المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Speed difference between two functions with unknown reason

C# Programming
03-13-2010, 03:51 AM
I have two methods, which are esentially doing similar jobs but have drastic speed differences. I don't know what is causing this speed difference. Here are the methods. The first one is like 100 times faster.

private void SaveNativeBinary(string file, long origin, long length, string opt)
SetSSVisible(StatusStrip, pbSmallPerc, true);

FileStream fs = null;
FileStream writer = null;

try { fs = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); }
catch { throw new Exception("ERR"); }

try { writer = new FileStream(opt, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite); }
catch { throw new Exception("ERR"); }

fs.Seek(origin, SeekOrigin.Begin);

for (long pos = 0; pos < length; pos++)
if (pos % 204800 == 0) // 200KB'da bir güncelle
SetSSValue(StatusStrip, pbSmallPerc, Convert.ToInt32(PercentageCalc(pos, length)) );
SetSSText(StatusStrip, lblStatus, "Aktar?l?yor: " + BtoKB(pos).ToString() + " / " + BtoKB(length).ToString() + " KB (%" + PercentageCalc(pos, length) + ")");

fs.Close(); fs.Dispose(); writer.Close(); writer.Dispose();
SetSSVisible(StatusStrip, pbSmallPerc, false);
private void AppendBinToBin(string Container, string toAppend)
SetSSVisible(StatusStrip, pbSmallPerc, true);
FileStream fsA, fsB = null;
long tempLength = GetFileLength(toAppend);

try { fsA = new FileStream(Container, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite); }
catch { throw new Exception("ERR"); }

try { fsB = new FileStream(toAppend, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); }
catch { throw new Exception("RRR"); }

try {
fsA.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);
for (long pos = 0; pos < fsB.Length; pos++)
if (pos % 204800 == 0) // 200KB'da bir güncelle
SetSSValue( StatusStrip, pbSmallPerc, Convert.ToInt32(PercentageCalc(pos, tempLength)) );
SetSSText( StatusStrip, lblStatus, "Aktar?l?yor: " + BtoKB(pos).ToString() + " / " + BtoKB(tempLength).ToString() + " KB (%" + PercentageCalc(pos, tempLength) + ")" );
fsA.WriteByte( (byte)fsB.ReadByte() );
fsB.Close(); fsB.Dispose(); fsA.Close(); fsA.Dispose();
catch { throw new Exception("ERR."); }
SetSSVisible(StatusStrip, pbSmallPerc, false);
I am aware of the useless try-catch blocks, don't worry about them. They are not the cause of this speed difference.

Any help is appriciated.