End Google Ads 201810 - BS.net 01 --> Hi All,

I am re-posting this question with some more detail.

In my windows application I am using 'Zedgraph' dll for displaying graph. In my code I am not using multithreading anywhere. On some of the systems (Windows XP) it shows unhandled exception 'System.InvalidOperationException' (object is currently in use elsewhere). And the instead of graph it just shows RED CROSS.

At client side network, if the user is an Administrator then the application runs fine. But if the user is not an Administrator then after few seconds above error is being observed. That means non-admin user can view the graph only for few seconds during starting of the application.
Any idea...

I have googled about this issue but I found that it may be due to Multithreading and I am not using it anywhere.

Any suggestion would be helpful...
