End Google Ads 201810 - BS.net 01 --> Hi,
I have CrystalActiveXReportViewerLib11_5.dll for my application. I have used a typed Dataset. In this DataSet there are two DataTables DataTable1 and DataTable2. DataTable1 is used for main report and DataTable2 is for SubReport. When i set DataSource for both DataTable i got a problem. For only one dataTable it is ok.
Any help for this problem is appreciated. It is urgent. My code is like this:

DataTable dtt1 = LoadDataTable();
DataTable dtt2 = LoadFriendDataTable();
CRAXDDRT.Application crxApp = new CRAXDDRT.Application();
CRAXDDRT.Report crxReport = new CRAXDDRT.Report();
crxReport = crxApp.OpenReport(Application.StartupPath+"\\rptHouseLandTaxLetter.rpt",null);

crxReport.Database.Tables[1].SetDataSource(dtt1, null);
//crxReport.Database.Tables[2].SetDataSource(dtt2, null); //error occurred here

this.crViewer.ReportSource = crReport;

private DataTable LoadDataTable()
CrystalReportTest1.DataSet1.DataTable1DataTable dtReport = new DataSet1.DataTable1DataTable();
foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
return dtReport;

private DataTable LoadFriendDataTable()
CrystalReportTest1.DataSet1.DataTable2DataTable frienddt = new DataSet1.DataTable2DataTable();
foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
return frienddt;