المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : General topics in C++ - Cplusplus

الصفحات : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [9] 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

  1. Make print dialog for CHtmlView modal?
  2. how to show a .ico file at the window title bar
  3. simple template question
  4. IE automation
  5. IE automation [modified]
  6. Constructor Exception
  7. Send values from Exe to Browser
  8. hide a dialog on task bar.
  9. My Sql Connectiom
  10. Sub programming in C
  11. getting data from non-.txt files properly
  12. order of icons in CListCtrl
  13. crystl32.ocx version 5.2 setselectionformula() displaying E message
  14. SmsSendMessage fails.
  15. Power configuration settings on Win2K3 and Win2K using "powercfg.exe"
  16. Any similar option to PROVIDER_SPECIFIC_MESSAGE_CLASS in CEMAPI.
  17. values for PR_MESSAGE_CLASS.
  18. What am I doing wrong?
  19. how to get file attributes from a cluster in volume bitmap
  20. guys help me out
  21. Help!
  22. MS Detours
  23. stabilization test of API generated exe programme
  24. loadbalancing in p2p network
  25. how to set mail time
  26. setting attachment for a message
  27. Attempt to open a table failed......
  28. Easy CImage Question?
  29. String
  30. CreateTimerQueue() - questions about how it works? [modified]
  31. How to read this type of text file in C/C++?
  32. Database path
  33. how to add button control to a drawing
  34. Please help me for sending Service Message!
  35. minimal coverage
  36. Get CultureInfo Use VC
  37. error C2065: '_Application' : undeclared identifier
  38. Exception Handling using catch(...) [modified]
  39. MFC multi-views print
  40. Design suggestion and the decorator design pattern
  41. My Heap implementation is not working...please have a look frnds..
  42. int in CListBox
  43. Dialog Box won't Resize Larger
  44. Memory Issues in developing 64 bit Driver in “Windows 64 bit standard edition” ?
  45. Race Condition
  46. Please help me please
  47. May I ask ISAPI questions here, or do they belong in the Web Dev forum? That forum's not as active -nt-
  48. Making windows clipboard a unicode compatible..
  49. How to differenciate?
  50. unknown size of void *
  51. How to convert an array of 32bit integers to image in C++
  52. Hooks
  53. How To Set TextColor of a Text Control on a Modeless Dialogbox MFC
  54. how to make a PPC turn on and of on preprogramed times?
  55. pop up like windows media player minibar(when miniised).
  56. Use of TStringList problems
  57. How to Capture Alt Key
  58. convert BYTE array to BITMAPFILEHEADER
  59. What does this mean?
  60. problem in deleting dll class object.(scalar deleting destructor)
  61. Turbo C 3.0 and bmp > 256 color
  62. Turbo C 3.0 and bmp > 256 color & OS dev
  63. How to use this class
  64. SDI application
  65. creating common memory
  66. new operator
  67. how to create to parallallu running processes in mfc
  68. Problem while horizontal scroling
  69. how to use semaphores to acheive synchronization
  70. setting TO adress for mail Using Mapi
  71. CString to char
  72. Generating "msoult.h" from "msoutl.olb" using VS2005
  73. when to use switch-case and when to use if-else
  74. VC++ win32 projects
  75. Is it better to use a class or struct in this case?
  76. Speaking of missing the basics - is there a way to dynamically size an array on the stack ?
  77. How to Insert Data In Excel
  78. Windows Workflow Foundation
  79. How to get international date format in lotus notes
  80. Redirect video stream from window handler to a buffer
  81. I want to work on Progress bar.Can I have ur suggestion pls?
  82. Maximum UDP transmit rate is just 50 MB/s and with 100% CPU usage!??
  83. file open dialog
  84. String Parsing in C++ (Simple Question)
  85. How can a referece to integer constant change value in a function?
  86. how can i convert CString to int?
  87. can we create thread in Single Threaded component
  88. Controlling the folder views from a third party application.
  89. C C++ Eclipse plugins
  90. DrawFocusRect
  91. How to get the index number of a Listbox item displayed in a message box
  92. String manipulation.
  93. CHtmlEditCtrl problem :(
  94. TextWidth
  95. how to shut down the PC programatically.
  96. IWebBrowser2 problem
  97. Convert LPRECT to Crect
  98. What will cause "ASSERT(::IsWindow(m_hWnd))" fails?
  99. Microsoft Windows 3.0 and Visual C++ 1.0
  100. Change Ruler Origin in UltimateTollbox COXRuler
  101. Inheritance- how to access base class member from derived class member?
  102. Want to put a .jpg picture as a background of a single doc application
  103. Re: CFileDialog, disable "What's This?" menu
  104. How to use gotoxy().....?
  105. newbie to multi threading
  106. Re: CFileDialog, disable "What's This?" menu
  107. inline or macro
  108. difference b/w iterators and indexing for STL
  109. Memory Manager
  110. lib file keeps fully recompiling even when no changes have been made
  111. cant make it stop, problem with small c++ code
  112. Understanding SDI Document/View Linkage - #$@%$%%^$%^%
  113. How to retrieve Public IP Address
  114. StartProcess/Inject DLL or Detours
  115. Combo Box
  116. clipboard
  117. Mysql Select * from Table
  118. .ptf file details
  119. clipping region
  120. C++ and MySQL - Structures
  121. device context vs GDI
  122. removing menu in MFC document\view architecture
  123. unicode character problem
  124. How to read 'MODIFY' File/Folder permission
  125. RAII / RIIA best-practices question about std::vector
  126. colored tabcontrol for smartphone
  127. pointers to class
  128. ShellExecute() function opens a blank page
  129. how to acheive communication betwwen two dilog boxes using socket programming
  130. SetConsoleCtrlHandler does not work in Windows Vista and Windows 7?
  131. socket programming using MFC'
  132. Information on win32 OS and timing behaviour.
  133. How to change .net framework used by Visual Studio 2008?
  134. How to get machine model using VC++/MFC without using WMI
  135. Information on win32 OS and timing behaviour. [modified]
  136. CString causing problem in mulithreaded , multi processor environment
  137. how to make a PPC turn on and of on preprogramed times?
  138. Populating a TreeView via Drag and Drop from Windows Explorer
  139. Lising Windows registred users
  140. EditStreamSetInfo avi file saving problem
  141. Format CEdit for Phone Number
  142. Is it safe to cast from LPBYTE to LPSTR to LPBYTE ?
  143. mfc tab problem
  144. Help with threads
  145. linking a CiSliderX with a spin edit buddy pair (working with discrete values)
  146. switch on multi threading in visual studio using boost libraries
  147. linking a CiSliderX with a spin edit buddy pair (working with discrete values) [modified]
  148. convert vector byte object into a string
  149. SetCursorPos() not working
  150. linking a CiSliderX with a spin edit buddy pair (working with discrete values) [modified]
  151. Scroll view background color
  152. Image list number associated with the column comes wrong while using Header_GetItem
  153. Linking error LNK2019 while building DLL
  154. crashed ( i CSimpleStringT ) when new control are added to dialog
  155. Create 16 bit process under 32bit using CreateProcess
  156. default parameters - functions
  157. Release Mode issue
  158. CD Drive functions
  159. "Debug Assert Error" in VC++.NET
  160. Toolbar-like custom draw buttons
  161. Adding BigInt's
  162. DialogBox function
  163. Vector elements and the heap...or the stack...
  164. Data population
  165. How to Get the path of Internet Explorer using C++
  166. Clipboard [modified]
  167. Coversion of SYSTEMTIME TO FILETIME
  168. Regarding Created Date
  169. MFC Exceptions
  170. ShellExecute function?
  171. Get Default shell command
  172. CMFCRibbonStatusBarPane
  173. Creating MODAL Dialog?
  174. socket api's recv and UTF-8
  175. CMFCRibbonStatusBarPane [geeze]
  176. a Class Decleration ??
  177. Interupting a Loop
  178. I need help about searching and deleting files?
  179. A class to control some bitmaps
  180. A class to control some bitmaps
  182. the parent of exe files in windows
  183. how to drag a document to a listctrl from desktop for example (mfc)
  184. Now playing in vc++
  185. vptr help? [modified]
  186. HEAP: Heap block at 003BCB48 modified at 003BCC6C past requested size of 11c
  187. vptr help? [modified]
  188. hello well i get a very weird error and cant fix it i know it has do to something with brackets )
  189. Report on Threadpool Scheduling Techniques -- Need Feedback
  190. c++ source code for acm 2004-2005 problems
  191. how can this program work correctly
  192. Esc Key in a dialog based application
  193. very faster method than getpixel and setpixel
  194. segmenting a wave file based on short pauses
  195. How to measure a Char width in a text
  196. Urgent please
  197. Need a program that implements nearest neighbor method in c
  198. How to answer a question
  199. string format
  200. std::search matches start of data before passing to function, but not within function?
  201. CFormView in CDockablePane
  202. registry access problem
  203. How to get file record from file name?
  204. Simple Button Styles Question
  205. How to answer a question
  206. How to Use IQueryAssociations
  207. VC++ 6.0 - No Unicode in debug output window
  208. Monitoring Window Creation in another Process
  209. Create a Windows media player control at runtime.
  210. Problem in updating from vs2002 to vs2008
  211. Win32 API UI customization
  212. C++ program to print the path without the file name!
  213. Why would this cause a class destruction crashed?
  214. Char * delete assertion failed
  215. How to create and maintain HTML file?
  216. Best way to convert text to a picture
  217. OpenGL window creation within a DLL - Possible threading problem
  218. Improve the program
  219. MoveWindow() causing crash on closing maximized child window with listbox
  220. need help on Bmp to jpeg conversion
  221. VC++ -- Minimize all windows within MDI
  222. why we can't overload .,->, :: operators?
  223. Pausing the Application until a OK Button is pressed?
  224. How to handle drawing into bitmaps and OnPaint().
  225. How to handle drawing into bitmaps and PAINT issues
  226. Turbo C 3.0 & kernel VGA
  227. run programme when run PC
  228. problem with inf file
  229. how to detect the data on the transmission line when using a comport
  230. Problem in vs2008
  231. Period and Duty cycle calculation
  232. command buttons in SDI
  233. datetime control on Windows mobile 5.0 win32 application.
  234. Socket
  235. Copy the string from const char* To char[500];
  236. displaying the variable value in message box
  237. Structure members in a listbox
  238. create a reference vector of class objects
  239. RegOpenKeyEx() return Access Denied (return value = 5)
  240. Buffer Over Run Problem
  241. TCP port [modified]
  242. c++ unit
  243. Socket
  244. OnInitDialog() never be called
  245. Problem with the reading of the BMP file
  246. USB interaction from user space. I need some light please!
  247. Toobar look in VS2008
  248. Newbie question, problem compiling
  249. How to convert LPCTSTR for MessageBox Function
  250. what is the *****alent command for adLogin.Recordset(0) which is in VB in VC++...Pls help