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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : program in c#

C# Programming
08-29-2009, 01:56 PM
Hi this is to be done in c#. Please help

1. Write a program which includes a class named Numbers, for which Print is a member function to print numbers 1 to n. When the number of elements printed becomes equal to n, an event is invoked to stop printing numbers, showing a message “Limit Exceeded”.

2. Create a class Student with RegNo, Name & Marks. Include Indexer, Create 5 instances of Student, and display them.

3. Create a Windows application to select a file from the system and display its properties Name, Size, Dates etc

4. Create Windows Application to read from an existing file and write to a new file. There should be 2 radio buttons FileStream & Stream. If FileStream is selected the file reading and writing should be performed using FileStream and if Stream is selected file reaing and writing should be performed using StreamReader & StreamWriter.

5. Simulate a Notepad Application. (Hint: Use RichTextbox, Dialogbox controls, Classes from System.IO namespace etc.)