المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Problem : Need to make COM InterOp at runtime using reflections Passing Pointers as parameters?

C# Programming
09-05-2010, 01:51 PM

I need to make COM IntetrOp at runtime using reflections. My native COM Object's exposed methods have some parameters as pointers (DWORD*) and some double pointers (DWORD**) and some are user defined types(e.g SomeUDTType objSmeUDTType) and vice versa its pointer(i.e. SomeUDTType *pSomeUDTType).

Now for dynamic method invocation, we have single option for passing parameters as array of object i.e object[] and filling this array statically.

But I need to pass pointers and references and pointers to pointers. For now how can I be able to populate object array as mixed data of simple data types, pointers or references and pointers to pointers.

Working Example:

Native COM exposed method :

STDMETHODIMP MyCallableMethod(DWORD *value_1,BSTR *bstrName,WESContext a_wesContext)
Translated by tlbimp.exe (COMInterop)

UDTINIDLLib.RuntimeCallingClass.MyCallableMethod(ref uint, ref string, UDTINIDLLib.WESContext)
Now calling these methods at runtime using reflection at runtime,

See here :

Assembly asembly = Assembly.LoadFrom("E:\\UDTInIDL\\Debug\\UDTINIDLLib.dll");
Type[] types = asembly.GetTypes();

Type type = null;
//foreach (Type oType in types)
type = asembly.GetType("UDTINIDLLib.RuntimeCallingClass");

catch (TypeLoadException e)
catch (Exception e)

object parameters = new object[3];

Type CustomType = asembly.GetType("UDTINIDLLib.WESContext");
object oCustomType = Activator.CreateInstance(CustomType);
FieldInfo fieldInfo = CustomType.GetField("MachineName", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);

string MachineName = "ss01-cpu-102";
string MachineIp = "";
string Certificate = "UK/78T";

fieldInfo.SetValue(oCustomType, MachineName);
fieldInfo.SetValue(oCustomType, MachineIp);
fieldInfo.SetValue(oCustomType, Certificate);

object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
MethodInfo mInfo = type.GetMethod("MyCallableMethod");
int lengthOfParams = mInfo.GetParameters().Length;
ParameterInfo [] oParamInfos = mInfo.GetParameters();

object[] a_params = new object[lengthOfParams];

int ValueType = 0;

for(int iCount = 0; iCount