End Google Ads 201810 - BS.net 01 --> I am making a TCP/IP server which is running as a service. The server listens for incoming client connections acquire data from them and inserts them into a private message queue.
All goes well!!!
Now what i am stuck at, is that i am making a server control GUI based application, which does some settings of this server for installing through an INI file, starts/stop, restarts etc and display some event logs which the service is currently generating. This one side communication also goes well.

The Problem
I wish to send some arguments/ data back to the service while its (running), like if i want to forcibly disconnect some client, so i send an ip:port to the service and does that for me.
i can use custom commands, but they don't take custom arguments. So i need is a simple as possible way to pass data to a service while its running.
And can i make a custom method in a service and access it from a service controller or by any other means.

Any help would be appreciated!!!