End Google Ads 201810 - BS.net 01 --> can anyone please tell me how to get the printer Job status using PJL command.I used the following command

sendString = String.Format("\x1B%-12345X@PJL \r\n @PJL JOB NAME = \"MyJob\" START = 1 \r\n PJL USTATUS JOB = ON \r\n @PJL INFO USTATUS \r\n @PJL ENTER ******** = PCL \r\n\x1B E . . . . PCL Job . . . . \x1B E\x1B%-12345X@PJL \r\n @PJL EOJ NAME = \"MyJob\" \r\n \x1B%-12345X\r\n");

Is this command appropriate?How to create JOB name or ID ?here I am giving my own name(MYJob)and job id shud b generated by printer or we have to give it while printing the document?Please help me to know the printer job status.