End Google Ads 201810 - BS.net 01 --> Hi,
I have an application that uses the cluster-api (clusapi.dll) on Windows Server 2003. When I run my application under the Administrator account the call to the method OpenCluster works fine, but the problem is that not all users of my application are in fact administrators and when I call GetLastError after the call fails it says: Access is denied

I realize that someone belonging to the Users group are not allowed to make that call, but I can't find in MSDN (or anywhere else) why this is the case and I'd like to check if anyone knows a way around this.

This code always returns NULL since hCluster is NULL after the call to OpenCluster:

HCLUSTER hCluster;
hCluster = OpenCluster( NULL );
if( hCluster == NULL )
return NULL;

I'm more used to C# coding, but I have written a dll in C++ containing all the cluster functionality I need (and then using that dll in my C# project via p/Invoke).

Any ideas around this would be appreciated.
