End Google Ads 201810 - BS.net 01 --> Ok, so I'm working on a project and it has to analyze an income survey. The statistics for each home include: an ID, # of members in the house, annual income, and state of residence. As data is entered into text boxes, it should be assigned from the text boxes to the elements of a structure.

There are three different reports:

Report 1: A 4 column report that displays input data
Report 2: A two-column report that lists the ID and income of any household exceeding average income. The calculated verage income should be displayed on top of report.
Report 3: Percent of households that have income below poverty level.

Here's the poverty level guidelines:

family size, 48 contiguous states, Alaska, Hawaii
1, 14700, 18375, 16905
2, 19800, 24750, 22770
3, 24900, 31125, 28635
4, 30000, 37500, 34500
5, 35100, 43875, 40365
6, 40200, 50250, 46230
7, 45300, 56625, 52095
8, 50400, 63000, 57960
Add for each
additional person, 5100, 6375, 5865

PLEASE someone help me. I've understood code until this point and it's just because I'm trying to teach myself. I just have no idea what to do. If someone could make the code so I could look at it and understand or even part of the code it'd be much appreciated. Thank you.