- Dynamic controls
- Annoying RegEnumKeyEx Problem
- vs2008proeditiongodaytrialedition
- Handling KeyDown even on Dialog.
- how to use installshield in visual studio 2005 IDE to create an installer
- Getting Tray Icon Details
- How to transform 2D image to 3D image?
- Transparent dialog problem
- insertion of time information to the access database
- CCheckboxlist..
- insert values from access database to the microsoft chart in MFC
- Problem in multiple item deletion in CListCtrl
- c++ code required for this small study program
- How to add Vertical and Horizontal scrollbars to a CListBox
- the date-elapsing dialog box for the trial version software
- using Container template class. new to containers help please
- Include issues
- Shadow Copy In C
- have you ever seen this error?
- have you ever seen this error?
- Multiple Inheritance problem : CSingleLock : CSingleLock(pObject, bInitialLock) : CS
- Help not sure why.
- time difference
- Smtp C++
- focusing messagebox
- Should an application to have a central error handling model?
- how to use installshield in visual studio 2005 IDE to create an installer
- COM port number identification
- how to conditionally select a DLL on detecting a ******** pack?
- problem with debug mode
- Problem getting element from CDHtmlDialog when loading the HTML from a file using Nav
- Images in Dll
- Problem while setting text to a control using WM_SETTEXT with SendMessage API
- Read diffrent formats file in MFC.
- Program To Find Whether A String Is Anagram Or Not To Source String
- How to get access right to Registry in Vista
- Modeless and Modal dalog window
- CListBox with multiselection support
- sotring/comparing strings
- Dialog based Application should always run as Admininstrator.
- Problem getting Caption of a window control using SendMessage & WM_GETTEXT
- How to convers a binary file into something readable
- full screen message box
- Execute a system process from ring0
- Filtering processes of current user
- Using Synthesis toolkit in Visual Studio
- rectangle rotation
- Using DirectSound and Synthesis toolkit in Visual Studio [modified]
- Problem with WinDef.h
- can somebody help me to solve this problem? Pls help me, as soon as possible. This is
- system() parameter complications
- How to reduce .avi file size..
- How to get ordinal value of function programitically ?
- VC++
- to read chm file using vc++
- win32 Database
- Creating a ******** pack............
- Memory leak when return char* from DLL
- How to create a listbox in win32 with checkbox style
- reading html file in c++/vc++
- Retrive data from SQL database & store it in Excel file
- fatal error C1189: #error : WINDOWS.H already included. MFC apps must not #include
- Help with Mouse Button and counter
- Create Integrated Development Environment (IDE) like VC++ in VC++ 6.0
- Error compiling call to Windows API function.
- error that is occuring while executing the project
- that is occuring while executingerror
- Loop .mp3 playback
- getting email address in Outlook Express
- url filtering
- Any Suggetions for an efficient way?
- Vc++6.0. ADO. When I link in RELEASE mode I get Unresolved External error on ADO.
- how to set breakpoint in this way?
- WM_NCCALCSIZE bug with Vista Desktop Composition
- Multiple Inheritance question
- tapi
- TerminateProcess()
- the date time picker control
- PropertySheet
- Menu bar not display
- how to EXPAND or COLLAPSE a CTreeCtrl item?(TVS_SINGLEEXPAND cannot)
- p2p binary header in msnp15
- Context menu on non clicnt area
- Question about classes in C++
- visual C++ to 8051F000 micro controller
- Using library built in VC 8.0 or VC 7.0 in Application built in VC6.0
- How can get rows in excel sheet?
- Not detecting the ******** of Resource DLL
- freeing up of resources after closing the window
- How To Analyse a Simple Script [modified]
- CListCtrl problem
- how to abort application
- How To Make a Simple compiler
- Can I use StreamIn/StreamOu to Load/Save OLE objects within a rich edit control?
- IsThemeActive
- How to get the name of the current .exe of my application within my application
- Enumerating users
- Can I use StreamIn/StreamOu to Load/Save OLE objects within a rich edit control? [mod
- Closing first dialog box while second is still running
- pointer deletion querry
- How can my C++ program know when a batch file updates?
- how to use two flags for create file
- variable and classes
- How to make Matrix Using C [modified]
- GetAsyncKeyState - help with dynamic link library
- Problem creating a simple DLL in c++
- DLL basic question
- convert 32bit to 8bit(256color) bmp?
- mfc42.dll, error application crash, ModVersion-6.2.4131.0
- safe-cast serialization
- XML Visual Studio 2003 MFC C++
- How can I use GetModify/SetModify within CRichEditView
- Extracting a string from a tab-delimited file
- Using 2 thread i receive a message " Access violation reading ******** 0x0000001c ".
- lbuttonDown out of a mode window, witch message is spring?
- scaler deleting destructor
- how to transfer file between windows and linux
- How to retrieve contents of a control in a different application?
- Another Stupid Question?
- Windows Message API problem for LVM_GETITEMTEXT
- CPoint's x and y has large value
- How to create a secure database with the MS-Jet ODBC driver
- How to convert const void* to CString?
- How to capture "Enter Key"?
- How to create a secure database with the MS-Jet ODBC driver [modified]
- How to delete CStatic object.
- getting a Microsoft Visual studio C Runtime Library error and that error is showing i
- newbe question about arrays
- any sync opration with vc++ concepts give a sample
- C3861
- error PRJ0050: Failed to register output
- vc++
- Vc++ 6.0 Callback Function (callback Export)
- Find Unique Combination Numbers from a pool list (combinations and permutations)
- How to get time in microseconds?
- Closing my C++ program when a specific window is closed
- RTD in MFC application
- Deleting the Main Window
- How To Import and use Com file in c++
- Raise thread safe event
- glDrawPixels help
- strange character
- How to get a huge struct array?
- How can I paste data to other windows (who ever is accepting) ?
- How can I paste data to other windows (who ever is accepting) ? [modified]
- PopupDailog steal the current focus
- Reading from fstream in CString object
- named pipe sample
- Space in EDIT BOX
- String Table of Resources
- Callback Routine Not Getting Triggered
- Real time data server client
- Data processing in MATLAB, searching over a large amount of folders
- problem importing a com file in c++
- problem importing a com file in c++
- problem importing a com file in c++
- How do i create an Executable (.exe) to debug my project?
- dynamic 2D array template for non-built-in types. [modified]
- MSADO15.tlh file not available in ..c:\documents and settings\user\local settings\tem
- problem in C++ programming
- Writing the interface definatinon inside the libaray in .idl file
- (cPallini) Why "Save" menu item is ALWAYS disable?
- Union
- getting nested groups from AD with win32 API
- Strategy Question
- _beginthreadex() conversion error
- How can i call a function with a CString variable ?
- USB Drive
- Is it possible to get individual properties from a specific Flag value in VC++?
- Help Please!!!
- Keyboard Control On Mfc Dialog Box
- Successful Debug Build, but got Errors during Release Build
- Packet Structure in C++
- Mixing of two Audio files
- c# code for implement vedio cutter
- OpenGL in a MFC dialog using vc98
- Windows Example Programs
- inverse mapping
- CRichEditCtl on CMDIchildWnd
- CTabCtrl Usage.
- How to override TR1 "function class"' operator()(****)//many parameters ? Thanks! The
- Huffman coding
- Architectural problem
- Interfacing with an Maxatec POS receipt printer, printing "downloaded images"
- PC based application using Microsoft Bluetooth Stack
- ClassWizard not displayed
- CRichEditCtrl on CMDIChildWnd not working
- How to make MessageBox () to behave as AfxMessageBox ();
- X64 compilation problems
- Video Capture
- TabStop not working when add image over a button control.
- Capturing TCP/IP packets in (DOS)
- How to get the total time of the wav file.
- MFC Visual Studio Project Never Gets Updated
- source code for distributed mutual exclusion
- Dividing property shett into two parts
- PostNCDestroy Problem
- add column into control CListCtrl
- Start Program as Service: Error 193
- MultiClient Server
- Automate volume level by capturing from microphone
- how to find out what time a control is created and VISIBLE?
- PreTranslateMessage to Capture RicheditCtrl KeyBoard input
- How to Develope Add-ons for MOZILLA FIRE FOX 2.0(or)3.0?
- How to Load toolBar in CView? [modified]
- What does this mean?
- Show selected rows in ListCtrl
- MainFrame Maximization problem
- How to display a diagram charted by visio, such as topological diagram, iwith mfc?
- please guide I program for fax modem, thanks
- previous posts and replies....
- iostream compatibility problems
- How can check ActiveSync or Mobile device centre installed on PC?
- MFC in VS2003
- Modeles , Modal dialog window and variable
- Begin C++
- auto_ptr
- ondraw
- window styles
- Exception while using CComPtr
- error C2227: left of '->arr' must point to class/struct/union/generic type, but works
- Dialog box gets hanged..
- FSM data structure design
- Changing values in dialog boxes
- Members Named using Template Parameters
- Multiple Directories selection
- Highlighting HTML text
- CView Window ?
- Can't intall latest SDK for V6.0
- HELP PLEASE!! Character strings.. PROBLEMS!! using pointers
- MFC Conversion to Unicode in VS2008
- How do I launch a process as user "Administrator"?
- My xp application can't support vista
- How can load dll in project?
- Database Server \Client model
- hai
- hai
- AddScanPackageService is retruning E_INVALIDARG
- Writing a similar function as ComboBox SelectString
- DLL multy [modified]
- how to set a class member function as parameter of an other class in its constructor
- Menu and document
- print in splitted window
- Query related to DllInstall()
- Menu class derived from CMenu
- Double to CString
- How to convert LZW type tiff file to PDF c++?
- Rapi use for connect with active sync,now what can i use for connect with Mobile Devi
- Help with how to add/mix RGBA values
- border of the childframe