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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Who can help on this C# Proj??? Urgent

C# Programming
07-31-2010, 07:54 AM
1. Introduction
The objective of this project is to develop an Inventory Control System
ABC Pte Ltd has requested your assistance to create a simple inventory system. The system will keep track of the goods available in the warehouse so that items do not run out of stock.
When your program starts, a system menu will be displayed:
(1) Enter Goods Information
(2) Issue Goods
(3) Receive Goods
(4) Re-order Goods
(5) Generate Transactions Report
(6) Display Goods Details
(9) Quit
>> Enter Choice: __
Fig A – Main Menu
If user enters 1 to 9, do one of the following. If invalid choice, display error message and display Main Menu again.
Enter Stock Information adds a stock item to the system (see 2.1). Issue Goods will reduce stock in the system (see 2.2). Receive Goods will increase the stock in the system by the quantity received (see 2.3) Re-order Goods checks for stock items that are low in quantity and allows user to top up the quantity of the item (see 2.4). Generate Transaction Report shows all transaction captured by the system (see 2.5). Display Goods Details shows all items recorded in the system (see 2.6).
Course: Diploma in Engineering Informatics
Module: IT7133 – Principles of Computing
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2. Functional Requirements
2.1 Enter Stock Information
The system should allow the user to enter the stock details as follows:
Field Description Format
Item Code
A code to identify unique item
Eg. 121
Item Description
What is this item
Eg. Nescafe
Available Quantity
No. of units in stock
Eg. 50
Re-order Quantity
Minimum quantity below which the system will alert the user to re order the item
Eg. 10

A maximum of 20 different items can be stored.
2.2 Issue Goods
The system should allow the user to issue goods from the warehouse:
Field Description Format
Transaction No.
A number to keep track of issue
Up to student
Item Code
Item code of what was issued
see 2.1
Quantity Issued
Quantity issued
Transaction Date
When was the item issued
a) A maximum of 100 transactions can be tracked by the system.
b) Enter the Item Code and display all the item information to assist in the transaction.
c) For the specified item, the program should verify that Quantity Issued is not greater than Available Quantity (see 2.1) as one cannot issue more than what is available. If this is so, display error message. With the correct entry of Quantity Issued, Quantity available for the item should be reduced accordingly.
d) If the current inventory level for a particular item is below the minimum Re-order Quantity (as recorded in 2.1) level, a message “Below minimum reorder quantity” is displayed to alert the user.
2.3 Receive Goods
The system should allow the user to receive goods from the supplier:
Field Description Format
Transaction No.
A number to keep track of receipt
Up to student
Item Code
Item code of what was issued
see 2.1
Quantity Received
Quantity received
Transaction Date
When was the item received
a) A maximum of 100 transactions can be tracked by the system.
b) Enter the Item Code and display all the item information to assist in the transaction.
c) Display the new balance after the stock is successfully received.
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2.4 Re-order Stock
The program should process all items in the system to determine whether Available Quantity is less than or equal to the Reorder Quantity. For the item that has reached this condition, it is an indication that the stock should be replenished. Prompt the users to replenish for the affected stock items till all items are fully stocked.
2.5 Generate Transaction Report
The system will be able to display all the Issue and Received information as follows:
Pte Ltd
Issue of Goods Report No. Trans Code Item Code Description Qty Issued Balance Date
NTUC Fairprice
Receipt of Goods Report No. Trans Code Item Code Description Qty Recv’d Balance Date
Blue Mountain
2.6 Display Stock Details
The system will be able to display the following stock information:
Stock Details Item Code Description Available Quantity Re-order Quantity
Blue Mountain
3. Hints
Array declaration
To keep records of your data, you will need to declare many 1 Dimensional arrays to store the necessary information. You need to apply parallel array processing.
Decision Making
You are free to make use of If/else, switch/case, while loops, arithmetic, relational and logical operators in implementing decision making.
Your program must start and end in the Main method. Other methods MUST NOT call the Main method; only return control to it.
/* End */