End Google Ads 201810 - BS.net 01 --> Coroutines are a powerful feature of many programming ********s including CLU, Scheme, Python, Ruby, and ICON. Coroutines can save processor overhead and reduce redundancy because they allow you to stop execution of a procedure midstream, return a value, and resume exactly where the procedure left off.This article shows how coroutines can be implemented for the .NET Framework by using the Fiber API and Managed Extensions for C++, and how they can be easily used with other .NET-compliant ********s. This article also shows a sophisticated use of the runtime host for running multiple managed threads on a single OS thread.

Ajai Shankar

<a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/magazine/21882833-6c9e-47b8-af53-2d9d79d8e594">MSDN Magazine September 2003