End Google Ads 201810 - BS.net 01 --> In SOAP Toolkit 2.0, the Services Description ******** (SDL) has been replaced with the Web Services Description ******** (WSDL) and the Web Services Meta ******** (WSML). WSDL and WSML files describe the interfaces to a service and expose COM objects to SOAP clients. This article describes a custom tool, IDL2SDL, which takes an IDL file and produces WSDL and WSML files without waiting for a DLL or TLB file to be generated. Also shown is a customized development environment in which WSDL and WSML files automatically reflect the changes to IDL files.

Carlos C. Tapang

<a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/magazine/7f9e31dd-e25a-4163-b211-ca1133ed6695">MSDN Magazine April 2001