. Logic for finding folders including subfolder within a selected path
  173. Sending HTML page as outlook body text
  174. Splitting mfc applications??????
  175. Changing the DialogSize
  176. Problem at Wincore
  177. Trapping opening file dialog from ********** while using IWebBrowser2?
  178. helpm
  179. helpm
  180. minimode(taskbar) in windows application
  181. Timer CallBack function
  182. How to Get desktop coordinates.
  183. how to hide an mfc activex control dialog?
  184. creating own gps map in vc++
  185. Bitmap
  186. Any sample code availble?
  187. program in c to convert a Portable graymap(PGM) file into portable bitmap file(PBM)
  188. Disabling the Windows Available Networks Window
  189. Need to call VC++ 9.0 window service in VC++ 6.0.
  190. WriteFile API performance abnormal
  191. Calculating Entropy of a file and coding it using Hamming
  192. Problem with CImage
  193. Code for finding eigenvectors and eigenvalues
  194. Modeless dialog hangs up
  195. DoModal [modified]
  196. Problems with IWebBrowser2 and frames
  197. Code for finding eigenvectors and eigenvalues
  198. XMLHTTP createinstance exception
  199. Need vista finger print for Ettercap database...
  200. How to write to the part of memory with no Writeable permission
  201. project setting
  202. Preprocessor question
  203. Can we use registry for..
  204. Help with threads.
  205. How to modify sql text field using c++
  206. Resize Dialog Box
  207. HEAP[myapp.exe]: Invalid al******** size - CDCDCDD0 (exceeded 7ffdefff)
  208. sprintf and strcpy - Compiler warning
  209. Using MAPI to confirm valid email address format (without sending an email or accessing their Address Book)?
  210. Looking for an HTML Rendering engine (with ********** support) to integrate in an MFC application. Must be able to call the ********** from C++ and visversa
  211. MFC CFormView SB_TOP bug?
  212. SOLVED - MFC CFormView SB_TOP bug? [modified]
  213. Need simple way to Launch a web based Php program from Windows MFC app
  214. ComboBox in WIN32 programming.
  215. How to close the window?
  216. How to close the window?
  217. read a file using Readfile()
  218. increase the size of the DialogBox during RunTime
  219. Read coefficients of linear equations into 2d array
  220. text on a toolbar button not vertically centered
  221. Link Errors
  222. Trying to create a Tool bar using the class CToolBar
  223. Wrapper function for sprintf, strcpy, strcat?
  224. ClistCtrl w/Popup Menu - Wrong Menu Item Returned
  225. Downloading files from web sites like rapidshare!
  226. Trying to call function from parallel classes...
  227. I need Algorithm to compute Strict Avalanche Criterion for nonlinear boolean functions?
  228. I need Algorithm to compute correlation Immunity for boolean functions?
  229. SetCapture and ReleaseCapture
  230. GetCapture and SetCapture
  231. Embedded Structure
  232. Error when creating classes for dialog boxes or new class
  233. CreateNewChild and mouse messages
  234. C++ Vulnerablity
  235. How can use Scheduler ?
  236. Weird Clipping of Bitmap icons
  237. How to change the forms and dialogs look and feel
  238. possible to pass in a string as UNICODE?
  239. Setting Latency timer of a communication port programatically?
  240. 3DES encryption.
  241. How to create xml document using Schema in MFC application?
  242. multiple comport settings to be taken
  243. Problem in output
  244. how to transparent MFC activeX control
  245. overriding CDialog::Create
  246. API for changing ******** for non-Unicode Programs????
  247. How to add data to sorted vector?
  248. Please clarify my doubt....
  249. Timer on Statusbar
  250. How to access element in Multiset by index