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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : c++ code required for this small study program

C++ Programming
03-28-2009, 06:21 PM
: Use Dev-C++
Your task is to implement a Catalog of Books.
1. For this first you have to implement Book class The Book class is a simple class to store information about a particular book and it has the following data members:
o Title of the book (string)
o Author of the book (string)
o ISBN of the book (string)
o Status of the book (bool)
Write default and parameterized constructors and setters getters for the Book class.
2. Catalog class is a linked list of Book objects and that can perform the following functionality.
o Add method to add a book in the Catalog
o printAllBooks method to print all the books in the Catalog.
o searchByAuthor method will take author name as an argument and will find a book written by that author.
o Available method to print all those books that are currently available. If the status of a book is false than it means that book is not available, if the status is true then it means book is available.
3. Include a main function as follows:
o Main will create 5 different books and add them in Catalog
o Print all books present in Catalog linked list.
o Search a Book by its Author name.
o Print all the books which are available.
Make Nodes of Book type and then link them to make Catalog linked list. It means there will be another class between Book and Catalog and that is BookNode class