المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Add Event to a CustomControl

C# Programming
06-16-2009, 11:10 AM

I'd created a Custom Control using MaskedTextBox and DateTimePicker. I'd written all the required validations and it is working fine. I'd even created a CustomEventHandler by using Delegate. The Problem is when I drag this control on to a form I could not find the CustomEventHandler to raise. Here is my Code. Can anyone suggest the solution. Thanks in Advance

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Data;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace DateControl
public partial class UserDateControl : UserControl
private bool IsTrue;
private bool Err;
private string MskText;
public delegate void DateControlEventHandler();
[Category("Action"),Description("Fires when the Text Changed event Occurs!")]
public event DateControlEventHandler TextChanged;

public UserDateControl()

protected virtual void OnTextChanged()
if (TextChanged != null)

private void DTPicker_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
string DTP;
if (DTPicker.Value.Day < 10)
DTP = "0" + DTPicker.Value.Day + "-";
DTP = DTPicker.Value.Day + "-";

if (DTPicker.Value.Month < 10)
DTP += "0" + DTPicker.Value.Month + "-";
DTP += DTPicker.Value.Month + "-";

DTP += DTPicker.Value.Year;

MskDateControl.Text = DTP;

[Category("DateControl Configuration"),Description("Whether the Control should accept more than Today's date?"),DefaultValue(false)]
public bool AcceptMoreThanToday
get { return IsTrue; }
IsTrue = value;

public string DateValue
get { return MskText; }
MskText = MskDateControl.Text;

private void MskDateControl_Validating(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
if (MskDateControl.MaskFull == false)
errorProvider1.SetError(MskDateControl, "Please Check the Date!");

private void MskDateControl_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (MskDateControl.MaskFull == true)
Char[] ChrSep = new Char[] { '-' };
String[] SplitDate;
SplitDate = MskDateControl.Text.Split(ChrSep, 3);
int y = int.Parse(SplitDate.GetValue(2).ToString());
int d = int.Parse(SplitDate.GetValue(0).ToString());
int m = int.Parse(SplitDate.GetValue(1).ToString());
Err = false;

if (m > 12 || m 31 || d SDate)
errorProvider1.SetError(MskDateControl, "Date should not be more than Today's Date");

private void MskDateControl_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
if (e.KeyChar == ' ') e.KeyChar = (char)0;

private void MskDateControl_Validated(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Err == false && MskDateControl.MaskFull == true)
Char[] ChrSep = new Char[] { '-' };
String[] SplitDate;
SplitDate = MskDateControl.Text.Split(ChrSep, 3);
int y = int.Parse(SplitDate.GetValue(2).ToString());
int d = int.Parse(SplitDate.GetValue(0).ToString());
int m = int.Parse(SplitDate.GetValue(1).ToString());
DateTime EDate = new DateTime(y, m, d);
DTPicker.Value = EDate;
DateValue = MskDateControl.Text;

Sreedhar Kadiyala