المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Problem with events...

C# Programming
01-29-2010, 12:45 AM
I have a problem...

public delegate MyDelegate()

class MDIParent

public event MyDelegate myEvent;
public MDIParent() //Constructor
// Create and open MDIChild from MDIParent Constructor
MDIChild mdiForm = new (MDIChild())

Class MDIChild

public MDIChild //Constructor
((MDIParent)this.MdiParent).myEvent += new MyDelegate(myPriveteMethod);


Well, as you can see, I

- Auntomatcally create a MDIChild from MDIParent constructor
- In the MDIChild constructor I try to suscribe to an MDIParent event

It gives me a SystemNullException. It perfectly suscribes if I do it OUTSIDE the MDIChildForm constructor. I suppose it is becouse parent form is not still initialized (child is created form INSIDE parent's constructor).

I need to open MDIChild from the begginig, and suscribe to event at the begginning, too. Any workaround to do this without using the constructor
