End Google Ads 201810 - BS.net 01 --> On the server side I have:
public class EventHandling
public static int EventUserID;
public delegate void TimedOutEventHandler(TimedOutEventArgs e);
public static event TimedOutEventHandler TimedOut;

public static void OnTimedOut()
if (TimedOut != null)
TimedOut(new TimedOutEventArgs(EventHandling.EventUserID));
public class TimedOutEventArgs : EventArgs
private int m_userID;

public TimedOutEventArgs(int userID)
m_userID = userID;

public int userID
get { return m_userID; }
public class DataAccess : MarshalByRefObject
public static void IncrementOnlineCount()
if ((int)r["OnlineCount"] >= 5)
r["OnlineCount"] = 0; // This line works
r["Online"] = 0; // This line works
EventHandling.EventUserID = (int)r["UserID"];
EventHandling.OnTimedOut(); // Not sure if event is raised

On the client side I have:
public partial class Office : Form
public Office()
// Subscribe to event
EventHandling.TimedOut += new EventHandling.TimedOutEventHandler(TimedOutRaised);
private void TimedOutRaised(TimedOutEventArgs e)
if (e.userID == UserID) // Breakpoint placed here
MessageBox.Show("You have timed out!!!",

By checking the values in the database I can see OnlineCount go from 0 to 1 to 2 ... to 4 and then back to 0, so r["OnlineCount"] = 0; works, but a breakpoint in TimeOutRaised shows it is never called. What am I missing?