المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : WCF Question

C# Programming
04-25-2009, 02:01 AM
Started to read WCF recentenly. I have couple of questions

Suppose I have two classes Class1 and Class2

For Class1 -- IClass1 is the interface
For Class2 -- IClass2 is the interface

How do i expose these interface using one service

address = "net.tcp://localhost:8000/Class1/"
binding = "netTcpBinding"
contract = "IClass1"

address = "net.tcp://localhost:8001/Class2/"
binding = "netTcpBinding"
contract = "IClass2"

My questions
1) in the adress where i used Class1 and Class2
can i use anything for class1 and class2 or should it be Class names or it
should it be servicename ?
2) Every time i expose an interface should i expose at different ports or can i expose at the same port if i expose them at the same port should the binding be different or for the same service can i expose two interfaces with the same port and with the same binding

Iam new to WCF so please let me know if iam not making any sense