المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : General topics in C# - CSharp

الصفحات : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 [44] 45 46 47 48 49 50 51

  1. How to create an HTML replacement string that has multiple quotes inside of it? [modified]
  2. get URL from Chrome
  3. Text break into two part
  4. DomainController() is inaccessible due to its protection level??
  5. detecting wifi signal strength
  6. Asp.net
  7. Execute code only if query successful
  8. GetWindowText Funcation not working Fine iF Application Title is Unicode or Other ********.
  9. Graph schedule for hotel menagment system
  10. Bind Combo Box with current year months
  11. Drag'N'Drop to and on control
  12. How can i send io stream to specific USB
  13. DLL Registration Issue
  14. Input details in cmd via Process
  15. Determine If String Is Encrypted
  16. Extracting table from pdf in C#
  17. question about delegates c#
  18. Error: "Could not use"file name"; file already in use."
  19. Small Dialogs - How Small Can I Go ??
  20. messenger
  21. What is a context?
  22. adding a custoncontrol to a form in .net CF .
  23. How to send files with http protocol between 2 pc or many
  24. some or all identity references could not be translated
  25. Help with excel and hyperlinks
  26. How to localize BackgroundWorker thread?
  27. Calling destructor in C# - observer pattern problem
  28. sound on btn clik
  29. How to get printer true status?
  30. Could not load file or assembly or one of its dependencies. The given assembly name or codebase was invalid. exception from HRESULT
  31. Simple calculator
  32. error in passing value from one form to other
  33. PolyLib Modifying the ToString method
  34. Set a picture transparently in the foreground
  35. What is the better approach between IQueryable and IEnumerable ?
  36. remove duplicates from list collection
  37. get relative path
  38. abstract, override and the Visual Studio Designer
  39. OleDbDataReader getChars sequentia access
  40. Constructing a class from a static function
  41. I am making outlook add-ins and have question about it.
  42. IBasicVideo GetCurrentImage displaced
  43. Can not open the designer. It gives error
  44. Extract JSON stringify
  45. Question on CrystalReportViewer. [modified]
  46. C# Object
  47. find an item in list collection to add or update
  48. Best way to make Telephone Directory program
  49. Working with dictionary
  50. animation
  51. best way to inform the user about newly released application.?
  52. c# Need help getting WPF window to draw behind desktop icons
  53. Listview sorting by group of items
  54. I want to detach the LINQ to SQL / LINQ to Entity Data Context from my presentation layer
  55. Mouse cursor modification by getting data from web browser object
  56. keyword "dynamic" - real world applications?
  57. when thread.sleep() called the visibility of the label is not working properly.
  58. How to iterate in recursion?
  59. Custom SplitContainer
  60. Reading loaded form data
  61. how to programing Microsoft Management Console ??
  62. Win32_PhysicalMedia Problem
  63. Access asymbly version
  64. Postgres database connection
  65. C# / WPF Job Offer in Tampa, FL
  66. Pausing execution for certain amount of time without freezing the form.
  67. Is there a way to search through all buttons of a window handle?
  68. Visua studio 2008
  69. Do not show DOS window when callinf DOS command from C#
  70. teeth detection from image using c#
  71. a strange question
  72. item not found in the table exception
  73. error with Button in datagridview
  74. Load report fail
  75. Help w/ Security Issue Win7
  76. Application directories for Form App?
  77. Making a generic progress form
  78. Random number generation between a given interval
  79. How to Get Data From Data Set
  80. How i can get the hardware device Driver Information using C#
  81. Integrate WebCam in ASPX
  82. Finding controls [modified]
  83. Deployment for Visual C# 2010 Express
  84. How disable scripts in webbrowser by c# [modified]
  85. Main thread freezing while running a separate thread
  86. add gps info to image
  87. With Asp Running Program Change Excel Setting
  88. How do i make an application thumbnail veiwer?
  89. imapi2 or scsi for cd-rom
  90. _msize() on managed data arrays?
  91. Streamwriter output
  92. Update an MDI Child Form TreeView() with other MDI Child Form
  93. WPF: Binding Storyboard.RepeatBehavior property
  94. Word 2010 automation
  95. how to force IIS_IUSER full control by making setup & deploy project ?
  96. something very Strange in Webservice and windows-ce connection
  97. Handling multiple clients via Sockets
  98. Total Dynamic Report.
  99. problem to connect to Oracle from my C# WinForm program
  100. C# and local SQL server connection
  101. How to improve listbox databind in WIndows Mobile 6
  102. Windows service setup custom action Error 1001 System.BadImageFormatException
  103. New Version Update
  104. String format for MAC-address
  105. DataGridView with DataTable
  106. Gmail inbox retrive
  107. Open Close Connection Every-time
  108. slide Show
  109. Exposing the running assembly to run-time compiled code
  110. How to enable disable Hibernation option by using C# code.
  111. to close connection to database after i use or not ?
  112. System.Math.Max(System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref i), i - 1); functionality
  113. how to separate date and time from a string
  114. sort generic list collection
  115. Solution directory
  116. Response large size data
  117. LINQ on un-typed IList collections?
  118. How can I open Excel Workbook in My WPF Form
  119. Need help w/ custom serialization (specifically OnSerializing attribute)
  120. Exception form HRESULT 0*800AC472
  121. Hou to dll in Visual Studio without using console?
  122. keyboard dont appear
  123. Video stream modifications
  124. Dataset to defined XML schema
  125. Addins
  126. Sending data packet using UDP port
  127. C# for Smart Device
  128. Microsoft Dynamics Development
  129. Killing hidden processes
  130. Regular Expresssion
  131. A problem with ListView in VB.Net
  132. Querying LDAP from an application: get a search result when one attribute of a multiple attribute matches
  133. How to get a value to return in a textbox
  134. PolyGon To Shift Right
  135. Enable & Disable Dual Monitors
  136. How to sync Data of 2 c# projects?
  137. Works from Visual Studio only
  138. Contrast settings
  139. Source code legality question
  140. Application Crashes during AppDomain.Unload
  141. LinkedList since .NET 2 [modified]
  142. C# very basic basic`
  143. database path
  144. Winform DataGridView
  145. Master/detail datagridview not loading
  146. Scrolling with mouse in combo box too fast
  147. Database help
  148. Visual Studio 2010 Photo Gallery website or project
  149. C# Exchange Mailstore ********
  150. windows service with digital certificate token
  151. windows service with digital certificate token
  152. How To Use a C Libray in your C# Program
  153. Smart Card ACOS3-24 1.07.18
  154. Visual C# 2010 Express
  155. how to deploy the C# application on the linux platform
  156. Hi
  157. Conflicting permissions
  158. Unable To Deserialize
  159. GZipStream ends too early
  160. Array
  161. ListBox.PreferredSize.Width interesting event
  162. How Can i Create A Class Library For MSACCESS database Connection
  163. .NET Collections - Capacity [modified]
  164. showing newly added row in datagridview - Winforms
  165. z-index problem with transparent controls
  166. Services-like platform?
  167. Compiling a project in a "smart" way?
  168. how to fill a combobox with a class
  169. Gradient Texture with Transparency
  170. FileUpload Component question.
  171. c#
  172. Program With Multi language support
  173. How do I take the content from a ********** variable, and paste it into a c# variable?
  174. How to use MF_BYPOSITION parameter in InsertMenu Function
  175. File being used by another process? I don't think so!
  176. Entire Url Redirect/Encryption
  177. I can not achieve if statement in my code
  178. default value in combobox
  179. How to load Arabic File name
  180. 64 bit Console linked to 32 bit dll?
  181. how to add the values from controls to class to read it in xml
  182. Web Service Returns Null, No Exceptions
  183. How to avoid closing mdiparent form while we close mdichild.?
  184. How to format a datetime to display day of week and date?
  185. Can't publish a project even though no build errors
  186. license for the installation
  187. Generic linked list
  188. c# application hang plz help
  189. Where to keep the public variables & Functions? VS2010
  190. Need concept regarding website visit tracking software c#
  191. Multithreading with task in .net 4. Strange things.
  192. How to get the physical path of a virtual directory?
  193. problem with unicode. [modified]
  194. "Input string was not in a correct format." when updating datatable... [modified]
  195. ApplicationSettings property binding in TextBox with integer value
  196. Problem matching name using Regex
  197. send fax with C# 2010 [modified]
  198. How do I install a game I've made in XNA(using Visual Studio 2008) on a computer that does not have Visual Studio?
  199. how to disable and enable network access with simple c# code
  200. Is There An Incantation I'm supposed To Recite To Make The Data Appear?
  201. Dependant tables
  202. how to find out installed MS-office is 64-bit or 32-bit via registry?
  203. RealTime
  204. convert panel value into image in c#
  205. ListView
  206. Enumerating directories/shares (and their Permissions) [modified]
  207. Combo+GroupBox
  208. Subscription (VB6 to C#)
  209. Import Slide ppt
  210. Change compression type
  211. Problem with Process.Start("WINWORD.EXE", selectedFile); [modified]
  212. get the unicode of a character in c#
  213. Dynamically generate link labels (open to alternatives if necessary)
  214. How can I handle a specific Eventhandler & its arguments of a webservice class?
  215. How to force a generic type eventhandler to a ingeneric one? [modified]
  216. How to read the splitcontainers Programmatically ?
  217. Using Wild Character _
  218. IDisposable and CA2000 warning during Vs2010 Code Analysis.
  219. Working with multiple values in one field in an Access database
  220. caching data on server in windows application in c#
  221. How can I set LOCALHOST in web config to use web services root address
  222. Problem when starting Windows Phone 7 Emulator
  223. RegEx for Fist Charactr is Positive
  224. richTextBox problem 2
  225. Modem
  226. Gestures 14+: Project on Hand Gesture Recognition
  227. Generic and Type of [modified]
  228. How to Create Rectangle
  229. Serialcomm dialing voice over modem
  230. RectanlgeF.Parse(string s) extension method?
  231. Bitmap.SelectActiveFrame
  232. I do not understand why the error ! :S
  233. A problem while transferring data over the NetworkStream
  234. Not Working RegistryKey.openSubKey in windows 7
  235. Basic Question On Constructor Stuff
  236. Classes inheritance and something that confuses me
  237. Issue with StrCmpLogicalW (and doubles) [modified]
  238. WCF Basics
  239. How to disable a panels vertical scroll to the mouse wheel
  240. Hello Friends Help Needed for My Project [Automatic Login System]
  241. OpenFileDialog: Files of Type doesn't respond [modified]
  242. Compare decimals
  243. Why exception is not caught in BackgroundWorker DoWork routine?
  244. Executing a delegate from one class and project to another [modified]
  245. itextsharp font question for pdf
  246. CallbackOnCollectedDelegate exception when using DDE to get URLs from Navigators
  247. Running .NET apps on Linux
  248. Context Menu Menu Item Click Event Handler
  249. Saving changed data from a BindingSource
  250. Suggestions On How To Refactor This