المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : how to set a class member function as parameter of an other class in its constructor

C++ Programming
04-08-2009, 12:30 PM
Here the code of a "pulsar" in Qt context. QMTPulsar is an abstract class used for execution of periodic switches, and execute a function at the end of each period. The compilation message is given.
Best regards.

> QMThreadOneAction is used to run asynchronously a function;

La création des QMThreadOneAction est incorrecte.

/** QMTPulsar.h
> Pulse component
- mechanism of periodic (or not) raise and fall call

#ifndef __TESTUTILS_H__
#define __TESTUTILS_H__

#define DEVICELOADER_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define DEVICELOADER_API __declspec(dllimport)

#include "QtCore/QtGlobal"
#include "QtCore/QThread"
#include "MTDevicePrv.h"

/** QMTPulsar
> process up and down switches, and function execution at each switch.
public QThread
/** QMThreadOneAction
> execute asynchronously a function
class QMThreadOneAction :
public QThread
MTDevicePrv *_device;
void (__cdecl* QMTPulsar::_fonc)(MTDevicePrv *dev);
bool _running;

//! execute function once
void run(void)
if (_fonc) {
if (!_running) {
_running = true;

try {
_fonc( _device);

_running = false;
//! constructeur
QMThreadOneAction (
MTDevicePrv *dev,
void (__cdecl* QMTPulsar::fonc)(MTDevicePrv *)
_running = false;
_device = dev;
_fonc = fonc;

//! execute asynchronously function
void go( void) {


MTDevicePrv *_device;

//! start with action or not
_startWithAction = false

F1 F2
D1 | D2 |

_startWithAction = true

F1 D1 F2
| | D2

bool _startWithAction;
//! D1 (microsecond)
qint64 _firstDurationMUS;
//! D2 (microsecond)
qint64 _secondDurationMUS;
//! repeat mechanism
bool _periodic;
//! is operating
bool _active;

QMThreadOneAction *_thFirst;
QMThreadOneAction *_thSecond;

//! processing
void run() {
do {
if (!_active) {
else {
if (!_startWithAction) {
QThread::usleep( _firstDurationMUS);
QThread::usleep( _secondDurationMUS);
else {
QThread::usleep( _firstDurationMUS);
QThread::usleep( _secondDurationMUS);
} while( _periodic);

//! first action call to implement
void _firstAction( void) {

//! second action call to implement
virtual void _secondAction( void) {


//! first action call to implement
virtual void fnFirstAction( MTDevicePrv *dev) = 0;

//! second action call to implement
virtual void fnSecondAction( MTDevicePrv *dev) = 0;

/** create pulsar
@param startWithAction start immediately firstAction or not
@param firstDurationMUS first delay in micro sec
@param secondDurationMUS second delay in micro sec
@param periodic periodic or not
@param startActive start activity immediately
MTDevicePrv *dev,
bool startWithAction,
qint64 firstDurationMUS,
qint64 secondDurationMUS,
bool periodic,
bool startActive)
_device = dev;
_startWithAction = startWithAction;
_periodic = periodic;
_firstDurationMUS = firstDurationMUS;
_secondDurationMUS = secondDurationMUS;
_active = startActive;

/* error #171)*/ _thFirst = new QMThreadOneAction( _device, fnFirstAction);
/* error #172)*/ _thSecond = new QMThreadOneAction( _device, fnSecondAction);
Compilation en cours...
c:\_projets-cpp2008\deviceframework\deviceframework\devicemanager\qmtpulsar.h(171) : error C3867: &'QMTPulsar::fnFirstAction' : liste d'arguments manquante dans l'appel de fonction ; utilisez 'QMTPulsar::fnFirstAction' pour créer un pointeur vers membre
c:\_projets-cpp2008\deviceframework\deviceframework\devicemanager\qmtpulsar.h(172) : error C3867: &'QMTPulsar::fnSecondAction' : liste d'arguments manquante dans l'appel de fonction ; utilisez 'QMTPulsar::fnSecondAction' pour créer un pointeur vers membre
Le journal de génération a été enregistré à l'emplacement "file://c:\_Projets-CPP2008\DeviceFramework\DeviceFramework\DeviceManager\src\Debug\BuildLog.htm"
DeviceManager - 2 erreur(s), 0 avertissement(s)


//! return owner device
MTDevice* getDevice() const {
return _device ;

//! activate (if true) mechanism
virtual void activate(
bool active) {
_active = active;
if (!QThread::isRunning())
