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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Variant in VB to C#

C# Programming
05-05-2009, 05:22 PM

I'm just starting to convert my vb6.0 program to c#.net and I have a function in vb6.0 below:

Anyone can help me to translate this in c#.net.

Public Function GetData(SQL As String) As Variant
Dim RST As ADODB.Recordset
Set RST = Conn.Execute(SQL)
With RST
If .State = adStateOpen Then
If Not .EOF Then
If Not IsNull(RST(0)) Then
Select Case RST(0).Type
Case adVarChar
GetData = Trim(RST(0))
Case Else
GetData = RST(0)
End Select
Select Case RST(0).Type
Case adBoolean
GetData = False
Case adVarChar
GetData = ""
Case adDouble, adInteger
GetData = 0
Case adDate, adDBTimeStamp
GetData = InvalidDate
End Select
End If
Select Case RST(0).Type
Case adBoolean
GetData = False
Case adVarChar
GetData = ""
Case adDouble, adInteger
GetData = 0
Case adDate, adDBTimeStamp
GetData = InvalidDate
End Select
End If
Select Case RST(0).Type
Case adBoolean
GetData = False
Case adVarChar
GetData = ""
Case adDouble, adInteger
GetData = 0
Case adDate, adDBTimeStamp
GetData = InvalidDate
End Select
End If
End With
Set RST = Nothing
End Function



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