End Google Ads 201810 - BS.net 01 --> When developing high-performance applications for the Web, developers often must choose between performance and ease of development. With ATL Server, new with Visual Studio .NET, developers get the best of both worlds. ATL Server uses a tag replacement engine written in C++, provides a simple programming model, and promotes enhanced performance and easy debugging. This article presents an overview of the ATL Server architecture, then creates a basic ATL Server project. It then goes on to explain processing SRF files, HTTP streams, forms, ******s, and header files. Managing session state is also discussed, along with file uploads and performance monitoring.

Shaun McAravey and Ben Hickman

<a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/magazine/d8d3bac1-5e03-4494-87b5-3302066953d4">MSDN Magazine October 2000