End Google Ads 201810 - BS.net 01 --> Error handling implementation in Windows database applications is a must for any Application Developer today. The main idea of error handling is to avoid application crashes by finding out the occurred errors and fixing them. Different programming ********s have different ways of implementing error handling. Microsoft Visual Basic .NET (VB.NET) is the most common programming ******** for developing windows database applications today. VB.NET codes are provided in many websites, books and materials without error handling implementation. In this article I would like to introduce you to the basics of error handling implementation in MySQL/VB.NET windows database applications. I’ll be covering structured exception error handling, which was introduced for the first time in VB.NET 2002. I will also go over the latest technologies of disposing unmanaged recourses in .NET Framework with the Using statement. To write exception errors to a log text file, a generic procedure will be developed while MySQL data is loading, inserting, updating and deleting.