End Google Ads 201810 - BS.net 01 --> How to delete the URL from cache entry in c#?

While navigating in IE, consider You had open
(1) http://www.google.co.in/ in the browser(IE)
and then You had opened gmail account
(2) https://www.google.com/accounts/Serv...lcache=2&hl=en
and then consider You had opened
(3) http://in.yahoo.com/?p=us
in same ********
After all, If you the generally click the back button when (3) is opened, it navigates to gmail account (i.e., (2) ),
but I want the navigation should be done from (3) to (1) by clicking 'back' button.
How can I achieve this,
If I delete the URLCacheEntry, can it be achieved?
I have to do this in c#,
So I i imported the WinInet funtion from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/libr...83(VS.85).aspx
it doesn't show any effect,
Is there any other way to achieve this?