المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : help with import data from csv to access - problem with the (") character

C# Programming
08-02-2010, 08:11 PM

i need to get data from .csv file to access

it works excellent but i have one problem.

when i try to get : IS-43"39"36"24

i receive: "IS-43""39""36""24"

some code:

while (SW.Peek() != -1)
TEMP = (SW.ReadLine());
TEMP = TEMP.Replace("'", " ");
char[] BI = { ',' };
string[] WI = TEMP.Split(BI);

A = WI[0].Trim().ToString();
B = WI[1].Trim().ToString().Replace (";"," ");
C = WI[2].Trim().ToString();
SQL = "INSERT INTO Items(barcode,des,numh) VALUES('" + A + "','" + B + "','" + C + "')";

Cmd = new OleDbCommand(SQL, Conn);
what can be the problem ?

thank's in advance