End Google Ads 201810 - BS.net 01 --> Hi friends, I am trying linking a static library build with gcc (libjulius and libsent) with my code in c++ using vc++, I have made some tests.

I create an .a library with gcc, called fatorial.a and their include (fatorial.h) in a folder include so I create a main.c which call a function fatorial(int) which exists in file fatorial.h and their implementation in fatorial.a, so I can compile with cl like this:
cl /Iinclude main.c \link include\fatorial.a
this works fine.

Now with libjulius and libsent I have one folder called julius4 whose structure is showed below
the statics libraries is
theirs include are in
there is an file julius4\libjulius\libjulius-config that when run with argument --libs return the requeried libs
and another julius4\libsent\libsent-config with the same objective, this libs are the libs which exists in libjulius.a and libsent.a respectively, when I run that scripts this returns -ljulius -lpthread -lsent -lwinmm -liconf -lm (-l is the option to search for the library in gcc).

so to compile my code main.cpp with gcc I call it like this:
gcc -Ijulius4\libjulius\include -Ijulius4\libsent\include main.c -o main.exe -Ljulius4\libjulius -Ljulius4\libsent -ljulius -lpthread -lsent -lwinmm -liconf -lm

and this works trying to map to cl I run like this
cl /Ijulius4\libjulius\include /Ijulius4\libsent\include main.c -o main.exe \link julius4\libjulius\libjulius.a julius4\libsent\libsent.a /DEFALTLIB:julius /DEFALTLIB:pthread /DEFALTLIB:sent /DEFALTLIB:winmm /DEFALTLIB:iconf /DEFALTLIB:m
but this find only the lib winmm and can not find iconf.lib m.lib...

Can anyone help me? Thanks.