End Google Ads 201810 - BS.net 01 --> Hi, this is my first post on CodeProject.
I searched for months how to do this, but I didn't find anything that works.

Well, I want to connect 2 computers. Just to say "hello world" and receive this.
I used sockets and it works. On LAN.
But I want to do this on WAN.

I heard about UPnP, NAT Transversal; but no one of the examples given works.
For example,
NAT Traversal with UPnP in C#[^] didn't work,
Neither Woodchop.Net.UPnP,
Neither NATUPnP 1.0 Type Library of Chris Pietschmann.

If I can connect these computers with another technology, please, let me know.

Thanks for reading