المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Windows XP: Escape from DLL Hell with Custom Debugging and Instrumentation Tools and

C++ Programming
03-29-2009, 02:42 AM
Building on his article published in the June issue, which demonstrated several ways to get process and DLL-related information from APIs such as PSAPI, NTDLL, and TOOLHELP32, the author presents some unusual ways to get system-oriented info that you can easily integrate in your own toolkit. There are three tools included as samples: LoadLibrarySpy, which monitors an application and detects which DLLs are really loaded; WindowDump, which retrieves the content and a detailed description of any window; and FileUsage, which redirects console-mode applications to tell you which process is using any opened file.

Christophe Nasarre

<a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/magazine/ba214d83-bdb6-44aa-8752-28b11b56c133">MSDN Magazine August 2002